Obbligazioni societarie Bond 3W Power 9,25% 2015 Euro - DE000A1A29T7

3w power in crollo
Ci sono bad news,adesso cerco di capire
c'è un comunicato sul sito ,pare che vogliano ristrutturare il bond,avvieranno colloqui con gli obbligazionisti

3W Power S.A. initiiert Überprüfung der Strategie- und Finanzlage; Veröffentlichung der Q3 Geschäftsergebnisse Ende November

Luxemburg/Zwanenburg, Niederlande - 29. Oktober 2013 - 3W Power S.A. (Prime Standard, ISIN LU0953526265, 3W9) die Holdinggesellschaft von AEG Power Solutions B.V. (AEG PS), einem weltweit führenden Hersteller von leistungselektronischen Systemen und Lösungen für die industrielle Stromversorgung und erneuerbare Energieanwendungen, gibt bekannt, dass externe Finanz- und Rechtsberater damit beauftragt wurden den Businessplan, die Liquiditätslage und die Ertragsaussichten des Unternehmens zu begutachten. Auf Basis der aktuellen Geschäftslage sowie den Ergebnissen des beauftragten Gutachtens beabsichtigt das Unternehmen die Überprüfung seiner gegenwärtigen Kapitalstruktur, um zu entscheiden, ob Anpassungen erforderlich sind.

Als Bestandteil dieser Überprüfung und zur Schaffung einer soliden Grundlage für die künftige Entwicklung beabsichtigt das Unternehmen Gespräche mit den Inhabern der Unternehmensanleihe (ISIN DE000A1A29T7, 3W9A) über 100 Millionen Euro aufzunehmen. Das Unternehmen wird dazu in Kürze eine weitere Veröffentlichung hinsichtlich der Einberufung einer Anleihegläubigerversammlung vornehmen. Angesichts dieser Vorhaben wird das Unternehmen seine Quartalsfinanzergebnisse nicht wie bisher geplant am 12. November 2013 bekanntgeben können. Die Gesellschaft plant die Veröffentlichung des Geschäftsergebnisses für das dritte Quartal 2013 nebst Statusbericht über die gegenwärtigen Initiativen für Ende November.

Zusätzlich zu der avisierten Abstimmung mit den Anleihegläubigern prüft das Unternehmen Alternativen und Lösungen, um liquide Mittel aus Vermögenswerten außerhalb des Kerngeschäfts zu generieren. Darüber hinaus befindet sich die Gesellschaft in Verhandlungen mit kreditgebenden Banken für zusätzliche Finanzierungen. Das Unternehmen ist überzeugt, dass hiermit die notwendigen Schritte zur Sicherung einer langfristigen und erfolgreichen Geschäftstätigkeit von AEG Power Solutions unternommen werden.

Bene, avanti così :cool:
3W Power SA plans to convene a bondholders meeting

3W Power SA, the holding company of AEG Power Solutions BV (AEG PS), a leading global manufacturer of power electronic systems and solutions for industrial power supplies and renewable energy applications, today announced that external financial and legal advisors have been appointed to the business plan, the liquidity position and to assess the earnings prospects of the company. Based on the current business situation and the results of the report commissioned the company intends to review its current capital structure in order to determine whether adjustments are needed. As part of this review, and to create a solid foundation for future development, the company plans talks with the owners the corporate bond (ISIN DE000A1A29T7) take about 100 million euros. The Company will make this soon another publication with regard to convening a bondholders meeting. In view of this project, the company will discuss its quarterly financial results are not as planned on 12 Announce November 2013. The company plans to release the financial results for the third quarter of 2013 along with status report on the current initiatives for the end of November. Apart from the announced agreement with the bondholders, the company reviews alternatives and solutions to generate cash from assets outside its core business. In addition, the Company is in negotiations with the lending banks for additional financing. The Company believes that with this the necessary steps to secure a long-term and successful business of AEG Power Solutions are made.

(tradotto con Google Translator da finanzen.ch)
3W Power SA plans to convene a bondholders meeting

3W Power SA, the holding company of AEG Power Solutions BV (AEG PS), a leading global manufacturer of power electronic systems and solutions for industrial power supplies and renewable energy applications, today announced that external financial and legal advisors have been appointed to the business plan, the liquidity position and to assess the earnings prospects of the company. Based on the current business situation and the results of the report commissioned the company intends to review its current capital structure in order to determine whether adjustments are needed. As part of this review, and to create a solid foundation for future development, the company plans talks with the owners the corporate bond (ISIN DE000A1A29T7) take about 100 million euros. The Company will make this soon another publication with regard to convening a bondholders meeting. In view of this project, the company will discuss its quarterly financial results are not as planned on 12 Announce November 2013. The company plans to release the financial results for the third quarter of 2013 along with status report on the current initiatives for the end of November. Apart from the announced agreement with the bondholders, the company reviews alternatives and solutions to generate cash from assets outside its core business. In addition, the Company is in negotiations with the lending banks for additional financing. The Company believes that with this the necessary steps to secure a long-term and successful business of AEG Power Solutions are made.

(tradotto con Google Translator da finanzen.ch)

Stile solarworld
I bond hanno in pancia 11 mesi di rateo,ammesso che la cedola verrà pagata,e non credo ,bisognerà vedere come si comporteranno le controparti,possibile che già da domani possa trattare senza rateo.
I bond hanno in pancia 11 mesi di rateo,ammesso che la cedola verrà pagata,e non credo ,bisognerà vedere come si comporteranno le controparti,possibile che già da domani possa trattare senza rateo.
se non pagano la cedola è default. nel comunicato parlano di un meeting con i bond holders. il pagamento cedola è il 1 dicembre. mi sembra tardi per convocare gli obbligazionisti e raggiungere un eventuale accordo prima del 1/12.
chiedo ad un moderatore se sia il caso di spostare tutti i post 3W power in un thread apposito.. visto che, se diventa la nuova solarworld, sarebbe interessante da seguire.. che ne pensatE?
mi spiace per chi detiene i bond, ma noto adesso che 3w power è un'altro dispiacere di provenienza crucco-olandese.... quelli alti e biondi che poi fanno i soloni

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