Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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LME T1 assicurativi e bancari

Grazie Rottweiler :up:::up:
leggendo il tuo intervento mi sono reso conto che avevo le idee abbastanza confuse e che ho posto una questione interessante solo per caso :lol:
Mi rallegro comunque di averti dato lo spunto per un'altra 'lectio magistralis'. :bow:
Ultima modifica:
grazie fabri

di che trasferimento parlate boys ???
Altra operatività Bp :
Sell Credit Agricole @ 85.00
Sell Kbc BE0934378747 @ 98.75
Sell Bpce FR0010814558 @ 106.00
Buy Popolare di Bergamo XS0123998394 @ 85.00
Buy UGF Unipol XS0130717134 @ 70.30
Buy Clondalkin (HY) XS0188274848 @ 88.00
Che prezzi ragazzi................................

Ottimo prezzo per la Clondalkin.. Con chi l'hai presa?
Xs0202259122 - de0006949555 Hypo Alpe

Eccola qui, la versione finale della lettera in inglese per la richiesta OPS alla pari.

Ringraziamo ancora Max che ha perfezionato il testo.

Ricordo che per motivi di riservatezza non mettiamo l’intestazione della lettera e gli indirizzi di posta elettronica di destinazione nella rete.

Gli interessati che desiderano spedire la lettera sono pregati di chiedere l’intestazione e gli indirizzi di posta elettronica di destinazione tramite MP a me o a Maxolone.

The reason I am writing to you is to make you aware of the possibility for Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International AG ("HAA") to propose an offer to exchange Preferred Securities issued by Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) Limited ("HAA Jersey") (ISIN: DE0006949555 ) and Hypo Alpe-Adria (Jersey) II Limited ("HAA Jersey II") (ISIN: XS0202259122 ) for new Tier 2 subordinated notes ( recently proposed EURO 1 Bio government guaranteed notes or other T2 notes to be issued in the future ).

Austrian regulators have recommended HAA to increase the capital by EURO 1.5 Bio by the end of the year and by another EUR 700 Mio by the end of March 2013.

It has come out on the press that HAA has planned to issue a new EURO 1 Bio Tier 2 with minimum denomination of EURO 100,000. This gives an excellent opportunity for HAA to offer to the holders ( who were unable to participate to the repurchase offer in March 2012 ) of the existing Preferred Securities a par-for-par exchange into this new Tier 2 issue.

The benefits for HAA of such an exchange offer could be the following:

a) Creation of nearly EURO 60 Mio of core capital

The existing Preferred Securities have a respective existing nominal amount of EURO 36,540,900 and EURO 23,456,000 that sum up to a total amount of EURO 59,996,900. This amount does not represent core capital as per new Basel III rules. This amount could be exchanged into new notes that can be regarded as core capital thus increasing the capital ratio for HAA both in a quantitative and qualitative way.

b) Costs saving

As a result of a fully accepted exchange offer HAA Jersey and HAA Jersey II could be placed in a winding up procedure and be delisted from the Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Berlin and Stuttgart exchanges. This will contribute to considerable cost savings for the years to come.

At the moment I hold the following securities:

1. XXX, XXX nominal value HAA Jersey bonds (DE0006949555)

2. XXX, XXX nominal value of HAA Jersey II bonds (XS0202259122)

and I would happy to participate to a par-for-par exchange offer of my holdings into new T2 notes.

I would take this opportunity to thank you for the services you have provided and you are providing to HAA in this difficult moment. I am conscious that this moment it is not an easy one for many different reasons but I am sure that you will be able to make HAA a better and stronger bank in the near future.

Thanking you in advance for your attention,

Yours sincerely,

Nome Cognome



1) Le prime lettere sono già state spedite oggi tramite e-mail e via raccomandata postale A/R con la firma originale (attenzione: inviare raccomandate non lettere normali o semplicemente espresse!)

2) chi ha le DE0006949555 non dimenticare che per avere il "nominal value HAA Jersey bonds" da indicare nella lettera bisogna moltiplicare il numero di pezzi 555 nel deposito titoli per 100!
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