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Lui, ricciardi e locatelli i più pericolosi

I cadetti scienziati e consulenti in realtà sono nullità scientifiche che han ben pensato do usare la scorciatoia politica (nn esiste materia più contagiata dalla politica della sanità). Il loca invece è proprio uno sgherri alla Soprano
Tra i 5-11 anni
1 su 8 è grave



Wow! Mai visto tante pagine bianche. o_O
Saranno mica state le notizie provenienti da Hong Kong. :-?
In tal caso sono sicuramente post dove i no-vax rivalutano il loro giudizio sul vaccino mRNA e l'operato della nostra Sanità e del Governo.

Per consolidare questo nuovo clima di fiducia ed ottimismo del thread aggiungo un'ulteriore buona notizia per il nostro malandato Paese.
Trovato questa emanazione del Ministero della Salute che ha l'incarico di rilevare in tempi rapidi eccessi di mortalità.

Usa i dati dell'Anagrafe di 34 comuni italiani sopra i 250.000 abitanti.
L'ultima elaborazione settimanale arriva al 5 Aprile scorso.


Ho tirato le linee che congiungono le ultime 3 settimane con le corrispondenti del 2017-2018-2019.
Si vede che oramai sono linee orizzontali, significa che la situazione si sta normalizzando, nonostante gufi e rematori al contrario. :corna:

In mezzo leggo: There was no difference in survival between the patients admitted with severe disease during the three periods.
Tipo quelli tenuti a casa con tachipirina e vigile attesa?

Poi leggo anche:
As noted by others, the significant change in COVID-19 treatment following the first wave of the epidemic reflected an increasing understanding of its underlying pathogenetic mechanisms (including coagulopathy and hyper-inflammation) and the evidence coming from clinical trials. The use of more effective pharmacological strategies such as thromboprophylaxis [34] and the appropriate use of corticosteroids [35] and remdesivir [36], combined with an overall improvement in respiratory management [37], may therefore explain much of the reduction in the risk of death observed after W1. However, our finding of a further reduction between W2 and W3 is more difficult to interpret because there were no significant changes in patient management between the two periods, and the cause may lie outside the investigated potential confounders. The results of our sensitivity analysis of the possible effect of the intensity of the wave on the risk of in-hospital death suggest that the reduction during W3 may have been at least partially driven by the lower incidence of COVID-19 in Lombardy [22].

It is unlikely that changes in the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 played a role in the decreasing mortality rate over time because, during W2 and W3, there was an increase in the circulation of the alpha variant (B.1.1.7) in Italy [38, 39], and some studies in the UK have shown that this variant is associated with an increased risk of needing critical care and greater mortality than non-B.1.1.7 viral strains [40]. It can also be excluded that COVID-19 vaccination contributed to the decreased mortality observed during W3 because, although W3 overlapped with the early phase of the Italian vaccination campaign, none of our patients was fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and only two had received one dose of vaccine
E adesso chi lo dice a Ciccio? Quanti studi Sull'efficacia dei sieri da lui postati tengono conto di quanto affermato in questo studio?
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