perchè ci sono diversi Testa e spalle rialzisti sulle commodity
oro argento platino cotone...
e poi il croc si è girato LONG quindi un rimbalzo fino a 13500 e altamente probabile
ok grazie della spiegazione (l'avevo intuita leggendo sul tuo il T&S schiacciato sull'oro
If there was one catalyst for the market to be "
convinced" of an imminent coordinated liquidity injection, as Zero Hedge
first hinted yesterday, or simply a 25-50 bps rate cut from the ECB as some other banks are suggesting and Spain's ever more
desperate Rajoy is now demanding, it was the overnight battery of European Flash PMI, all of which came abysmal, throughout Europe, the consolidated Eurozone PMI posting the worst monthly downturn since mid-2009, the PMI Composite Output and Manufacturing Index printing at a
35 month low of 45.9 and 44.7 respectively. PMIs by core country were atrocious: France
Mfg PMI at 44.4 on Exp of 47.0 and down from 46.9, a
36 month low;
German Mfg PMI at 45.0 on Exp. of 47.0 and down from 46.2. The implication, as the charts below show, is that GDP in Europe is now negative virtually across the board. Adding insult to injury was the UK whose GDP fell 0.3%, more than the 0.2% drop initially expected. The cherry on top was German IFO business climate, which tumbled from 109.9 to 106.9 on Expectations of 109.4 print, as the European crisis is finally starting to drag the German economy down, or as Goldman classifies it, "a clear loss in momentum." What does it all add up to? Why nothing but a massive surge in risk, as the market's entire future is now once again in the hands of the
#POMOList, pardon, the central banks: unless the ECB steps up, Europe will implode due to not only political but economic tensions at this point. Sadly, as in the US, by frontrunning this event, the markets make it more improbable, thus setting itself up for an even bigger drop the next time there is no validation of an intervention rumor: after all recall what sent stocks up 1.5% yesterday - a completely false rumor of a deposit insurance proposal to come out of the European Summit. It didn't, but that didn't prevent markets to not only keep their massive end of day gains, but to add to them. it is officially:
we have entered the summer doldrums, when bad is good, and horrible is miraculous.