Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (2 lettori)

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Forumer storico
considerazioni a voce alta

sns lt2 2018 price 83, scadenza tra 5 anni e poco più, richiamo certo a scadenza ma emittente traballante; rendimento da cedola 8% lordo, a scadenza 12% lordo.

abbey (leggi santander) tier1 cumulabile price simile 83,3, scadenza simile 5 anni, post call basso libor 6mesi + 1,86%, rendimento cedolare simile 8,3%, rendimento alla call simile 12,3%, denominata in £.

la maggior subordinazione della santander è compensata dalla maggiore solidità del gruppo rispetto alla SNS.
il prezzo è identico
il rendimento cedolare è identico
il rendimento a scadenza è identico

una è denominata in €, l'altra in £.

una rimborsa al 99%, se non fallisce.
l'altra rimborsa ? ad oggi direi di si anche perché è vero che il post call è basso ma il flottante in giro è scarso, solo 27 mln.

quasi quasi faccio testa o croce :D


lupo si lupo no
ho allegerito un po'
kbc 747 101.25
bpce 558 105.25
bnp 319 84.30
groupama 62.75 (di questa mi pentiro' ma ne ho un'altra)
axa 174 77.20
ho incrementato
cnp 247 a 54.2 e un po' di k8 che non fa mai male 51.4


Utente Senior
Bah ieri ho preso la lt2 2018 a 85,oggi la potevo prendere a 83..cmq questi movimenti su e giù sono studiati,leggevo che la news di oggi del no della Ue era di prima del 25 dic..

Ieri qlc sapeva ed è uscito.Azione in recupero..

se è un solo lotto su Luxembourg, penso di essere stato io il venditore


la maggior subordinazione della santander è compensata dalla maggiore solidità del gruppo rispetto alla SNS.
il prezzo è identico
il rendimento cedolare è identico
il rendimento a scadenza è identico

una è denominata in €, l'altra in £.

una rimborsa al 99%, se non fallisce.
l'altra rimborsa ? ad oggi direi di si anche perché è vero che il post call è basso ma il flottante in giro è scarso, solo 27 mln.

quasi quasi faccio testa o croce :D

L'sns se non fallisce è OBBLIGATA a rimborsare,La Abbey può rimborsare,ma può anche non farlo,che ne sai che succederà in futuro?La 5,75% è after call da anni..


Forumer storico
Un altro passo avanti dell'Europa....

Tougher credit rating rules confirmed by Parliament's vote
PLENARY SESSION Economic and monetary affairs − 16-01-2013 - 14:30

New rules on when and how credit rating agencies may rate state debts and private firms' financial health were approved by Parliament on Wednesday. They will allow agencies to issue unsolicited sovereign debt ratings only on set dates, and enable private investors to sue them for negligence. Agencies' shareholdings in rated firms will be capped, to reduce conflicts of interest.

MEPs also ensured that the ratings are clearer by requiring agencies to explain the key factors underlying them. Ratings must not seek to influence state policies, and agencies themselves must not advocate any policy changes, adds the text. The rules have already been provisionally agreed with the Council.

"We are taking some steps forward with this new regulation, fully in line with its basic spirit, which is to enable firms to do their own internal ratings. These should provide viable, comparable and reliable alternatives to those of the rating oligopoly", said lead MEP Leonardo Domenici (S&D, IT).

Set dates for sovereign debt ratings

Unsolicited sovereign ratings could be published at least two but no more than three times a year, on dates published by the rating agency at the end of the previous year.

Furthermore, these ratings could be published only after markets in the EU have closed and at least one hour before they reopen.

Agencies to be liable for ratings

Investors who rely on a credit rating could sue the agency that issued it for damages if it breaches the rules set out in this legislation either intentionally or by gross negligence, regardless whether there is any contractual relationship between the parties. Such breaches would include, for example, issuing a rating compromised by a conflict of interests or outside the published calendar.

Reducing over-reliance on ratings

To reduce over-reliance on ratings, MEPs urge credit institutions and investment firms to develop their own rating capacities, to enable them to prepare their own risk assessments. The European Commission should also consider developing a European creditworthiness assessment, adds the text.

By 2020 no EU legislation should directly refer to external ratings, and financial institutions must not be any more obliged to automatically sell assets in the event of a downgrade.

Capping shareholdings

A credit rating agency will have to refrain from issuing ratings, or disclose that its ratings may be affected, if a shareholder or member holding 10 % of the voting rights in that agency has invested in the rated entity.

The new rules will also bar anyone from simultaneously holding stakes of more than 5% in more than one credit rating agency, unless the agencies concerned belong to the same group.

The Domenici report on the regulation was adopted by 579 votes to 58, with 60 abstentions and that on the directive by 599 votes to 27, with 68 abstentions.


Bos 4 Mod
Da un articolo pubblicato oggi. No comment da parte di tutti.

Jeroen de Graaf, a spokesman for SNS Reaal, said the company is studying options to come to a “comprehensive solution.” No decisions have been made, he said by telephone today. He declined further comment on the report.
Officials at the Dutch Finance Ministry and the Dutch central bank declined to comment on the report, as did ING, Rabobank and ABN Amro officials.

SNS Reaal Falls on Bad Loan Writedowns Report: Amsterdam Mover - Bloomberg


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Da un articolo pubblicato oggi. No comment da parte di tutti.

Jeroen de Graaf, a spokesman for SNS Reaal, said the company is studying options to come to a “comprehensive solution.” No decisions have been made, he said by telephone today. He declined further comment on the report.
Officials at the Dutch Finance Ministry and the Dutch central bank declined to comment on the report, as did ING, Rabobank and ABN Amro officials.

SNS Reaal Falls on Bad Loan Writedowns Report: Amsterdam Mover - Bloomberg
Lo stesso articolo pastato già da cat, grazie comunque :up:
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