Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (10 lettori)

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Grazie Top, lo sapevo perchè tempo addietro l'avevo presa e mollata dopo poco, con discreto gain, comunque facci sapere quando vendi

Stamattina l'ho tradata 16 volte.. sopra 78 la venderei,anche se ha ampi margini di crescita scadendo tra 3 anni..


Forumer storico
Un saluto a tutti , ultimamente sono abbastanza assente , leggendo i vari post , vorrei una conferma : quando parlate di BPM 2015 intendete la 1,702% 2005-2015 ?



Forumer storico
By Howard Mustoe and Gavin Finch
July 27 (Bloomberg) -- Barclays Plc, the British lender
fined for rigging Libor, apologized for its role in the scandal
as it posted first-half profit that beat analysts’ estimates.
Pretax profit excluding one-time items rose 13 percent to
4.23 billion pounds ($6.6 billion), the London-based bank said
in a statement today. That beat the 3.9 billion-pound median
prediction of eight analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.

É la stessa Barclays ? Magari 2 societá con lo stesso nome...:lol::lol::lol::lol:

MA sono fuori questi di Radiocor ?

no ,si riferiscono a dati diversi


Underlying pretax profit rose 13pc to £4.2bn for the six months to the end of June, this is above forecasts of £3.8bn and included the £290m fine from US and UK regulators after it admitted manipulating Libor.

Statutory profits fell 71pc to £759m pre-tax, this included a £450m provision to cover the mis-selling of interest rate swaps and £300m of provisions for PPI mis-selling compensation claims.
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