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ROMA (Reuters) - La Bce ha chiesto ad alcune delle banche che hanno presentato i piani per coprire gli shortfall alcuni aggiustamenti ed in alcuni casi il deficit di capitale è solo la punta dell'iceberg.
A spiegarlo è Ignazio Angeloni, membro del consiglio di supervisione della Banca centrale europea.
"Abbiamo ricevuto i piani di copertura degli shortfall dalle banche e li stiamo valutando. Per alcuni di questi abbiamo chiesto aggiustamenti che sono stati fatti o sono in procinto di esserlo", ha spiegato Angeloni durante un convegno, sottolineando che "il supervisory board assieme allo staff formato da rappresentanti Bce e delle autorità nazionali sono impegnati nell'analisi per dare una valutazione dell'adeguatezza degli strumenti usati per coprire questi shortfall".
"Dobbiamo anche considerare che in molti casi lo shortfall è solo la punta dell'iceberg", ha aggiunto Angeloni.
Angeloni ha quindi spiegato che la valutazione del consiglio di supervisione prenderà in esame i modelli di business, la governance, i sistemi interni di controllo, la gestione dei rischi di credito e operativi.
"Quindi mentre il comprehensive assesment è stato focalizzato sul capitale, ora l'azione di supervisione conseguente deve andare alla radice dei problemi che chiamano in causa i modelli di business, il contesto di business, la governance, i sistemi interni di controllo delle banche, la gestione dei rischi di credito e operativi", ha spiegato.
"Così nel 2015, nel passare alla supervisione copriremo tutti questi aspetti. In particolare per prima cosa abbiamo un piano per esaminare i modelli interni di valutazione dei rischi, perché ci sono molte differenze a livello nazionale ed è importante avere un campo di gioco livellato", ha concluso.
Ferrari SpA is considering moving its fiscal residence outside Italy to save on corporate taxes as the supercar maker prepares for its spinoff from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV (FCAU), people familiar with the matter said.
The manufacturer, which uses the colors of the Italian flag in its logo, may follow in the footsteps of its parent Fiat Chrysler, which is registered in the Netherlands, listed on the New York Stock Exchange and based in London for tax reasons, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the discussions are private.
Other options including keeping its Italian residency are still on the table, and a shift in its fiscal base wouldn’t affect its manufacturing and engineering operations in Maranello, about 190 kilometers (118 miles) south of Milan, the people said. A final decision will be made in coming months, the people said. Fiat Chrysler representatives declined to comment.
Ferrari shifting its corporate headquarters outside Italy would represent a symbolic blow for the country, which is struggling to end a cycle of recessions. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is attempting to push through labor and tax reforms to make the Italian economy more competitive.
Photographer: Alessia Pierdomenico/Bloomberg The manufacturer, which uses the colors of the Italian flag in its logo, may follow in... Read More

Those efforts have already come too late for Fiat Chrysler and CNH Industrial NV, the truck and tractor maker spun off from Fiat in 2011. Both companies have already moved their headquarters to the U.K. from Italy.
PC prices are the lowest they've ever been this holiday season. But even after the deals end, cheap PCs will be around for a long time.

Concerned about the long-term impact of fading PC sales on its cash cow Windows and Office businesses, Microsoft has loosened its grip a bit on PC makers. That's why Windows PCs have slipped below the $200 mark recently. Walmart (WMT) even sold a $99 PC-tablet on Black Friday.
Microsoft's Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner acknowledged that Microsoft has been charging PC manufacturers less to install Windows on their computers at the Credit Suisse Technology Conference in Scottsdale, Ariz., last week.
Microsoft has historically charged PC makers about $50 per Windows license. But PCs are an incredibly low-margin business; you can't sell a $200 PC if Microsoft is going to be pocketing a quarter of the price.
Related: Should you buy the $99 PC from Walmart?
Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30) hasn't announced pricing for Windows 10 yet, which isn't expected to debut until late 2015. Even though Turner said Microsoft refuses to make Windows 10 "a loss leader," he conceded that things will have to change.
"We've got to monetize it differently," Turner said about Windows. "It's a very fascinating transition for us and [we're] finding new ways to monetize the lifetime of that customer on those devices."
As Windows revenue shrinks along with declining PC prices, Turner said Microsoft expects to make up the difference by selling PC owners subscriptions to Office 365, OneDrive cloud storage and other Microsoft-owned services.

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