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German President Gauck signs ratification of permanent eurozone bailout fund ESM

By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, September 27, 5:37 PM

BERLIN — Germany’s president has signed off on the ratification of the eurozone’s permanent €500 billion ($645 billion) rescue fund, clearing its last legal hurdle in Germany.

Joachim Gauck’s office said the head of state signed the European Stability Mechanism treaty Thursday.

The ratification in Germany, Europe’s biggest economy, had been delayed by a court case, but the Federal Constitutional Court cleared the way for it to be signed two weeks ago, adding provisions that were agreed to by other eurozone countries last week.

The bailout fund is key to solving Europe’s crisis. The European Central Bank unveiled a plan to buy unlimited amounts of government bonds issued by troubled countries if they first apply for help from the ESM. Its board of governors will hold its first meeting Oct. 8.


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oggi mi sono convinto che UNI le 2 LT2 le richiama...le uniche che in passato non ha richiamato non sono step-up bensí assomigliano di piú alla struttura di Baca essendo legate al CMS...

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Shizuka Minamoto
Prendetemi per matto ma incremento...

oggi mi sono convinto che UNI le 2 LT2 le richiama...le uniche che in passato non ha richiamato non sono step-up bensí assomigliano di piú alla struttura di Baca essendo legate al CMS...

Se non vengono callate dove vedi il floor? Intorno a 80 per un YTM di circa 4-5%?


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