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Titoli di Stato paesi-emergentiVENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1
Reuters: Iran crude exports hit five-year high, near pre-sanctions levels
Sep 16 2016, 09:53 ET | By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor
Iran's August crude oil exports jumped 15% from July to 2.1M bbl/day, doubling exports since December and nearing pre-sanctions shipment levels of five years ago, Reuters reports.
The strong demand for Iran's crude in Asia and Europe has enabled it to raise its oil output to 3.8M bbl/day, although the figure is still shy of the 4M the government says is a precondition for discussing production limits with Saudi Arabia and Russia.
"The only way for producers to maximize their revenues in a low oil price environment to meet budget requirements is to raise production. So there is unlikely to be any supply deal... in late September," says IHS analyst Victor Shum.
Crude oil prices fall to one-month lows, as rising Iranian exports and returning supplies from Libya and Nigeria indicate no letup ahead for the global oil glut; WTI -2.4% to $42.86/bbl, and Brent -2.1% at $45.60/bbl.