Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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Guarda, un'altra che non mi dispiace(va) era la Aa Real lt2 tf 7,75 DE0001615557 scad 14/3/18, ma nonostante mi diano lettera <80 nonc'è mai stato verso di prenderla (in realtà ci provo solo da tre giorni)...
Se qcn ci riesce buon per lui...

Per oggi con i titoli liquidi come il Bostik ho finito :D
questa addirittura 3 milioni:eek:
Ciao, prezzi IW ore 12:10:

CA868 69/70,75
BAY LB358$ 38/40
HSH 894 39/40
poi per curiosità ho chiesto prezzi di titoli che interessano a diversi utenti
KBC329 $ 67/72
BCP844 33/36 mi hanno riferito di tentativi di altri... no carta
AAREAL557 nussun prezzo in acqu e vend

Net results impacted by exceptional financial depreciation. Sharp rise in operating income. New strategy centred on ‘Business Line Performance’
Thierry Martel, CEO Groupama SA, stated that: “Our 2011 results can be characterised by huge capital losses on our assets in an adverse market environment yet operational results which are extremely encouraging and positive. We have decided to adopt a new strategy centred on ‘Business Line Performance’ in markets where we are already strong while at the same time reduce our financial risk exposures. We continue to reaffirm to our 16 million policyholders and clients as well as to our 39 000 employees that they are at the heart of our mutualist model which remains modern, vibrant and innovative.”

Commenting 2011, Christian Collin, Deputy CEO Groupama SA, declared: “Certainly our 2011 results have been strongly affected by our exceptional losses in our financial investments especially our exposure to Greek debt and the financial markets slump and the impact on our equity investments. Nevertheless we have demonstrated that our business model remains solid. Commercial success has ensured higher market share and our life insurance business –Groupama Gan Vie, finished the year with net positive inflows and a strong movement toward unit linked savings


che lettere sparano di questa, ragass...;)

A me ieri 79 e stamattina 78,25... Cioè ca 3 punti sotto la sorella tf 6,25 che scade + di due annidopo...

Tra l'altro ieri avevo anche chiesto l'outstanding, ne dovrebbero essere rimasti in giro 40 mln, se non mi ricordo male...
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Groupama come previsto chiude l'anno in loss, il solvency margin al 31/12 appena sopra il 100 % (107)...
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