Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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le semifinali potrebbero essere italia grecia e spagna portogallo il trionfo dei pigs
Occhio alla call di Generali di MS

Bracing for a Potential Generali Non-Call

Events are conspiring against Generali calling the €6.9% 22NC12s in July, and we remain sellers as a result. Upon a potential non-call, we see risk on the downside to current pricing, its extent being sensitive to possible compensating actions by the group.

We see a strong desire at the group to meet investor expectations and to avoid associated negative headlines: As with other major European insurers and Italian financials, Generali has a strong call track record. By our calculations, the last day the group can issue a call notice is July 5, 2012

But in our view events have reduced the call’s likelihood: The macro backdrop has clearly deteriorated and become more complex, increasing solvency pressures across the European insurance sector, and we have witnessed a change in CEO at Generali.

Plus, market conditions have conspired against an economically priced refinancing, in our view a likely regulatory precondition for redemption approval.

We’re not expecting a non-call accompanied by no compensating actions: We would expect clear communication from Generali (within regulatory constraints) that this is only a temporary move reflecting market conditions – bonds can be redeemed every six months post the first call date. We believe that the regulator may also permit an increase to the bond’s floating-rate coupon (currently 6-month euribor+200bp) to further soften the non-call impact.

Still selling the € 6.9% 22NC12s (bid at 95, YTM of 4.6%; YTC YE13 of 6.7%): We believe market pricing does not capture potential bond extension risks. In the event of a non-call, we can see prices dropping further from here, even assuming only a short call delay to YE13.

Potential pricing downside is hard to predict: Key will be Generali’s subsequent efforts to placate bondholders.
questa call me la sogno di notte....

grosso punto interrogativo

di queste ne ho pochissime, ma mi preoccupo dell'impatto che potrebbe avere su quelle di unicredito e intesa (lt2)
questa call me la sogno di notte....

grosso punto interrogativo

di queste ne ho pochissime, ma mi preoccupo dell'impatto che potrebbe avere su quelle di unicredito e intesa (lt2)
io ne ho prese pochissime a 96 e rotti,se anche callasse tra 6 mesi non sarebbe un dramma,se poi aumentasse la cedola...unicredit 2017 è già bassina pensi che potrebbe perdere molto?
questa call me la sogno di notte....

grosso punto interrogativo

di queste ne ho pochissime, ma mi preoccupo dell'impatto che potrebbe avere su quelle di unicredito e intesa (lt2)

se parli delle 17-18, quelle stanno già ad 80 con rendimenti alla call decenti
questa se non calla va al 2022... a quanto cadrebbe la quotazione?
come notate dice esattamente le stesse cose che dicevo io ieri sul fol..
scenario si: call
scenario no: aumento post call e/o promessa di call imminente

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