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è positivo se riescono a chiudere sopra i 10400, (una trend partita dai max 14000 k 12 ottobre 2007) se poi passano i 10560 praterie di carta straccia $
LONDON (MarketWatch) -- European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet on Monday said a strong U.S. dollar is important for the stability of the world economy, Dow Jones Newswires reported. Asked at a conference in Madrid whether he was concerned about the current level of the euro against the dollar, Trichet said he considers it "extremely important that the U.S. authorities" say a strong dollar is in their own interests, he said. Trichet has often used similar language when asked about the value of the euro. The single currency traded at $1.4973 versus the U.S. dollar, up 0.8% on the day.
P.s i fondi son lunghi sui Bund ocissimo vogliono pure incrementare ocissimo