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Venezuela y Cuba realizan "fructífero" encuentro sobre el Esequibo
[FONT="]Ambos estadistas "intercambiaron sobre temas de mutuo interés de la agenda internacional y regional, en particular sobre el desarrollo del ALBA
09-08-2015 01:31:00 p.m. | AFP.- El mandatario cubano Raúl Castro y el vicepresidente Jorge Arreaza realizaron en La Habana un "amplio y fructífero" intercambio de opiniones sobre temas bilaterales y regionales, entre ellos, el diferendo limítrofe entre Venezuela y Guyana, como parte de la gira caribeña que realiza el vicepresidente venezolano.
"En amplio y fructífero intercambio, Raúl y Jorge Arreaza expresaron satisfacción por el excelente estado de las relaciones bilaterales y su desarrollo ascendente", dijo un comunicado oficial publicado este domingo en el diario Juventud Rebelde.
Según medios de prensa venezolanos, Arreaza realiza una gira por naciones del Caribe para explicar la posición de su país en el diferendo con Guyana por territorio del Esequibo. El periplo incluyó Granada, Dominica, Barbados, Cuba y debe concluir en Santa Lucía.
En el encuentro, realizado en la tarde del sábado en el Palacio de la Revolución de La Habana, Arreaza "agradeció la firme posición de Cuba en apoyo a la Revolución Bolivariana y Chavista y a la unión cívico-militar del pueblo venezolano", dijo el texto oficial cubano, que no mencionó el diferendo territorial.
Ambos estadistas "intercambiaron sobre temas de mutuo interés de la agenda internacional y regional, en particular sobre el desarrollo del ALBA, la CELAC y los procesos de integración basados en la Proclama de América Latina y el Caribe como Zona de Paz", agregó.
Venezuela es el principal aliado político y comercial de Cuba desde hace 15 años. Ambos gobiernos sostienen una fluida comunicación y realizan frecuentes pronunciamientos de apoyo mutuo.
Leer más en: Venezuela y Cuba realizan "fructífero" encuentro sobre el Esequibo
Sul tema Guyana noto un tiepido appoggio al Venezuela.
Nonostante tutto vedo il Venezuela 2016 quotare altissimo (IMHO).
[I]Venezuela: Forecasts anticipating more deterioration
We updated our growth and inflation forecasts this week, as published in the Andean page of Global Data Watch.
•GDP growth now seen contracting 8% in 2015
•Inflation seen closing 2015 at 200%
•There is no indication that official data releases will be forthcoming in order to assess these views
Despite a dearth of official data releases, we now anticipate an even direr macro outlook for Venezuela this year. The Central Bank (BCV) has not reported GDP or BOP statistics since 3Q14, or published inflation data since last December. Nonetheless, we understand the technical team at the BCV is still producing the data, and in recent weeks the local press has leaked some figures. In the absence of official reporting we revise our 2015 forecasts to reflect what appears to be even more significant deterioration than we had expected.
On the growth side, the last official data marked a 4% contraction through the first three quarters of last year versus the same period of 2013; we assumed a 2%q/q, saar, decline in 4Q14, implying a 4% full-year GDP contraction in 2014. For 2015, the local daily El Nacional has reported that GDP slumped more than 6%oya in 1Q and more than 7%oya in 2Q.
Without 4Q GDP figures or information on possible backward revisions, it is difficult to analyze these headline numbers, but—all things equal—and based on our 2014 assumption, these data suggest a massive sequential contraction of around 30%, saar in 1Q followed by some stabilization thereafter. Based on this analysis, we revise our GDP forecast for full-year 2015, from a 5.5%oya contraction to an 8% slump.
As for inflation, in June we revised up the 2015 end-of-period forecast to 140% from 125% previously. Last week, El Nacional reported that July inflation was 12.8%m/m, reaching 139% on a 12-month basis. This figure is consistent with tax collection data marking a 140% nominal increase up to June.
Given a complete de-anchoring of expectations on the back of ongoing monetary financing of presumed double-digit (as a % of GDP) public sector fiscal deficits (fiscal data are only partially reported) and a plummeting parallel FX rate, we now anticipate double-digit monthly CPI inflation readings for much of the rest of the year, taking annual inflation to 200%oya in December. However, there is no indication that official data releases will be forthcoming any time soon with which we can assess this view. [/I]
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