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Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinateTutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2
volevo incrementare anch'io ........ ma???
non è che ci sia puzza di bruciato anche qui???
Troppo regalo il 3% a poco più di un mese
chi e perchè può "svendere"???
HSH Nordbank: shipping woes (FT)
HSHN may face a fresh probe by EU competition
authorities after it said it would need to increase the level
of guarantees (against losses) that it has been granted by
its public sector owners from €7bn to €10bn, writes the
** Our view: HSHN has indeed asked for an increase in
guarantee that has yet to be approved by the EC. We
remain cautious on HSHN sub debt including LT2 given
potential EC conditions and losses expected in the next
few years.
HSH Nordbank: shipping woes (FT)
HSHN may face a fresh probe by EU competition
authorities after it said it would need to increase the level
of guarantees (against losses) that it has been granted by
its public sector owners from €7bn to €10bn, writes the
** Our view: HSHN has indeed asked for an increase in
guarantee that has yet to be approved by the EC. We
remain cautious on HSHN sub debt including LT2 given
potential EC conditions and losses expected in the next
few years.
lt2 venduta in buon guadagno,e quasi 10 punti sopra il livello attuale, 2 ore dopo il crollo momento mps e hsh sono i 2 casi più spinosi tra le banche euro.cionondimeno continuo a seguirla e non escludo di rientrare in futuro
lt2 venduta in buon guadagno,e quasi 10 punti sopra il livello attuale, 2 ore dopo l'azzeramento momento mps e hsh sono i 2 casi più spinosi tra le banche euro.cionondimeno continuo a seguirla