Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3


Aggiornamento: fatto primo ingresso OTC a 103,5.

Ovviamente ho cancellato il mega-bid su Luxembourg a 104,5 (hanno perso un'occasione)
Ultima modifica:
Chiedete e vi sarà dato...

stavo leggendolo anch'io è onestamente non ci capisco molto
è una UT2 che a scelta della banca può diventare T1 ? :mmmm:
ma forse questo solo sino al 15 maggio 2013, quindi adesso è definitivamente UT2?

Instruments EUR denominated Trust Preferred Securities, (the
"Securities") representing Class B Preferred Securities
which on issuance will be cumulative and treated as
consolidated Upper Tier 2 regulatory capital for the
Bank until and to the extent the Bank elects, prior to
15 May 2013, to qualify all or a percentage amounting
to at least 10%, or an integral multiple thereof, of each
Class B Preferred Security as non-cumulative
consolidated Tier 1 regulatory capital.
Ranking of the Guarantee Subordinated; in respect of the Upper Tier 2
Percentage pari passu with Upper Tier 2 instruments,
senior to Tier 1 instruments; in respect of the Tier 1
Percentage (if any) pari passu with Tier 1 instruments,
junior to Upper Tier 2 instruments.

Capital Payment will be cumulative (Upper Tier 2)
unless and to the extent the Bank decides to treat parts
of the liquidation preference amount as Tier 1, in which
case payments in respect of such percentage will be
non-cumulative (Tier 1).
Tier 1 Qualification
Election Bank can elect to apply alternative terms of the
Securities to the effect that all or a portion (amounting
to at least 10% or an integral multiple thereof) of the
liquidation preference amount of each Security will
become non-cumulative. Bank can take such decision
at any time and on one or several occasions until
15 May 2013
(subject to absence of cumulatively
deferred payments, insolvency proceedings against the
Bank or regulatory prohibition).
stavo leggendolo anch'io è onestamente non ci capisco molto
è una UT2 che a scelta della banca può diventare T1 ? :mmmm:
ma forse questo solo sino al 15 maggio 2013, quindi adesso è definitivamente UT2?

Instruments EUR denominated Trust Preferred Securities, (the
"Securities") representing Class B Preferred Securities
which on issuance will be cumulative and treated as
consolidated Upper Tier 2 regulatory capital for the
Bank until and to the extent the Bank elects, prior to
15 May 2013, to qualify all or a percentage amounting
to at least 10%, or an integral multiple thereof, of each
Class B Preferred Security as non-cumulative
consolidated Tier 1 regulatory capital.
Ranking of the Guarantee Subordinated; in respect of the Upper Tier 2
Percentage pari passu with Upper Tier 2 instruments,
senior to Tier 1 instruments; in respect of the Tier 1
Percentage (if any) pari passu with Tier 1 instruments,
junior to Upper Tier 2 instruments.

Capital Payment will be cumulative (Upper Tier 2)
unless and to the extent the Bank decides to treat parts
of the liquidation preference amount as Tier 1, in which
case payments in respect of such percentage will be
non-cumulative (Tier 1).
Tier 1 Qualification
Election Bank can elect to apply alternative terms of the
Securities to the effect that all or a portion (amounting
to at least 10% or an integral multiple thereof) of the
liquidation preference amount of each Security will
become non-cumulative. Bank can take such decision
at any time and on one or several occasions until
15 May 2013
(subject to absence of cumulatively
deferred payments, insolvency proceedings against the
Bank or regulatory prohibition).

Ho visto solo ora che è diventata T1 e non cumulativa dall'Ottobre 2008, come previsto in prospetto, per scelta dell'emittente.
La perpetua 8% DE000A0TU305 (che dovrebbe essere cumulativa e call 2018) si prende a 106,5 OTC e qualcosina meno su Lussemburgo.

