Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3

Slv lenta per lenta preferisco la Baka 4 punti sotto..:lol: Ad oggi
no dai nooooo, non confondiamo l'oro con l'argento ... regalo per oggi: dati di ieri

Groupe Crédit Mutuel (BFCM SA) reported attributable group net income of EUR 2.7bn vs. 2.2bn in FY12 (+23% yoy), driven by the strong growth of its networks, especially in retail banking but also growth in all of its other segments in banking, insurance and services.
Net banking income (NBI) was +4.8% yoy at EUR 15.3bn, of which 18.2% was from the group's international business(vs. 4.7% in FY05).
NBI profited from a better net interest margin and net commission income
and solid insurance business. Bancassurance contributed >86% of NBI (74.5% for retail
banking and 12% for insurance). Expenses stayed stable at EUR 9.7bn, and the cost-toincome
ratio fell 3pp to 63.3%. Loan-loss provisions rose 10.4% yoy to EUR 1.4bn (+ EUR
130mn yoy). Adjusted for the impact of Greek securities in FY12, loan-loss provisions would
have risen by EUR 164mn (incurred risks of EUR 140mn and unidentified risks of EUR
24mn). The higher incurred risks are due to the crisis concerning corporate and professional
customers. The proportion of doubtful/non-performing loans in gross credits was stable yoy at
4.4%, and the NPL coverage ratio was 61.1% on an individual basis and 66.1% on a global
basis. Crédit Mutuel's core Tier-1 ratio stayed at a solid 14.5%. The CET1 (Basel III – no
transitional or grandfathering phase-in) ratio was 14.2%, and the Tier-1 leverage ratio was
5.6% (Basel III – no transitional or grandfathering phase-in). FY13 saw the full consolidation
of the Belgian entities Beobank/OBK and, in insurance, of the Spanish subsidiary Agrupacio,
which intended to further enter the Spanish market and to provide Targobank Spain and
RACC Seguros with more insurance products. Total lending at Crédit Mutuel rose 2.3% yoy to
EUR 351.2bn. Growth in new loans was driven by the housing market and rose 15.9% to EUR
73.4bn. Housing loans rose 3.5% yoy to EUR 186.7bn. Driven by low interest rates, new
loans rose 41.3% and consumer credit was up 0.8% to EUR 36.3bn – partly due to solid
subsidiaries, especially Targobank Germany, which is now the third largest domestic issuer of
credit cards. Crédit Mutuel reported the following market share: 17.3% market share in bank
credit, 14.9% market share in deposits, second place in electronic payments, second bank for
farmers, third-largest bank for housing loans and third-largest bank for SMEs. Regarding
outlook, Crédit Mutuel said that FY13 profit is mainly to be reinvested into the group.
Impact CM's results are credit neutral, but the substantial decline in loan loss provisions was
driven by the lack of FY12's one-time Greek write-down.
Nevertheless, funding and capitalization remains solid.
bfcm sta partendo, otc ora e' 73,25 . Sempre piu' convinto su questo bond, sempre di piu'.

no dai nooooo, non confondiamo l'oro con l'argento ... regalo per oggi: dati di ieri

Groupe Crédit Mutuel (BFCM SA) reported attributable group net income of EUR 2.7bn vs. 2.2bn in FY12 (+23% yoy), driven by the strong growth of its networks, especially in retail banking but also growth in all of its other segments in banking, insurance and services.
Net banking income (NBI) was +4.8% yoy at EUR 15.3bn, of which 18.2% was from the group's international business(vs. 4.7% in FY05).
NBI profited from a better net interest margin and net commission income
and solid insurance business. Bancassurance contributed >86% of NBI (74.5% for retail
banking and 12% for insurance). Expenses stayed stable at EUR 9.7bn, and the cost-toincome
ratio fell 3pp to 63.3%. Loan-loss provisions rose 10.4% yoy to EUR 1.4bn (+ EUR
130mn yoy). Adjusted for the impact of Greek securities in FY12, loan-loss provisions would
have risen by EUR 164mn (incurred risks of EUR 140mn and unidentified risks of EUR
24mn). The higher incurred risks are due to the crisis concerning corporate and professional
customers. The proportion of doubtful/non-performing loans in gross credits was stable yoy at
4.4%, and the NPL coverage ratio was 61.1% on an individual basis and 66.1% on a global
basis. Crédit Mutuel's core Tier-1 ratio stayed at a solid 14.5%. The CET1 (Basel III – no
transitional or grandfathering phase-in) ratio was 14.2%, and the Tier-1 leverage ratio was
5.6% (Basel III – no transitional or grandfathering phase-in). FY13 saw the full consolidation
of the Belgian entities Beobank/OBK and, in insurance, of the Spanish subsidiary Agrupacio,
which intended to further enter the Spanish market and to provide Targobank Spain and
RACC Seguros with more insurance products. Total lending at Crédit Mutuel rose 2.3% yoy to
EUR 351.2bn. Growth in new loans was driven by the housing market and rose 15.9% to EUR
73.4bn. Housing loans rose 3.5% yoy to EUR 186.7bn. Driven by low interest rates, new
loans rose 41.3% and consumer credit was up 0.8% to EUR 36.3bn – partly due to solid
subsidiaries, especially Targobank Germany, which is now the third largest domestic issuer of
credit cards. Crédit Mutuel reported the following market share: 17.3% market share in bank
credit, 14.9% market share in deposits, second place in electronic payments, second bank for
farmers, third-largest bank for housing loans and third-largest bank for SMEs. Regarding
outlook, Crédit Mutuel said that FY13 profit is mainly to be reinvested into the group.
Impact CM's results are credit neutral, but the substantial decline in loan loss provisions was
driven by the lack of FY12's one-time Greek write-down.
Nevertheless, funding and capitalization remains solid.

