Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1 (4 lettori)

probabilità recovery

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    Votes: 21 48,8%
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    Votes: 6 14,0%
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    Votes: 16 37,2%

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Forumer storico
for your information:
Venezuela has a very small fleet of tankers,not more than 5 old tankers,which are coasters
Transport of venezuela petroleum is through foreign tankers.
As you must be aware anyone blocking these tankers is clearly defined by international maritime law "PIRACY"
have a nice day and don't worry

This is the last information in PDVSA site:

La flota controlada por PDV Marina en el año 2000 ascendía a 41 tanqueros, 19 remolcadores y 15 lanchas.

Sitio Web PDVSA

If your information is right, how can I trust in PDVSA financial reports?

I don't think is PIRACY not allow tankers to pass from Panamà channel, Venezuela has 2B $ commercial debt with Panamà export operators.
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
Ciao Tommy,

tutti i venezuela tipo questo:

VENEZUELA 7% 31.03.2038 USP97475AJ95

non sono New york law, giusto?


Forumer storico
Io ho dubbi anche su quello,se solo trovassi il prospetto...

Prova a dargli un occhio ... a me risulta dal "report" che abbiamo postato solo il 2015 law Caracas, poi alcuni sono sinkable e altri no.

A mia volta, vi chiedo conferma per il PDVSA 2026 ... son sempre in mezzo ad un sacco di scartoffie ... quando le cerco non le trovo mai ... ho perso anche il link :lol:.
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