Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1 (28 lettori)

probabilità recovery

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Forumer storico
"sarebbe meglio se passa la mano ad altri "
Anch'io ho fatto lo stesso pensiero , ma Maduro ha ancora un forte consenso nel paese o sbaglio? Purtroppo in politica conta il consenso e non quanto vali e se fai bene . Ho ascoltato il video su you tube(pochissime visualizzazioni ) postato da te stamattina, ed anche a me ha fatto specie che Ramirez non abbia nominato il presidente Maduro . Pensavo si sarebbe saliti dopo la sentenza e invece ... Io sono ferma, le cedole le ho reinvestite . D'altronde € 1.098,00 circa mensili di cedole le fanno quasi tutte il ven 27 . Avessi comprato dei fondi cosa mi davano con il capitale a rischio comunque ?

Neanche tanto ... la popolarità è in netta discesa.
Al momento l'opposizione non presenta candidati di spessore, inoltre è divisa al suo interno.

Se ci sarà una soluzione potrà partire all'interno del PSUV.


Scusate , a quanto vengono tassate cedole e gain di pdvsa ? Non riesco a vedere l'informativa titolo e non lo ricordo . Grazie :)

Joe Smith

Nuovo forumer
Perchè con cedola bassa ? Fatemi capire per favore la vostra strategia .:ciao:
Ora il mercato penalizza le brevi scadenze prezzando anche un eventuale rischio insolvenza, che ovviamente si manifesterebbe prima sulle prossime scadenze. In caso poi di ristrutturazione del debito, facile che tassi di interesse più onerosi da pagare vengano presi in maggior considerazione rispetto ad emissioni meno "costose" per l'emittente....ergo essere di maggior interesse per una ristrutturazione.


Forumer storico
Perchè con cedola bassa ? Fatemi capire per favore la vostra strategia .:ciao:

Prima vediamo la settimana prossima come muoverà l'oil ... se punta verso gli 80 ... meglio stare sulla "difensiva".

Cedola bassa, perchè costerà meno ... ed il prezzo assorbe una parte del potenziale haircut.

La faccenda è più vantaggiosa se uno ha in tasca un titolo con cedolona e (al momento) un valore più alto.


Forumer stoico
Exclusive: Venezuela's PDVSA seeks to swap 2016, 2017 bonds- source

By Corina Pons
CARACAS Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:23am EDT

(Reuters) - Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA is preparing a major swap of its 2016 and 2017 bonds to ease looming debt payment burdens, a senior source at the company said.

The company, the socialist government's financial engine, is currently scheduled to pay about $6 billion of debt and interest in 2015, about $5.5 billion in 2016, and more than $7 billion in 2017, according to Wall Street analysts.

That has put pressure on its cash position at a time of falling crude prices.

So it is hoping to persuade bondholders to exchange 2016 and 2017 paper for others maturing between 2020-2023 when it anticipates having a healthier financial position.

"The debt restructuring plan is advanced and could be offered to investors starting from the first quarter of next year," said the source, who is familiar with the plan but asked to be anonymous as he is not authorized to comment publicly.

"The idea is to focus on the debt maturing in 2016 and 2017 because they are the most complicated years. We're just waiting for a better time," he told Reuters late on Thursday.

The Venezuelan government this week paid around $1.56 billion to service its Global 2014 bond VENGLB14=RR and interest, admonishing what it called a "perverse" international campaign to foster default fears.

Some concern had emerged, with bond yields spiking, after the publication last month of an article by two economists critical of President Nicolas Maduro's government, suggesting an orderly default could help the OPEC country's slumping economy.

Wall Street analysts, however, largely disagreed, saying the Maduro government was showing no sign of considering a default and still-strong oil revenues remained an important guarantee despite Venezuela apparently entering recession.

"There are some manipulations out there," Maduro said in a speech late on Thursday, noting that Venezuela had paid its obligations this week 24 hours before they were due.

"Venezuela has not fallen nor it will fall into default. Those who are in moral default, in ethical default, are these professional opinion-givers doing business against our nation ... We are prepared to fulfil all our obligations at every level."

Market sentiment over Venezuela's financial health and future payment possibilities has, however, deteriorated in recent months, with the JP Morgan emerging markets index 11EMJ putting Venezuelan bond yields 14.38 percent above U.S. Treasuries.

That makes its risk perception worse even than conflict-torn Ukraine.

"Optimism in the market over Venezuela has evaporated a lot," said Francisco Ghersi, head of Caracas-based Knossos Fund, which trades only in Venezuelan bonds, saying investors were worried about the government's position two or three years away.

The PDVSA source said the hoped-for bond swap would come after PDVSA cancels its $3 billion 2014 paper VE046054644=RRPS due on Oct. 28. It has already bought "at least the half" of that 2014 debt, using pension fund resources, and also hopes to swap those for other papers, he said.

The socialist government, in power since 1999 under Hugo Chavez who died last year and was replaced by Maduro after he narrowly won election, has never defaulted on its bonds.

It faces average annual repayment obligations of roughly $10 billion in the next three years, between sovereign debt and PDVSA paper, according to Wall Street analysts.

(Additional reporting by Andrew Cawthorne; Editing by Andrew Cawthorne and Chizu Nomiyama)

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Super Moderator
Se lanciano swap, una grossa fetta le hanno già comprate loro e tante altre le compreranno ancora. Sarà un'occasione per vendere e passare ai bond statali: tolto quello in euro che matura a marzo 2015, poi non ci sarà più nulla fino al 2018 (750 milioni)
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