Titoli di Stato area non Euro ARGENTINA obbligazioni e tango bond (44 lettori)


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Come già postato stamattina, la mia sensazione è proprio il contrario, e con WS chiusa qualche furbetto ha approfittato per pescare in profondità.
Se ho ragione verso la chiusura recuperiamo tutto.

Vero non lo si può escludere.
Se invece è vera cautela e smarrimento rimaniamo così impantanati almeno fino a domani a quest'ora aspettando che gli USA ci indichino la direzione.


Forumer attivo
Argentine peso edges up, but falls on black market after currency controls imposed
BUENOS AIRES, Sept 2 (Reuters) - Argentina's peso edged up in early trading on Monday, but weakened in the black market after the country imposed capital controls on Sunday in a bid to protect the beleaguered currency amid a sharpening debt crisis.

The peso opened up 0.42% stronger at 59 per dollar, but the currency weakened 1.56% in unofficial markets to a record low of 64 pesos per dollar, traders told Reuters, an unusual divergence that reflects investor anxieties over the controls.

The South American country's international dollar and euro-denominated bonds also fell to record lows on Monday while its financial stocks tumbled and risk premiums shot up after the currency controls were imposed. (NEWS)

Maurizio Gugliotta

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E chi ci ferma più !!




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Argentine peso edges up, but falls on black market after currency controls imposed
BUENOS AIRES, Sept 2 (Reuters) - Argentina's peso edged up in early trading on Monday, but weakened in the black market after the country imposed capital controls on Sunday in a bid to protect the beleaguered currency amid a sharpening debt crisis.

The peso opened up 0.42% stronger at 59 per dollar, but the currency weakened 1.56% in unofficial markets to a record low of 64 pesos per dollar, traders told Reuters, an unusual divergence that reflects investor anxieties over the controls.

The South American country's international dollar and euro-denominated bonds also fell to record lows on Monday while its financial stocks tumbled and risk premiums shot up after the currency controls were imposed. (NEWS)

Ecco forse 63 intendevi il blue dollar.

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