Obbligazioni valute high yield TURCHIA bond in usd e lira turca (1 Viewer)


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Obbligazioni in Lire turche - TRY

Apro questa nuova discussione non avendo più trovato la precedente e posto articolo trovato su Bloomberg, che ipotizza un upgrade della Turchia

Emerging Bonds Show Ratings Don’t Matter
(Bloomberg) By Jason Webb and Michael Patterson - Mon Aug 22 11:43:59 GMT 2011 ..

Gains in local-currency debt of developing nations sent yields on the benchmark index to a nine-month low even as bonds of similarly-rated U.S. companies fell this month and the value of global stocks tumbled by $6.8 trillion on concern the economy may stall. Yields have diverged from the VIX index, known as the fear gauge for the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, for the first time since May 2006 and are moving in line with Treasuries by the most in five years, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

If we get a period of lower global growth, emerging- market local bond yields will continue to rally,” Michael Gomez, the Munich-based co-head of emerging markets at Pacific Investment Management Co., which oversees $1.3 trillion including the world’s biggest bond fund, said in an Aug. 17 interview on Bloomberg Radio. “That’s a good place to be.”

While developing-nation bonds sank with stocks and junk- rated company debt as investors retreated from riskier assets in October 2008 and May 2010, fund managers are now treating sovereign debt of Indonesia and Turkey as havens, similar to U.S. and German securities.
This month’s 2.2 percent gain in the JPMorgan GBI-EM Global Diversified Index of local-currency emerging-market bonds compares with a 3.4 percent rally in Bank of America Corp.’s gauge of Treasuries and a 4.3 percent drop in Barclays Plc’s index of U.S. high-yield notes.

Ratings Logic
The advance in emerging-market debt is another sign of the countries’ growing clout in world financial markets and shows investors are looking past the analysis of ratings companies such as Standard & Poor’s, which ranks Turkey and Indonesia BB+, one level below investment grade.

Turkish local-currency bonds gained 2.6 percent this month, while Indonesian debt increased 1.9 percent and Brazilian bonds, rated BBB+ by S&P, the third-lowest investment grade, gained 3.4 percent, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co. indexes.

“Ratings are not logical,” said Jeremy Brewin, who helps manage about $3.6 billion in emerging-market debt at Aviva Investors in London. Both Indonesia and Turkey deserve investment-grade debt ratings as long as the U.S. and some European nations grow faster than recession levels, he said.

Investor Confidence
The governments of Indonesia and Turkey, which can impose taxes or print money to repay their debts, are rated at BB+ for local-currency bonds, the same level by S&P as Birmingham, Alabama-based lender Regions Financial Corp. The bank’s 5.75 percent notes due June 2015 have retreated 6.1 percent this month while the shares tumbled 37 percent on concern earnings will drop as the economy slows. Turkey has a BB rating from S&P on its foreign-currency debt.

Treasuries have rallied 2.3 percent since S&P downgraded the U.S. to AA+ from AAA on Aug. 5. The ratings company, along with Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch Ratings -- which both affirmed their top rankings on the U.S. this month -- engaged in a “race to the bottom” to assign top grades to mortgage-backed securities at the request of the banks that paid them in 2006 and 2007, helping to cause the global financial crisis, according to a report released by a Senate panel in April.

The sovereign borrowers viewed by investors as most creditworthy are rallying this month after worse-than-estimated U.S. economic data, the unprecedented downgrade of America’s top debt rating and signs that Europe’s most-indebted countries may struggle to repay obligations shook investor confidence.

Lower Debt Burden
Developing nations have cut government debt to 34 percent of gross domestic product from 36 percent in 2009 and 49 percent at the start of the decade, according to the International Monetary Fund. Gross debt in advanced countries has climbed to 103 percent of GDP from 93 percent two years ago and 73 percent in 2000, according to the Washington-based fund. Emerging economies will expand 6.6 percent this year, compared with 2.2 percent in developed nations, IMF forecasts show.

The developing world has learned from past crises “to tremendously improve their balance sheets,” said Gomez, whose $9.5 billion Pimco Emerging Local Bond Fund (PELBX) beat 86 percent of its peers this year, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The debt of Brazil, Mexico and South Africa is “attractive,” he said.