Per ora non ho comprato perchè mi sembra ancora in discesa.

che io sappia non e' cumulativa.....aspetterei a muovermi con DB

Adesso prezza 104-105 ed un cippino ce lo metto. Ti confermo che è cumulativa UT2 senior rispetto ai T1.

Ha ragione Vet, nel Final Term Sheet si legge:

Instruments: EUR denominated Trust Preferred Securities, (the
"Securities") representing Class B Preferred Securities
which on issuance will be cumulative and treated as
consolidated Upper Tier 2 regulatory capital for the
Bank until and to the extent the Bank elects, prior to
15 May 2013, to qualify all or a percentage amounting
to at least 10%, or an integral multiple thereof, of each
Class B Preferred Security as non-cumulative
consolidated Tier 1 regulatory capital.

Però nel loro sito è classificato addirittura tra gli AT1 https://www.db.com/ir/en/content/capital_instruments_prospectuses.htm
mentre nella relazione semestrale del Trust https://www.deutsche-bank.de/ir/en/download/DB_Contingent_Capital_Trust_IV_Report_1H2015.pdf
si legge:

At issuance, Capital Payments were cumulative, as described in the Prospectus. On October 9, 2008, the Bank
notified the Company is making an election to treat all Class B Preferred Securities as consolidated Tier 1​
regulatory capital. Pursuant to the LLC Agreement and as described in the Prospectus, the effect of such​
election is that (beginning with the first day of the Payment Period in which such election occurs) Capital​
Payments become non-cumulative and that the Trust Preferred Securities will be reclassified to the same​
extent. Therefore, Capital Payments are now non-cumulative as described in the Prospectus.

P. S. Leggo ora che mentre scrivevo Joe Silver aveva già corretto :bow:
Ultima modifica:
Ha ragione Vet, nel Final Term Sheet si legge:

Instruments: EUR denominated Trust Preferred Securities, (the
"Securities") representing Class B Preferred Securities
which on issuance will be cumulative and treated as
consolidated Upper Tier 2 regulatory capital for the
Bank until and to the extent the Bank elects, prior to
15 May 2013, to qualify all or a percentage amounting
to at least 10%, or an integral multiple thereof, of each
Class B Preferred Security as non-cumulative
consolidated Tier 1 regulatory capital.

Però nel loro sito è classificato addirittura tra gli AT1 https://www.db.com/ir/en/content/capital_instruments_prospectuses.htm
mentre nella relazione semestrale del Trust https://www.deutsche-bank.de/ir/en/download/DB_Contingent_Capital_Trust_IV_Report_1H2015.pdf
si legge:

At issuance, Capital Payments were cumulative, as described in the Prospectus. On October 9, 2008, the Bank
notified the Company is making an election to treat all Class B Preferred Securities as consolidated Tier 1​
regulatory capital. Pursuant to the LLC Agreement and as described in the Prospectus, the effect of such​
election is that (beginning with the first day of the Payment Period in which such election occurs) Capital​
Payments become non-cumulative and that the Trust Preferred Securities will be reclassified to the same​
extent. Therefore, Capital Payments are now non-cumulative as described in the Prospectus.

Sì, avevamo già chiarito :up: Però mi sembra che sia diventata una 'normale' T1: non mi sembra sia classificata AT1.

Per inciso, il prezzo sembra essere leggermente rimbalzato sui 104 abbondanti.
PS: Anzi no, prezzi di nuovo sui 103-104...uffa!
Ultima modifica:
Sì, avevamo già chiarito :up: Però mi sembra che sia diventata una 'normale' T1: non mi sembra sia classificata AT1.

Per inciso, il prezzo sembra essere leggermente rimbalzato sui 104 abbondanti.
PS: Anzi no, prezzi di nuovo sui 103-104...uffa!

E' una normale Tier 1, ma nel loro sito sono tutte catalogate (vecchie e nuove) tra gli Additional Tier 1, anche se non hanno clausole di loss absorption o clausole di conversione.

Resta comunque da vedere che impatto avrà questa perdita sugli Available Distributable Items


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