Magari le richiamano a fine anno...:D:D:D:clap::clap:

Cmq strong hold su questa. Almeno 75/76 come credit agricole deve valere..
Acquisti di BM Lt 2 2017 aggiornati al 07.03.2014

Fratelli BancaMarchisti LT 2 2017 in ordine di Size :

Russiabond : 26 lotti prezzo 49,50 venduto 2 lotti gain 3 K lordi ;

CDR : 9 lotti prezzo 52,81 1 lotto 2016 prezzo 57;

MAXOLONE : 6 lotti prezzo 52,33 ;

ALE78 : 5 lotti prezzo 53,72 ;

SOLID. SNAKE : 5 lotti prezzo 48,01 ;

SANDRINO1977 : 4 lotti prezzo 51,73 ;

SENIORTRADER : 4 lotti prezzo 61,54 ;

GEKKOZZZ72 : 4 lotti prezzo 53 ;

EDOARDOV : 3 lotti prezzo 54,02 ;

MAURILIANO : 3 lotti prezzo 53,5 ;

LOTARONE : 3 lotti prezzo 53,15 ;

ANGY2007 : 3 lotti prezzo 49,50 ;

L'ESEGESI : 3 lotti prezzo 48,23 ;

BRUNO23 : 3 lotti prezzo 53.53 ;

SASA76 : 3 lotti prezzo 53,47 ;

DIABOLIKO : 2 lotti prezzo 53,495 ;

SESE : 2 lotti prezzo 44 ;

CALIGOLA 2005 : 2 lotti prezzo 42,60 ;

JSCREEN : 2 lotti prezzo 46,75 ;

PERFORMANCE : 2 lotti prezzo 49 ;

SPUFO : 2 lotti prezzo 49,75 ;

FRMAORO : 2 lotti prezzo 48 ;

CHECELAMANDIBONA : 2 lotti prezzo 53,90 ;

FABRIZIOF : 2 lotti prezzo carico 62 ;

NEÒPHYTUS : 2 lotti prezzo 53,25 ;

CARD MARCINCUS : 1 lotto prezzo 44 ;

BOSMELD : 1 lotto prezzo 48,00 ;

ALBERTOCOC : 1 lotto prezzo 60 ;

ARCHMAX : 1 lotto prezzo 47,112 ;


AAAA47 : 1 lotto prezzo 53 ;

GREYFIVE : 1 lotto prezzo 53 ;

CPANDREA : 1 lotto prezzo 52,75 ;

FABRIZIOCO : 1 lotto prezzo 53,19 ;

EMMEGI73 : 1 lotto della 2016 prezzo 55,32 ;

ALBY$ : 1 lotto prezzo 53 ;

STRAVOLTOYEAH : 1 lotto della 2016 prezzo 56,90 ;

DARKOG : 1 lotto prezzo 52,30 ;

DIERRE : 1 lotto prezzo 53 ;

MARTILDE : 1 lotto prezzo 54 ;

A68GIO : 1 lotto prezzo 55,75 ;

Totale 118 Lotti 5.900.000 euri della 2017 3,3 % della emissione e 3 lotti della 2016 .

stima personale con i lurcker e personaggi che lavorano sui fondi H.F. e simili ;) :cool:

arriviamo al 10 %
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