lupo si lupo no
calma bos vedrai andrà meglio
p.s. fancul è una classica espressione londinese eh![]()
no, e' gaelico antico significa non ti preoccupare c'e' sempre una occasione basta aspettare con pazienza e pregare gli dei
calma bos vedrai andrà meglio
p.s. fancul è una classica espressione londinese eh![]()
Una notizia, non so quanto gradita, per i possessori del perpetual Wolters Kluwer. Se ne era parlato qualche giorno fa...:
Wolters Kluwer Intends to Issue a New Benchmark Eurobond and to Conditionally Call Its Perpetual Bonds in 2013
Alphen aan den Rijn (February 20, 2013) — Wolters Kluwer, a market-leading global information services company focused on professionals, today announced its intention to issue a benchmark Eurobond in the debt capital markets. Conditional on the successful completion of this Eurobond, the company intends to exercise a call option on its €225 million perpetual cumulative subordinated bonds in 2013.
Wolters Kluwer has mandated ABN Amro, Barclays, Rabobank International, and The Royal Bank of Scotland to arrange a series of European fixed income investor meetings from March 4 to March 6, 2013. A senior, unsecured capital markets transaction of benchmark size may follow, subject to market conditions.
The net proceeds of the bond will be used by Wolters Kluwer to refinance part of its 2014 Eurobond maturity and the call of the outstanding perpetual bonds in 2013. “The current environment with low underlying interest rates also provides an opportunity for attractive financing. On completion, the refinancing exercise will lower our effective interest rate starting 2014.” says Boudewijn Beerkens, CFO and Member of Executive Board.
Una notizia, non so quanto gradita, per i possessori del perpetual Wolters Kluwer. Se ne era parlato qualche giorno fa...:
Wolters Kluwer Intends to Issue a New Benchmark Eurobond and to Conditionally Call Its Perpetual Bonds in 2013
Alphen aan den Rijn (February 20, 2013) — Wolters Kluwer, a market-leading global information services company focused on professionals, today announced its intention to issue a benchmark Eurobond in the debt capital markets. Conditional on the successful completion of this Eurobond, the company intends to exercise a call option on its €225 million perpetual cumulative subordinated bonds in 2013.
Wolters Kluwer has mandated ABN Amro, Barclays, Rabobank International, and The Royal Bank of Scotland to arrange a series of European fixed income investor meetings from March 4 to March 6, 2013. A senior, unsecured capital markets transaction of benchmark size may follow, subject to market conditions.
The net proceeds of the bond will be used by Wolters Kluwer to refinance part of its 2014 Eurobond maturity and the call of the outstanding perpetual bonds in 2013. “The current environment with low underlying interest rates also provides an opportunity for attractive financing. On completion, the refinancing exercise will lower our effective interest rate starting 2014.” says Boudewijn Beerkens, CFO and Member of Executive Board.
chi fa un piccolo riassunto a chi non sa l'inglese?grazie
Una notizia, non so quanto gradita, per i possessori del perpetual Wolters Kluwer. Se ne era parlato qualche giorno fa...:
Wolters Kluwer Intends to Issue a New Benchmark Eurobond and to Conditionally Call Its Perpetual Bonds in 2013
Alphen aan den Rijn (February 20, 2013) — Wolters Kluwer, a market-leading global information services company focused on professionals, today announced its intention to issue a benchmark Eurobond in the debt capital markets. Conditional on the successful completion of this Eurobond, the company intends to exercise a call option on its €225 million perpetual cumulative subordinated bonds in 2013.
Wolters Kluwer has mandated ABN Amro, Barclays, Rabobank International, and The Royal Bank of Scotland to arrange a series of European fixed income investor meetings from March 4 to March 6, 2013. A senior, unsecured capital markets transaction of benchmark size may follow, subject to market conditions.
The net proceeds of the bond will be used by Wolters Kluwer to refinance part of its 2014 Eurobond maturity and the call of the outstanding perpetual bonds in 2013. “The current environment with low underlying interest rates also provides an opportunity for attractive financing. On completion, the refinancing exercise will lower our effective interest rate starting 2014.” says Boudewijn Beerkens, CFO and Member of Executive Board.
Per la parte che riguarda i possessori del perpetual Wolters Kluwer: la società emetterà un nuovo bond e con quei soldini farà alcune cose, tra cui richiamare il suo (o i suoi, se sono più di uno) perpetual.
MILANO (MF-DJ)--Anche se la sterlina sta toccando i minimi da diversi mesi su dollaro ed euro, "sembra fuorviante aspettarsi che restera' su un trend di indebolimento". Lo sostiene Samuel Tombs, economista di Capital Economics, per il quale la divisa sara' sostenuta dal migliore outlook economico per la Gran Bretagna rispetto all'Eurozona. Capital Economics prevede per il 2014 una crescita dell'1,5% in Gran Bretagna e una recessione dell'1% nell'Eurozona, e "questa sostanziale differenza tra le due economie punta ad una sterlina potenzialmente molto piu' forte nel tempo", conclude Tombs. Il gbp/usd e' a 1,5289 e l'euro/gbp a 0,8728. red/gfn