The 120-day correlation between yields on the JPMorgan GBI- EM index and the VIX, as the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index is known, dropped to minus 0.1 last week, from 0.5 in May 2010, when a divided response by European leaders on how to solve the debt crisis spurred speculation that Greece and Portugal may default, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

‘Lowest Correlation’
The correlation between the GBI-EM index and 10-year Treasuries has climbed to 0.3 from minus 0.2 in May 2010, the data show. A correlation of 1 indicates they move in lockstep, while a value of zero shows there’s no link and a reading of minus 1 shows they move in opposite directions.

“Local-currency debt generally speaking has got the lowest correlation with risk,” said Natalia Gurushina, the New York- based director of emerging-market strategy at Roubini Global Economics, the consulting firm founded by New York University professor Nouriel Roubini.

While emerging-market bonds are rallying, the gains haven’t matched those of Treasuries and German bunds. The yield on the JPMorgan GBI-EM index dropped to 6.37 percent last week, the lowest level since November 2010, from 6.76 percent at the end of July. The rate on U.S. 10-year notes has declined to 2.12 percent from 2.80 percent on July 29, while the yield on bunds sank to 2.15 percent from 2.54 percent.

Weaker Currencies
The extra yield on emerging-market dollar bonds over Treasuries increased 66 basis points, or 0.66 percentage point, this month to 367, compared with a weekly average of 408 during the past decade, according to JPMorgan’s EMBI Global Index.

For U.S.-based investors, advances in emerging-market debt were eroded as currencies weakened against the dollar. Brazil’s real fell 3.1 percent this month, while the Russian ruble depreciated 5.2 percent and Poland’s zloty slid 4.2 percent. The rand lost 6.9 percent and India’s rupee fell 3.3 percent.

Brazil’s benchmark Bovespa stock index tumbled 11 percent during the period. Russia’s Micex sank 15 percent and India’s Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index dropped 10 percent. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index lost 15 percent.

“We are still in a world where if things go sour everybody goes and buys bunds and Treasuries,” Luis Costa, an emerging- market strategist at Citigroup Inc. in London, said by phone on Aug. 16. “You don’t go ‘Oh my God, the world is coming to an end, let me buy Polish bonds.’”

Biggest Reserves
When global credit markets froze in 2008, yields on the GBI-EM index rose to a record 9.73 percent, mirroring the VIX’s surge to an all-time high of 81. Brazil has experienced boom- and-bust cycles of inflation, currency devaluations and interest-rate swings since the end of military government in 1985. Russia defaulted on $40 billion of ruble debt. Asian nations such as Indonesia suffered currency crises in the 1990s.

The three countries have spent the past decade building up foreign-exchange reserves, with combined holdings of $932 billion, in part to prevent larger swings in their currencies. China has $3.2 trillion of reserves, the world’s top holdings.

Investors added money to emerging-market local currency bond funds during the past two weeks even as they exited positions in global high-yield debt, according to data compiled by Cambridge, Massachusetts-based research firm EPFR Global. The emerging debt funds lured $381 million in the two weeks ended Aug. 17, compared with $8.9 billion of outflows from global high-yield funds, EPFR said.

Rates Outlook
“More and more asset allocators are deciding to put that in emerging markets as a safe haven bet,” Edwin Gutierrez, who helps manage about $7 billion in emerging-market debt at Aberdeen Asset Management in London, said in an Aug. 19 phone interview.

Falling expectations for global economic growth and inflation are boosting the appeal of fixed-income investments, said Murat Toprak, the head of foreign exchange strategy for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at HSBC Holdings Plc in London. Morgan Stanley cut its forecast for global expansion this year on Aug. 18 to 3.9 percent from 4.2 percent. The S&P GSCI Spot Index of commodities has retreated 16 percent from this year’s high in April.

Dim Sum Debt
Yields on India’s benchmark 7.8 percent sovereign notes due in April 2021 have dropped 19 basis points this month to 8.27 percent. Borrowing costs will probably fall to 8 percent by year-end, according to Puneet Pal, a fund manager at UTI Asset Management Co. in Mumbai. India’s index of wholesale prices declined to 9.22 percent in July from 9.74 percent in April.

Yields on Brazilian benchmark fixed-rate bonds due in 2021 fell 65 basis points this month to 12.21 percent, according to Bloomberg data. The yield difference between inflation-linked bonds and interest-rate futures, a gauge of investors’ expectations for annual inflation through 2013, has dropped to 544 basis points from 590 at the start of the month.

