Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3

Issuer Solvay Finance SA


Guarantor Solvay SA

Country FR

Industry Chemicals

Instrument rating Moody’s Ba1 neg. / S&P BBB- CW neg.

Expected rating

post-closing Moody's Ba1 neg. / S&P [BB sta.]

Instrument rating

Currency EUR

Instrument Perp NC5.5 | Perp NC8.5

Size €500MM WNG | €500MM WNG

IPTs 5.375% area | 6.125% area

Call Dates 2 June 2021 | 3 June 2024

(First Call Date), | (First Call Date),

2 June 2026 and then every | 3 June 2029 and then every

payment date thereafter | payment date thereafter

Interest Payments Until first call date: | Until first call date:

[ ]% fixed | [ ]% fixed

payable annually in arrear | payable annually in arrear

Thereafter: reset every | Thereafter: reset every

5 years to a new fixed | 5 years to a new fixed

rate of € 5-year mid-swaps | rate of € 5-year mid-swaps

+ initial credit spread + | + initial credit spread +

relevant step-ups | relevant step-ups

Coupon 2 June 2016 (Short First) | 3 June 2016 (Short First)

Payment Dates then Annually on 2 June | then Annually on 3 June

Step-ups 25 bp in 2026 and an | 25 bp in 2029 and an

additional 75 bp in 2041 | additionnal 75 bp in 2044

Settlement date 2 December 2015

Interest Deferral At the Issuer’s option on any interest payment date;

cash cumulative and compounding; Intention (but no legal

obligation) to settle deferred interest after 5 years

Payment Pusher Mandatory payment of deferred interest upon, inter alia,

payment on parity or junior securities, except where

such payment was itself mandatory under the terms of the

junior or parity securities or parity security repurchases

below par

Early Redemption At 101% until first call date, par thereafter in case

Provisions of Acquisition Event, Tax Deductibility, Rating Methodology

Event, Accounting Event

At par in case of Change of Control Event, Gross-up Event

or if less than 10% of initial principal amount

is outstanding

CoC AGM Approval 75 bp compensation applies with retroactive effect from the

compensation Issue Date if CoC clause is not approved at Solvay’s AGM

CoC Step-Up 500 bp if a Change of Control AND Rating Downgrade occur

and the Bonds are not called

Acquisition Event 101% optional issuer call if within 6 months after the

issue date (1) the issuer has not completed the acquisition

of Cytec Industries Inc. and (2) Solvay has publicly

announced that it no longer intends

to pursue such acquisition

Exchange / Exchange/variation in lieu of early redemptions,

Variation subject to certain conditions, including that the terms

of the exchange / variation not being prejudicial to

interest of bondholders

Use of Proceeds Finance the acquisition of Cytec Industries Inc.

and General Corporate Purposes

Ranking Deeply subordinated, pari passu with other outstanding

hybrids, senior to equity

Equity Credit Both Moody’s and S&P expected to assign

50% equity credit to the hybrid instrument

(Moody’s: for life, S&P: until first call date)

Instruments to be accounted for as equity under IFRS

Documentation RegS, Standalone

Denomination €100,000+€1,000

Listing Luxembourg

Governing Law English law, except for subordination of the Bonds under

French Law and subordination of the guarantee under

Belgian Law

Structuring Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley


Global Coordinators Credit Suisse (B&D), Morgan Stanley, HSBC

Joint Bookrunners Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, HSBC,

BNP Paribas, Commerzbank (passive), ING

5Y CDS Senior 84 bps

Emissioni già presenti sul mercato:

SOLBBB 4.199 05/29/49€ PERPETUAL CALL 05/12/[email protected] YTCall: 4.30%

SOLBBB 5.425 11/29/49€ PERPETUAL CALL 11/12/[email protected] YTCall: 5.40%
Issuer Solvay Finance SA


Guarantor Solvay SA
CoC Step-Up 500 bp if a Change of Control AND Rating Downgrade occur

and General Corporate Purposes

5Y CDS Senior 84 bps...

