Nuova minaccia di iniziativa sui sub di Boi entro l'anno, è inclusa anche la UT2 dei pensionati, la T1 482 è (per ora) fuori. Essendo questa un'emissione del ramo UK (più precisamente Irlanda del Nord) non deve essere (ancora) il caso di testare i poteri della normativa irlandese nelle corti inglesi.. Questa volta il ministro si impegna anche a prendere in esame le considerazioni scritte che gli verranno inviate, ci sarebbe da ridere..
the Minister is considering the powers available under the Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010 as amended ("CISA") to apply for a Subordinated Liabilities Order ("SLO") to generate, from subordinated liabilities, the residual capital required by the Bank by 31 December 2011. The Minister has not yet made any decision on the matter, undertaken the consultation process with the Governor of the Central Bank that is required by CISA, or formed any opinion under section 28 of CISA.
However, the Minister is considering the possibility of applying for a SLO which would write down each or any of the subordinated liabilities listed in the attached appendix by up to 100% from the current principal amount, effective from the date of publication of the SLO (the "Effective Date").
Interest would accrue on the current principal amount of the subordinated liabilities up to the Effective Date and thereafter on the proposed new principal amount. A SLO in these terms would immediately generate up to €0.35 billion of core tier 1 capital for the Bank, thereby ensuring that the Bank would meet its regulatory capital requirements.
The Minister now invites written submissions from interested parties for consideration by him in relation to the possibility of a SLO in these terms being made in respect of the subordinated liabilities of the Bank. Submissions may be made by such parties by e-mail to
[email protected] or in writing to:
Such submissions should include full details of the party's interests in the subordinated liabilities of the Bank, and all information which is considered by that party to be relevant.
Neither the Minister nor the Department of Finance will speak, meet or otherwise engage with interested parties.
If, having considered any submissions made, the Minister determines to proceed with a SLO, whether in the terms described above or in other terms, then he will do so without further notice to interested parties and in compliance with the applicable statutory provisions.
The Minister wishes to advise interested parties that all submissions received will be considered and taken into account, together with all other relevant matters, when considering the steps necessary to make sure that the Bank meets its regulatory capital requirements.
FE Investegate |Irish Deptof Finance Announcements | Irish Deptof Finance: Subordinated Liabilities Order