In China, the yield on yuan-denominated dim sum bonds sold in Hong Kong has dropped by as much as 40 basis points since November. The Ministry of Finance sold three-year notes at a 0.6 percent yield on Aug. 17 as part of a 20 billion yuan ($3.1 billion) offering. Debt of the same maturity was priced to yield 1 percent in November.

“In lots of countries where we had rate hike expectations we have seen a de-pricing of those expectations and in several markets we have even seen a shift from rate hikes to cuts,” HSBC’s Toprak said in an Aug. 19 phone interview.

Pension Funds
Longer-term gains in emerging-market debt may be fueled by increasing demand from pension funds and other large institutional investors in the developed world, according to Aberdeen’s Gutierrez.

Pension funds in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries have “close to zero” allocations to emerging-market fixed-income securities, JPMorgan said in a November research note. Local investors hold as much as 85 percent of the debt, according to the report.

“Allocations still are very low compared to where they should be,” Gutierrez said. “The amount of potential demand structurally for the asset class remains very high.”

To contact the reporters on this story: Jason Webb in London at [email protected]; Michael Patterson in London at [email protected]

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Gavin Serkin at [email protected]

(spostato qui da una discussione appena aperta ...)
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Valar dohaeris
(ANSA) - ANKARA, 18 SET - La Turchia è pronta a congelare le relazioni con l'Europa se Cipro avrà la presidenza di turno europea prevista per giugno 2012. Lo ha detto il vice premier turco Besir Atalay, secondo quanto riporta l'agenzia Anatolian.

"Se i negoziati di pace (a Cipro) non saranno conclusi - ha detto Atalay, al termine di un viaggio a Cipro nord - e l'Ue assegnerà la presidenza di turno a Cipro Sud", prevista per il secondo semestre 2012, "la vera crisi sarà tra Turchia e Ue. Perché congeleremo le relazioni"

Pessima cosa, questa... :down:


there's nothing left but faith.......
per riflettere tutti insieme, me compreso, se proviamo a vedere un investimento in valuta straniera a TEMPO e non per PREZZO forse qualcosa si riesce a guadagnare sopratutto in tranquillità.
Prendiamo eur-try cambio 2,26 bei 16 7,25% ossia tripla A a 95,8 ossia se portata a scadenza incluso rimborso a 100 da un rendimento del 7,2% netto.
allora son 4,5 cedole annue ossia 32,4% diciamo di cuscinetto da qui al 2016.
Bene ora prendiamo una BEI 16 2,65% in € XS0503331323 a 98,5 ossia a scadenza ci da 2,5% netto quindi moltiplichiamo per 5 cedole annuali visto che scade a marzo per semplificare e sono 12,5% di gain.

Ora sottraiamo 32,5-12,5% abbiamo 20% più meno di gain che è il vero cuscinetto del cambio ossia 2,26+20%= 2,71 ossia fino a 2,71 avremo convenienza ad investire in try rispetto alla stessa BEI in €. Quindi una volta stabilita la percentuale che vogliamo mettere in questo investimento , mettiamo il 10% del capitale. Bene sappiamo che nel 2016 il cambio è sotto a 2,71 noi abbiam fatto un ottimo investimento rispetto alla bei 16 in €. Se ogni anno quando stacca la cedola in try il cambio è sotto 2,71 non ci conviene reinvestire la cedola in try ma bensi in €. Mentre reinvestiamo ogni anno solo se il cambio è superiore a 2,71, sfruttando la legge sugli interessi composti.

Penso che questa strategia a tempo con cuscinetto possa far luce su un investimento in valuta straniera qualsiasi esso sia.
Ossia una volta deciso la % di capitale da mettere in questo investimento e fatti 2 calcoli non ci rimane che aspettare e goderci le cedole. Poi nel 2016 tireremo le somme sapendo però ogni anno quando intervenire e se intervenire ;) ah e ovvio senza nessuna preclusione sul cambio magari tra un anno il cambio è a 3 come a 1, ma a me non interessa io mi faccio questa strategia, intervenendo una volta all'anno se necessario e poi nel 2016 si fanno i conti. Anche perchè investo il 10% del mio capitale in questo caso, quindi anche se il cambio fosse a 10 nel 2016 magari avrò perso il 50% del mio 10% di capitale però sicuramente non avrò perso il sonno perchè equivarebbe a solo un 5% del capitale totale perso in 5 anni ossia ammortizzato 1% all'anno che non è una tragedia visto che l'altro 90% del capitale ha cmq dato un 4-5% all'anno di gain e questa è la peggiore ipotesi che poi si trasformerebbe in opportunità con tassi a doppia cifra dal 2016 in poi ;) ma questo è un altro discorso.

