Oggi mi hanno scritto questo:
Dear Sir or Madam,
3W Power S.A. is inviting you to the final meeting of the bondholders of the 2010/2015 9.25% bond ISIN: DE000A1A29T7 / WKN: A1A29T on 18 December 2013 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Against the background that the first bondholders' meeting on 25 November 2013 was not able to pass any resolutions due to the lack of quorum, the creditors will have a last chance to save their investment. In order to create a solid basis for the future development of the company's business, on the bondholders meeting the legal requirements shall be fulfilled to at least defer the upcoming coupon payment due on 1 December 2013 and to restructure the bond.
To protect your investment, it is necessary that the bondholders at the bondholders meeting either personally or by authorisation of a proxy make use of their vote. In the case that less than 25 per cent. of the issued bond capital are present or represented at the upcoming meeting, the legal quorum to pass the proposed resolution subject no. 2 would not be reached. Since only few of the investors could be identified and contacted so far, we want to address you with this letter. It is important that EVERY bondholder vote is present or represented at the meeting.
Save your investment in 3W Power!
The entire documentation for the bondholders' meeting can be found on the website of 3W Power S.A. under
Home | AEG Power Solutions. On the following page you can grant power of attorney with respective instructions to the issuer proxy if you can not attend personally. If you want to do so, please make sure to also attach the Special Confirmation with Blocking Notice of your depository bank, otherwise your vote would not be valid. The blocking notice from the previous meeting is not valid any more.
Term of registration: The registration is due at the address stated on the following page no later than Sunday, 15 December 2013 and can also be effected with the attached form.
Haubrok Corporate Events GmbH
"3W Power/AEG Power Solutions Creditors' Meeting"
Landshuter Allee 10
80637 Munich
Fax: +49 (0)89/210 27 298
[email protected]
Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Lothar Sindel
Haubrok Corporate Events GmbH
Landshuter Allee 10
80637 München
T 089 21027 234
F 089 21027 298
M 0176 12 10 27 08
[email protected]
Amtsgericht München - HRB 186658 - Ust.-ID: DE266995040 - Geschäftsführung: Axel Haubrok, Bernhard Orlik, Torsten Fues, Claudia Schneckenburger
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