Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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Is not a perpetual t1 bond.
This is a senior secured bond issued by Magyar Telecom B.V. (Invitel) maturity 15.12.2016 coupon 9.50%.

yes i know that is a senior one.
so you mean there is no possibility to cut payments because it would be a default.
isn't it?

why tier1&2 are getting down today?
is there any possibility to bailout tier 1&2 bond holders?
yes i know that is a senior one.
so you mean there is no possibility to cut payments because it would be a default.
isn't it?

why tier1&2 are getting down today?
is there any possibility to bailout tier 1&2 bond holders?

My friend,
if there would be a default, the risk wouldn't be an interst's cut or skip, but you would have a lot of problems to get your money back.
Tier 1 & 2 are going down for the economic and political situation in the UE.
groupama 414 è scesa un bel po'

groupama si è rafforzata non poco.

ma resta ancora molto esposta a shock mercato.

resta un fondo long solo meno leveregiato rispetto a prima.

imho da seguire attentamente.

ma se si pensa che questo calo continuerà non è da comrpare ora.

se invece si pensa ci sia risalità potrebbe essere bel cavallino
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