Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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Sono a casa con pop corn e coca cola a godermi lo spettacolo elettorale.

Per curiosità intellettuale (non avendo alcun sub. bancario) , chi ha BBG riesce a vedere come si stanno muovendo le sub italiane ? MPS-UNI-Intesa-BP...


le tlx/mot han fatto una parabola con asse principale più o meno obliquo ... non ricordo più la geometria
Non so che pensare...dove andra' il mercato...stara' da queste parti o si prendera' sciacquata ?

Spero solo in SNS con prezzo di esproprio ragionevole...
Descrizione Titolo. Data val. Qtà nominale. Pm. Pr.operaz.
UNICRED 11/19 ST LOW 04.02.2013 30000 100,00 106,7610167
%coint. Minus/plus proquota. Minus util. Imponibile. Ritenuta
50 1.014,15 0,00 1.014,15 202,83

Chi mi puo spiegare questo prospetto o indirizzare su qualche 3d in cui si parla di capital gain?

Non capisco se devo dichiarare le 202 euri di ritenuta....
Ultima modifica:
Non ho seguito il 3D oggi, ma ho l'impressione che nessuno abbia postato la notizia di questa OPS Voestalpine:

Ad-Hoc News from 25 February 2013

voestalpine: offer to exchange the hybrid bond 2007

- New issue of a hybrid bond by exchanging the existing hybrid bond
(exchange ratio 1:1)
- Issuing volume of up to EUR 500 million
- Offer period: 25/02/2013 to 14/03/2013
- Coupon: 7,125% (until 31/10/2014),
6% (until 31/10/2019; first call date of voestalpine)

voestalpine AG offers all holders of the hybrid bond issued in October 2007 (ISIN AT0000A069T7) to exchange this hybrid bond for a new hybrid bond. The offer is limited to existing holders of the hybrid bond 2007 and serves as an optimisation of the financing portfolio of voestalpine.

Details of the exchange offer, including interest rates and all interest periods, are published on the website of voestalpine AG (voestalpine).

It is intendend to apply for admission to trading of the new hybrid bond on the Official Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange (ISIN AT0000A0ZHF1).

This notice serves marketing purposes in Austria and Germany and constitutes marketing information within the meaning of the Austrian Securities Supervision and the Capital Markets Acts, but neither financial analysis nor a recommendation or advice concerning financial instruments, nor an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy any securities. The exchange offer of securities of voestalpine AG in Austria and Germany may only be made in Austria and Germany on the basis of a prospectus dated June 22, 2012, approved by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), published and notified to the Austrian Financial Market authorities (FMA) and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFIN) including its supplements as well as the final terms, which is available free of charge at voestalpine AG, voestalpine-Straße 1, A-4020 Linz, and which can be reviewed in electronic form on the website of the issuer (voestalpine) and of the Luxembourg stock exchange (www.bourse.lu).
This notice is addressed exclusively to holders of the hybrid bond 2007 (ISIN AT0000A069T7) to whom it is lawful under applicable laws to particpate in the exchange offer and to receive the Exchange Offer Memorandum. In particular, this notice is not adressed to US perosns or to residents of the United States, Great Britain, Belgium, France or Italy or of another country where its distribution or publication would be unlawful. This notice may not be forwarded to the United States nor distributed within the United States and may not be distributed or disclosed to US persons, to general circulation publications in the United States or to residents another country where its distribution or publication would be unlawful.
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