Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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sono OT ma volevo condividere una considerazione sulla notizia di ieri del possibile sblocco dei pagamenti dello stato... stamattina Jpm scriveva così:

Payment of arrears could be a big boost for Italian growth

Yesterday the European Commission released a statement to encourage governments in the region to pay arrears. There are new rules coming into place this month to limit the build-up of arrears, but these do not apply to the outstanding stock of arrears. But, we expect governments to come under increasing pressure to deal with this outstanding stock. The statement says “we need to do all that we can to ensure businesses will be paid for the goods and services they have delivered, also in order to address existing liquidity constraints”.
The statement specifically mentions Italy. It states that Italy should deal with its outstanding arrears quickly. This will involve an increase in public debt, but this will be allowed for within the context of the stability and growth pact. In our view, this is a very important development, which will help the real economy stabilize and start to grow again.
According to the Italian treasury, arrears stand at around €60-70bn (4-5% of GDP). These arrears are largely payments due from local administrations to small and medium sized enterprises. The treasury has spent some time creating a system of certification of arrears to ensure that they are authentic and a process for paying arrears directly to enterprises, rather than through local administrations.
With the European Commission’s authority, the Italian treasury is good to go on the payment of these arrears. In our view, this is hugely important in terms of easing the credit crunch for small and medium sized enterprises. Payment of arrears will add a significant amount of liquidity to the economy, helping growth momentum. The payment of arrears could do much more for the Italian economy in the near term than anything the ECB could do.
We might look to Greece to see the impact. Huge arrears have built up in Greece over recent years and the release of program funds late last year began to deal with this problem. In our view, it is no coincidence that business sentiment has leapt in Greece in recent months and now stands close to the Euro area average. The payment of arrears in Italy could deliver a significant boost to corporate sentiment and growth.
sono OT ma volevo condividere una considerazione sulla notizia di ieri del possibile sblocco dei pagamenti dello stato... stamattina Jpm scriveva così:

Payment of arrears could be a big boost for Italian growth

Yesterday the European Commission released a statement to encourage governments in the region to pay arrears. There are new rules coming into place this month to limit the build-up of arrears, but these do not apply to the outstanding stock of arrears. But, we expect governments to come under increasing pressure to deal with this outstanding stock. The statement says “we need to do all that we can to ensure businesses will be paid for the goods and services they have delivered, also in order to address existing liquidity constraints”.
The statement specifically mentions Italy. It states that Italy should deal with its outstanding arrears quickly. This will involve an increase in public debt, but this will be allowed for within the context of the stability and growth pact. In our view, this is a very important development, which will help the real economy stabilize and start to grow again.
According to the Italian treasury, arrears stand at around €60-70bn (4-5% of GDP). These arrears are largely payments due from local administrations to small and medium sized enterprises. The treasury has spent some time creating a system of certification of arrears to ensure that they are authentic and a process for paying arrears directly to enterprises, rather than through local administrations.
With the European Commission’s authority, the Italian treasury is good to go on the payment of these arrears. In our view, this is hugely important in terms of easing the credit crunch for small and medium sized enterprises. Payment of arrears will add a significant amount of liquidity to the economy, helping growth momentum. The payment of arrears could do much more for the Italian economy in the near term than anything the ECB could do.
We might look to Greece to see the impact. Huge arrears have built up in Greece over recent years and the release of program funds late last year began to deal with this problem. In our view, it is no coincidence that business sentiment has leapt in Greece in recent months and now stands close to the Euro area average. The payment of arrears in Italy could deliver a significant boost to corporate sentiment and growth.

JPM ha scoperto l'acqua calda!!! :lol:
sono OT ma volevo condividere una considerazione sulla notizia di ieri del possibile sblocco dei pagamenti dello stato... stamattina Jpm scriveva così:

Payment of arrears could be a big boost for Italian growth

Yesterday the European Commission released a statement to encourage governments in the region to pay arrears. There are new rules coming into place this month to limit the build-up of arrears, but these do not apply to the outstanding stock of arrears. But, we expect governments to come under increasing pressure to deal with this outstanding stock. The statement says “we need to do all that we can to ensure businesses will be paid for the goods and services they have delivered, also in order to address existing liquidity constraints”.
The statement specifically mentions Italy. It states that Italy should deal with its outstanding arrears quickly. This will involve an increase in public debt, but this will be allowed for within the context of the stability and growth pact. In our view, this is a very important development, which will help the real economy stabilize and start to grow again.
According to the Italian treasury, arrears stand at around €60-70bn (4-5% of GDP). These arrears are largely payments due from local administrations to small and medium sized enterprises. The treasury has spent some time creating a system of certification of arrears to ensure that they are authentic and a process for paying arrears directly to enterprises, rather than through local administrations.
With the European Commission’s authority, the Italian treasury is good to go on the payment of these arrears. In our view, this is hugely important in terms of easing the credit crunch for small and medium sized enterprises. Payment of arrears will add a significant amount of liquidity to the economy, helping growth momentum. The payment of arrears could do much more for the Italian economy in the near term than anything the ECB could do.
We might look to Greece to see the impact. Huge arrears have built up in Greece over recent years and the release of program funds late last year began to deal with this problem. In our view, it is no coincidence that business sentiment has leapt in Greece in recent months and now stands close to the Euro area average. The payment of arrears in Italy could deliver a significant boost to corporate sentiment and growth.

E' come la storiella dei 100 euro...:)

Sono tempi duri, il paese è indebitato, tutti vivono a credito... Ad un certo punto, arriva un turista tedesco. Ferma la macchina davanti all'unico albergo ed entra. Posa 100 euro sul bancone della reception e chiede di vedere le camere per sceglierne una. Il proprietario gli dice di scegliere quella che più gli aggrada. Appena il turista è sparito sù per le scale, l'albergatore prende i 100 euro, corre dal macellaio e paga il debito che aveva con lui. Il macellaio va immediatamente presso l'allevatore di maiali al quale deve 100euro e regola il suo debito. L'allevatore, a sua volta, corre a pagare la sua fattura presso la cooperativa agricola che gli procura gli alimenti per gli animali. Il direttore della cooperativa si precipita al pub per saldare il suo conto. Il barman, dà il biglietto alla prostituta che gli fornisce i suoi servizi a credito da un bel po'. La ragazza, che usa a credito le camere dell'albergo con i suoi clienti, corre a regolare i conti con l'albergatore. L'albergatore posa il biglietto sul bancone della reception dove il turista lo aveva posato. Dopo un po', il turista scende le scale e annuncia che non ha trovato una camera di suo gusto, per cui riprende il suo biglietto da 100 euroe se ne va... Nessuno ha prodotto nulla, nessuno ha guadagnato nulla, ma nessuno più è in debito e il futuro sembra molto più promettente...
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