Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1

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toni morbidi da parte di Hugo

30 July 2011 Last updated at 01:50 GMT Venezuela President Hugo Chavez in middle class appeal


The Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, says he wants to open up his socialist political project to the middle classes and private sector.
Mr Chavez said his government had to convince Venezuela's middle classes they were needed.
Speaking by telephone on state television, he said he was entering a more reflective period of his life.
Mr Chavez recently underwent cancer treatment in Cuba, but plans to stand for re-election next year.
The Venezuelan leader made his comments a day after he celebrated his 57th birthday, when - appearing in yellow rather than his characteristic red shirt - he told a rally of cheering supporters that he was in no mood to leave office in the near future.
In Friday's telephone interview, Mr Chavez said the treatment to remove a tumour had led him to radically change his life towards a "more diverse, more reflective and multi-faceted" period.
He told his supporters to eliminate divisions and dogma, and end what he called the abuse of symbols such as the term "socialist".
"Why do we have to always have to wear a red shirt?" said Mr Chavez. "And the same goes for the word 'socialism'."
The president cited the example of a mayor in the governing party who inaugurated a "Socialist Avenue", which Mr Chavez described as "stupid".
"We need to reflect and introduce changes in our discourse and in our actions."
Cuban lessons Mr Chavez, who came to power in 1999, said the private sector and the middle classes were "vital" to his political project.
He said it was a shame that attempts to be more inclusive of these groups in society had been criticised by some in official circles in Venezuela.
"Raul Castro is leading a process of self-criticism," said Mr Chavez, hinting that Venezuela could learn from the reforms being undertaken by the president of Cuba, who has made some concessions to the private sector since taking over from Fidel Castro in 2006.
Mr Chavez said his government needed to correct the perception that small businesses would be taken over by the state.
"We have to make sure no-one believes that," he said. "We have to convince them about our real project, that we need this sector and that we want to acknowledge their contribution."
((16 agosto (Reuters) - Il presidente venezuelano Hugo Chavez trasferirà miliardi di riserve internazionali provenienti dall'Europa e dagli Stati Uniti in banche in nazioni come Cina, Russia e Brasile,ha detto un deputato dell'opposizione.
Julio Montoya ha detto in un'intervista con la televisione Globovision che aveva ottenuto i documenti firmati dal ministro delle finanze del Venezuela e il capo della banca centrale rivelando i piani per spostare circa $ 6 miliardi in contanti nei paesi dei mercati emergenti, che sono più amichevoli per le politiche socialista di Chavez.

L'iniziativa sarebbe anche trasferire 11 miliardi dollari delle riserve auree da diverse banche all'estero verso la Banca Centrale del Venezuela, ha detto Montoya.

L'opposizione sospetta che la Cina ha chiesto il trasferimento di riserve per garantire i prestiti massicci che hanno concesso a Chavez nel corso degli anni.
((16 agosto (Reuters) - Il presidente venezuelano Hugo Chavez trasferirà miliardi di riserve internazionali provenienti dall'Europa e dagli Stati Uniti in banche in nazioni come Cina, Russia e Brasile,ha detto un deputato dell'opposizione.
Julio Montoya ha detto in un'intervista con la televisione Globovision che aveva ottenuto i documenti firmati dal ministro delle finanze del Venezuela e il capo della banca centrale rivelando i piani per spostare circa $ 6 miliardi in contanti nei paesi dei mercati emergenti, che sono più amichevoli per le politiche socialista di Chavez.

L'iniziativa sarebbe anche trasferire 11 miliardi dollari delle riserve auree da diverse banche all'estero verso la Banca Centrale del Venezuela, ha detto Montoya.

L'opposizione sospetta che la Cina ha chiesto il trasferimento di riserve per garantire i prestiti massicci che hanno concesso a Chavez nel corso degli anni.

Chissà se compilerà il quadro RW del modello Unico :lol:
E intanto S&P ha effettuato un downgrade del venezuela a B+ con outlook stabile
NEW YORK — US ratings agency Standard & Poor's has downgraded foreign and local currency sovereign ratings of Venezuela Friday, due to the country's political risk.
S&P cut the Venezuela ratings from BB- to B+ with a stable outlook. It said that the decision "reflects our recently revised sovereign rating methodology's heavier weight on political risk, which is a credit weakness for Venezuela."

S&P also states that its decision also took into account the the Chavez government's intervention in the investment and growth policies as well as Venezuela's modest fiscal and external positions.

"In our opinion, changing and arbitrary laws, price and exchange controls, and other distorting and unpredictable economic measures have undermined private-sector investment and hurt productivity -- weakening Venezuela's domestic economy," S&P stated.

"Furthermore, the recent developments regarding President Hugo Chavez's health could add to policy uncertainty."

Chavez has recently returned to Venezuela from Cuba after undergoing chemotherapy and plans to run for a third presidential term.

Venezuela's proven oil reserves are among the highest in the world but production has been faltering in recent years.

The debt downgrade comes at a difficult time of turbulence in world financial markets.
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