Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3

a me suona come messaggio chiaro e forte ai soci che sono in opposizione al management.... dopo adc ...SE non si riformasse la governance ...(e quindi Bankitalia non rimuovesse add-on) facciamo un altro adc con tutte le conseguenze del caso ...La rimozione degli add-on è un pilastro fondamentale del piano industriale presentato a marzo.

ma i soci in opposizione al management mica partecipano agli aumenti di capitale... che gli importa se ne fanno un altro?
Eurobank Ergasias Increases Capital, a Credit Positive
Last Tuesday, Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (Eurobank, Caa2 positive, E/caa3 stable6
) announced that it had
raised €2.9 billion of new capital from private investors. This capital increase satisfies the bank’s capital
needs that the Bank of Greece mandated, and increases its loss absorption cushion. The capital increase also
reduces the state-owned Hellenic Financial Stability Fund’s (HFSF) stake in the bank to less than 50%,
which removes any constraints on the bank’s strategic decisions. Nevertheless, we expect Eurobank and all
Greek banks to continue facing the formidable challenges of increasing nonperforming loans (NPLs) this
year and next.
The successful capital raise was achieved by offering new ordinary shares mainly to international investors,
who subscribed to 90% of the new shares, and also to local investors, who subscribed to the rest. The
additional capital is also approximately the same €2.9 billion amount that the bank needs to satisfy the
Bank of Greece’s mandate for additional capital on the basis of its stress test results for Eurobank,
announced last March.
The capital raised strengthens Eurobank’s pro forma Basel II core Tier 1 ratio by 771 basis points to around
19% from 11.3% reported in December 2013. It provides a capital buffer of around €4.1 billion relative to
the 8% minimum core Tier 1 ratio under the baseline scenario the European Banking Authority will use in
its 2014 European Union-wide stress test exercise in September. The bank is now better prepared to adopt
the fully loaded Basel III framework, with a core Tier 1 ratio7
of around 10.6% (see exhibit), including the
€950 million preference shares that the government subscribed to in 2009.
The new equity will enhance the bank’s loss-absorption cushion, as elevated NPLs of 29.4% of gross loans
in December 2013, which we expect to continue to increase in 2014, and the resulting high loan-loss
provisions (€1.9 billion in 2013 against pre-provision income of €516 million) suggest that the bank will
remain loss-making this year. Nevertheless, we expect the bank’s improving pre-provision income through
increased revenues, synergies and cost-cutting initiatives, combined with the reducing trend of new NPLs,
will contain losses in 2014 compared to the €1.2 billion reported in 2013.
In addition, we expect the capital raise to reduce the HFSF’s stake in Eurobank to around 35% from 95%,
significantly increasing the free float and expediting the transition to full private ownership. The reduction
of the HFSF’s ownership will also convert its full voting rights at the bank’s board level into restricted
voting rights, removing any constraints on the bank’s strategic decisions.
The bank’s capital raise is also credit positive for Greece’s banking system because the HFSF’s available
funds of around €11.4 billion as of December 2013 for supporting the four largest Greek banks will remain
intact. These funds would be accessible if any of the banks were unable to raise needed capital from private
NAFTOGAZ lettera 89,60 OTC BIM non sò se operativa

BdMarche 2017 bid 76,25 - ask 77,50

corretto l'errore ...77,50 ask :D
Ultima modifica:
Oggi tutti in vacanza?!

Giornata stanca e con pochi spunti. Gaz si mantiene allineata e vicina ai minimi; mi sembra piuttosto ben intonata BPM 9%. Non so i prezzi OTC, ma su lux la lettera si è alzata di un paio di punti..

Ben intonate anche le bei in valute emergenti..
akros lo fa ad esempio
anche bim su certi importi ma e' sempre una scocciatura perche' come diceva amorgos, non c' e' niente di automatico ed e' sempre l' operatore che riprova ogni tanto a dare un' occhiata ai prezzi esposti ed eventualmente a fare enquiry o scrivere in chat

altro pianeta invece avere una banca che e' anche controparte otc e mette i tuoi pezzi in bid ask

in buona sostanza il fatto di poter mettere un ordine multiday dipende dalla volonta' dell' operatore al bbg (ceste pasquali e natalizie favoriscono un buon funzionamento dell operativita' otc)

o capitano mio capitano: hai capito tutto!

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