.... e volendo andare alla fonte:
Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision endorses revised liquidity standard for banks
La versione in italiano dovrebbe essere disponibile domani.
A prima vista mi sembra poco rilevante per noi, il tutto essendo centrato sui requisiti di liquidità.
Piuttosto attendiamo con una certa impazienza di conoscere la tempistica della CRDIV: da quella dovrebbe venire ulteriore impulso ai perp bancari.
Domani si saprà qualcosa di più su CRD-IV
CRD IV: EP and Council still have to agree on prudential rules
By Manon Malhère | Friday 04 January 2013
The European Parliament and the Council will be continuing in January their protracted negotiations on the reform of prudential rules for banks, CRD IV-CRR (regulation and directive), with the goal of working out a comprehensive agreement as soon as possible. Another political (three-way) meeting will be held on 10 January (date to be confirmed).
After failing to agree under the Cyprus EU Presidency, the EP and Council are expected to wrap up the negotiations on this reform, which adapts at EU level the Basel III agreements on prudential requirements for banks, adopted in 2010 by the Basel Committee (international organisation), including a tightening of capital requirements.
«We were very close to agreement right before the [Christmas] holidays. We hope that the impetus will be confirmed next week and that we will be able to conclude the talks in the coming weeks, possibly even next week,» said a European Commission spokesman, on 3 January.
The fact remains that even with early conclusion of the talks, the EU is already lagging on application of Basel III rules. The Basel Committee makes provision for phase-in implementation between January 2013 and 2019.
The entry into force of the reform (initially slated for 1 January 2013 in compliance with the Basel III rules) «will have to be settled as one of the final points of the three-way talks,» said the Commission spokesman. The question is particularly important for all the European banks targeted by the reform (around 8,500), which have to comply with the new requirements and require legal certainty. At the international level, the United States’ announcement a few months ago that it would postpone implementation of Basel III has created concerns. There is a danger of a distortion of competition between players on opposite sides of the Atlantic.
Before the year-end holidays (see Europolitics 4550), the negotiations advanced on the different sticking points, which include the limitation of bankers’ bonuses, defended fiercely by the European Parliament, liquidity ratios and the leverage ratio (to keep banks from becoming over-indebted).
The question of EU rules for member states’ leeway in terms of implementing the prudential rules «is still open,» Europolitics learned, although there have been significant advances. The main stumbling block concerns rules for such flexibility with respect to application of macroprudential tools or those used to cope with systemic risks, defended by the Commission and EP.