Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (13 lettori)

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Bos 4 Mod
Mi ha risposto il IR di Bawag:

Dr Mr Pero,
I hope you and your friends are now happy and satisfied.

best regards,

Rainer Henke


Ma come si permette ?!?!?!?
You and your friends ?!?!?!?:lol::lol::lol:

Questo messaggio mi era sfuggito:lol::up::up:


Forumer storico
in passato sono sempre stato molto critico nei confronti di iw
ieri, prima banca on-line, ad accreditarmi il corrispettivo dell'opa del banco
oggi passo l'ordine per le sns e pochi minuti dopo mi trovo già contabilizzata l'operazione :eek:
migliorassero l'operatività otc....


Forumer storico
nibc 512

altro eseguito in buy verso le 16.30 40,50...adesso aspetto vediamo se questo "cadavere" come qualcuno l'aveva chiamata si alzerà


Money Never Sleeps

Dear all,

Thank you all for your email(s) and the suggestions made. Good to see that we also have Italian debtholders.

You may well believe that within our overall policy to arrive at a strong solvency position and adequate funding structure we consider all venues and market opportunities that come our way, including possible exchange offers or buy-backs.

That said, I am not in a position to discuss why we would or would not consider a buy-back operation of specific debt outstanding because this would be regarded providing you with insider knowledge. What I can and will do is bring your email(s) to the attention of our CFO and our director Financial Markets.

Thanks for investing in SNS REAAL and I hope that you will have a good return on your investment.

Best regards,

Jacob Bosscha

Investor Relations
T: +31 30 291 4246
M: +31 6 41 47 03 06
E: [email protected]

Croeselaan 1
P.O. Box 8444
3503 RK Utrecht
The Netherlands


Forumer storico
Bah almeno vediamo se si muovono CFO e compari...
Risposta molto professionale e rapida direi...

Dear all,

Thank you all for your email(s) and the suggestions made. Good to see that we also have Italian debtholders.

You may well believe that within our overall policy to arrive at a strong solvency position and adequate funding structure we consider all venues and market opportunities that come our way, including possible exchange offers or buy-backs.

That said, I am not in a position to discuss why we would or would not consider a buy-back operation of specific debt outstanding because this would be regarded providing you with insider knowledge. What I can and will do is bring your email(s) to the attention of our CFO and our director Financial Markets.

Thanks for investing in SNS REAAL and I hope that you will have a good return on your investment.

Best regards,

Jacob Bosscha

Investor Relations
T: +31 30 291 4246
M: +31 6 41 47 03 06
E: [email protected]

Croeselaan 1
P.O. Box 8444
3503 RK Utrecht
The Netherlands
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