SOLBBB 4.199 05/29/49€ PERPETUAL CALL 05/12/[email protected] YTCall: 4.30%

SOLBBB 5.425 11/29/49€ PERPETUAL CALL 11/12/[email protected] YTCall: 5.40%

Russia non solo sei passato alla diversificazione, adesso posti addirittura le caratteristiche di un bond Solvay... non ho parole... Pensavo ci fossero più probabilità di incontrare per le strade di Altdorf Guglielmo Tell :lol:
Bravo sei sulla strada della "redenzione?
Russia non solo sei passato alla diversificazione, adesso posti addirittura le caratteristiche di un bond Solvay... non ho parole... Pensavo ci fossero più probabilità di incontrare per le strade di Altdorf Guglielmo Tell :lol:
Bravo sei sulla strada della "redenzione?

....mmmmh non direi ...proprio ...me lo son trovato in mezzo alla posta e allora ho postato

Bail-in, intermediari dovranno informare clienti di rischi -Consob | Reuters.com

Ma le ignare vecchiette che hanno già in ptf dei bond che potranno essere soggette a bail-in... Tutto OK!?!?!

Certo che se prima legiferano e poi si pongono delle domande... Boh assurdo

Poi magari spiegate alle vecchiette che non solo i bond ma anche i loro soldi sono passibili di taglio... Tutto OK

Cmq troppo tardi non vi è speranza alcuna

P.s. per tenere 101k€ sul conto... Che profilo mifid devo avere??? Investitore professionale con due master e tre lauree eh eh eh
Ieri intanto accumulato Groupama 513. Prezzo OTC 98,9.

Mi sembra rimasta indietro e sotto la pari il rendimento è interessante.
Ciao Negus ! A new one.........

Issuer: Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.
Instrument: Euro Fixed Rate Reset Additional Tier 1 Perpetual
Contingent Temporary Write-Down Securities
Expected rating: B- (Fitch)
Status: Unsecured and subordinated obligations of the issuer
ranking below Tier 2 instruments in the event of
winding up
Size: EUR500mn (no grow)
First Call Date: 3 December 2020, and on every Interest Payment Date
thereafter (subject to regulatory approval and
provided Prevailing Principal Amount is equal to
Initial Principal Amount)
Issue Date: 26 November 2015
Settlement Date: 3 December 2015
Price Guidance: 7.500% area
Coupon: [x]%, semi-annually in arrear
Reset Spread: [x] bps
Issue Price: [x]%
Denominations: €200k x €1k
Interest: [x]% until 3 December 2020, thereafter reset every
5 years at the then prevailing 5-year EUR swap rate
plus initial margin, in each case payable
semi-annually in arrear on 3 June and 3 December
of each year.
Interest Cancellation: Fully discretionary, non-cumulative coupons, subject
to sufficient distributable items, not exceeding any
applicable Maximum Distributable Amount and to
Solvency Condition being satisfied
Early Redemption: Tax Event (withholding tax) or Capital
Disqualification Event (partial disqualification)
Sub/Var: Upon a Tax Event or Capital Disqualification Event
provided terms not materially less favourable to an
Trigger Event: Transitional CET1 ratio of Bank (individual
consolidation) or Group falls below 7.000% Loss absorption Mechanism:Temporary Write-Down
Bail-In: Statutory Irish bail in powers
Governing Law: English Law (ex. Subordination and set-off under
Irish law)
Listing: Main Securities Market of the Irish Stock Exchange
Documentation: RegS; Preliminary Prospectus dated 25 November 2015
Sales restrictions: US ( Reg S only), UK, Ireland - see prospectus for
Jnt Structuring Advisers: DB, MS
Jnt Lead Managers: BAML, Davy, DB, Goodbody, HSBC, MS
Co Lead Manager: Cantor Fitzgerald
Timing: Today's business
Sub assicurativi

Continua la marcia di Delta con il 9% oltre i 123 e la 4,375% quasi a 91 :up:

Invece Srlev 9% sempre ferma e secondo me indietro rispetto alle altre.

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