Quindi ripeto all'infinito pensate bene alla percentuale di capitale da investire, e poi fatevi una strategia a tavolino prima di comprare cosi dormite tranquilli e sapete dove sta il rischio ( fallimento della BEI) e dove l'opportunità ossia rivalutaizone dell'eur try e maggiore interesse rispetto allo stesso investimento in € nella BEI 16 ;)

ovvio esistono anche strategie migliori io ne ho proposta una senza studiare l' AT del cambio eur-try. ;)

era solo quasi 6 mesi fa, la lira turca oggi vale 2,52 ma siamo ancora sotto al nostro prezzo cuscinetto e a gennaio staccano le BEI quindi fino a 2,71 possiamo continuare a dormire tranquillamente :D:D:D ovvio è un dettaglio che le BEI in quesitone in try stiano a 101 al momento e quindi da 2,26 +6% = 2,39 esclusa cedola maturata fino ad oggi da aprile ;) ma questo è un piccolo dettaglio, il succo del discorso era e resta che con strategie pensate a tavolino le valute straniere ci fanno un baffo :D:D:D:D:D


Forumer storico
Turkey central bank aims to stem slide in lira

By Yeliz Candemir
ISTANBUL -- Turkey's central bank Wednesday moved to step up efforts to stem an accelerating slide in the lira, which hit a record low this week as investors flee risky assets.

The central bank said it plans to sell as much as $1.35 billion at its regular dollar auction.

The news sent the Turkish lira higher against the dollar. At 0940 GMT, the lira was at TRY1.8725 against the dollar, from TRY1.8773 in Wednesday early trading.

The size of Wednesday's auction is far above the average seen in recent auctions. The central bank started selling dollars in August to shore up the lira. It stepped in more forcefully for the first time on Sept. 20, when it sold $350 million, the second-biggest amount ever.

The move took markets by surprise, but even though it succeeded in pushing the lira higher, economists say more may be needed.

Just before the auction, the central bank also cut foreign exchange reserve requirements to free up liquidity and support the lira.

"It is difficult to stop depreciation of the lira currently, but the central bank's moves are positive and appropriate," said Sengul Dagdeviren, chief economist at ING Bank Turkey in Istanbul.

Others cautioned that the central bank won't be able to keep up selling such vast amounts of dollars for long.

The policy isn't sustainable because the country simply doesn't have big enough reserves to keep selling dollars at this pace, said Neil Shearing at Capital Economics in London.

According to the most recent data, Turkey's foreign reserves were at $84.752 billion in the week to Sept. 23.

Efforts to stem the slide in the lira intensified since central bank Governor Erdem Basci said Friday that further lira weakness would be unwelcome.

Turkey has been bleeding capital as investors are pulling out of emerging markets, which are no longer seen as immune to a deteriorating global growth outlook.

This is a concern because Turkey's growth has been largely financed by short-term portfolio investments. Rampant consumer demand, financed by bank loans and credit card debt, fueled Turkey's impressive growth this year.

More recently though, the economic outlook has darkened. The International Monetary Fund lowered its growth forecast for Turkey, predicting it will slow down to just 2.2% next year.

This leaves the central bank with a dilemma. The darkening growth outlook and accelerating inflation call for a rate cut, but lower rates render the lira even less attractive for foreign investors.


oggi è un altro giorno
by come andate....?????
spero da oggi essere Ripresente nel sito.....

per coloro che prima mi seguivano ...per me non è cambiato niente , come Ptf in Try ho ancotra in carico Bei 7.5% 16 cambio 2.2482 acqste a 96.329


there's nothing left but faith.......
by come andate....?????
spero da oggi essere Ripresente nel sito.....

per coloro che prima mi seguivano ...per me non è cambiato niente , come Ptf in Try ho ancotra in carico Bei 7.5% 16 cambio 2.2482 acqste a 96.329

beh se applichi una strategia simile alla mia non dovresti aver problemi a tenere tranquillamente fino al 2016 :D:D:D:D:D;)
ben tornato ;)


there's nothing left but faith.......
apperol 2,55 il cambio e chi se l'aspettava, mi sa che a gennaio la cedola in lire turche verrà completamente reinvestita se il cambbio sarà superiore a 2,71 come da esempio sopra ;) senza stress e sapendo sempre come pararsi il............portfolio :D:D:D:D:D

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