Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (2 lettori)

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100% perpetual
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Please be advised that BANCO COMERCIAL PORTUGUES S.A. ("BCP") is offering to exchange up to a maximum aggregate principal amount ("p.a") of EUR 500'000' 000 in respect of its Series C Preference Shares and Series D Preference Shares combined.
Ratio : for each 1'000 p.a. of C Preference Shares exchanged, shareholders will receive EUR 600 p.a. of either:

a) newly issued fixed rate 9.25% senior notes due 12 October 2014 (ISIN to be determined), or

b) newly issued fixed rate 13% subordinated notes due 12 October 2021 (ISIN to be determined).

The allotment instruments will be issued in minimum denominations of EUR 50'000 and integral multiples of EUR 100 thereafter. Therefore, a minimum p.a. of EUR 83'400 is necessary to participate in the exchange offer.

Hence, shareholders holding a p.a. below that limit ("ineligible shareholders") have the alternative to receive an amount, in cash, equal to the application of the above exchange ratio to the p.a. of their C Preference Shares.

- Both new notes will be issued at a price of 100%.
- Fractional portion of new notes will be paid in cash.
- If more than the maximum aggregate amount of Series C and Series D combined are offered for exchange, BCP will allocate new notes on a prorata basis.
- Accrued and unpaid interest will be paid up to, but excluding the settlement date (12.10.2011).
- Securities presented to the offer will be blocked and no deal will be allowed until the exchange.

Please make your selection and notify your Relationship Manager by the deadline set out below.

( ) Option 1 : Accept the offer, present my C Preference Shares and receive in exchange 9.25% senior notes due 2014
(Please tender a minimum p.a. of EUR 83'400 and in integral multiples of EUR 100 thereafter)

( ) Option 2 : Accept the offer, present my C Preference Shares and receive in exchange 13% subordinated notes due 2021
(Please tender a minimum p.a. of EUR 83'400 and in integral multiples of EUR 100 thereafter)

( ) Option 3 : Accept the offer as an ineligible holder and tender my C Preference Shares for cash

( ) Option 4 : Take no action

Be advised that without any answer from you by 28.09.2011, 14:00 (Geneva time), we will apply option 4 "Take no action".

molto interessante, da quello che offrono in titoli sembra quali lo scambio delle irlandesi.... poi i titoli emessi dallo scambio hanno fatto la fine che sappiamo :down:

ma questa volta offrono anche cash :up:

ovviamente la banca e la situazione sono diverse... le banche irlandesi hanno avuto colossali perdite. BCP soffre per il debito sovrano portoghese ma il bilancio non ha ancora un segno rosso


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Please be advised that BANCO COMERCIAL PORTUGUES S.A. ("BCP") is offering to exchange up to a maximum aggregate principal amount ("p.a") of EUR 500'000' 000 in respect of its Series C Preference Shares and Series D Preference Shares combined.
Ratio : for each 1'000 p.a. of C Preference Shares exchanged, shareholders will receive EUR 600 p.a. of either:

a) newly issued fixed rate 9.25% senior notes due 12 October 2014 (ISIN to be determined), or

b) newly issued fixed rate 13% subordinated notes due 12 October 2021 (ISIN to be determined).

The allotment instruments will be issued in minimum denominations of EUR 50'000 and integral multiples of EUR 100 thereafter. Therefore, a minimum p.a. of EUR 83'400 is necessary to participate in the exchange offer.

Hence, shareholders holding a p.a. below that limit ("ineligible shareholders") have the alternative to receive an amount, in cash, equal to the application of the above exchange ratio to the p.a. of their C Preference Shares.

- Both new notes will be issued at a price of 100%.
- Fractional portion of new notes will be paid in cash.
- If more than the maximum aggregate amount of Series C and Series D combined are offered for exchange, BCP will allocate new notes on a prorata basis.
- Accrued and unpaid interest will be paid up to, but excluding the settlement date (12.10.2011).
- Securities presented to the offer will be blocked and no deal will be allowed until the exchange.

Please make your selection and notify your Relationship Manager by the deadline set out below.

( ) Option 1 : Accept the offer, present my C Preference Shares and receive in exchange 9.25% senior notes due 2014
(Please tender a minimum p.a. of EUR 83'400 and in integral multiples of EUR 100 thereafter)

( ) Option 2 : Accept the offer, present my C Preference Shares and receive in exchange 13% subordinated notes due 2021
(Please tender a minimum p.a. of EUR 83'400 and in integral multiples of EUR 100 thereafter)

( ) Option 3 : Accept the offer as an ineligible holder and tender my C Preference Shares for cash

( ) Option 4 : Take no action

Be advised that without any answer from you by 28.09.2011, 14:00 (Geneva time), we will apply option 4 "Take no action".

Scambio molto interessante, per chi le ha comperate di recente e per chi aspetta che questi ottimi nuovi titoli scenderanno a loro volta.. non ho i dettagli del recente scambio offerto da Bes, ma i termini di Bcp mi sembrano assai migliori, confermate?
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
molto interessante, da quello che offrono in titoli sembra quali lo scambio delle irlandesi.... poi i titoli emessi dallo scambio hanno fatto la fine che sappiamo :down:

ma questa volta offrono anche cash :up:

ovviamente la banca e la situazione sono diverse... le banche irlandesi hanno avuto colossali perdite. BCP soffre per il debito sovrano portoghese ma il bilancio non ha ancora un segno rosso

queste offerte fanno capire che questi strumenti hanno molto valore inespresso.

molto positiva come notizia per le p. in generale.


Nuovo forumer
Probabilmente tastano il polso al mercato offrire opa in questi momenti di crisi invece di call puo essere molto vantaggioso per banche sane visto i prezzi attuali


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Spulciando internet puo interessare :
Credo interessi anche xs0194093844
Please be advised that BANCO COMERCIAL PORTUGUES S.A. ("BCP") is offering to exchange up to a maximum aggregate principal amount ("p.a") of EUR 500'000' 000 in respect of its Series C Preference Shares and Series D Preference Shares combined.

Molto bene, data la situazione l'offerta in cash mi sembra soddisfacente; vediamo se altri, a breve, seguiranno con le offerte...


Bos 4 Mod
Scambio molto interessante, per chi le ha comperate di recente e per chi aspetta che questi ottimi nuovi titoli scenderanno a loro volta.. non ho i dettagli del recente scambio offerto da Bes, ma i termini di Bcp mi sembrano assai migliori, confermate?

Lunedì si fanno fuori a 57-58 e si prende cosa si vuole...:D

(finalmente qualche buona notizia)

Io non capisco cosa aspettino le banche a fare opa sui T1: per loro è una bella occasione di creare CT1 e togliersi un problema per il futuro (la call)


Forumer storico
pensavo di venderli OTC. I MM si stanno allineando a 60

A questa botta di ribasso avendo risorse scarsissime le portoghesi le ho tralasciate in favore di ing e bpce: morale della favola queste ultime sono in perdita mentre chi ha preso bcp se ne libererà a circa 25 punti più su per entrare più in basso su emittenti più tranquilli..
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