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October 10, 2009
October 2009 Stock Market Crash Ahead
by Dan Basch

Technicals indicate a 1987-style stock market crash is anticipated for the current month. The Rising Wedge pattern on today's DJIA daily chart is technically perfect as was the 1987 Nasdaq weekly chart before the crash of that fateful year. Soon, I anticipate opening a position in QID to take advantage of this event.
Observe how the technicals repeat, this time on a daily chart:

Compare to the multi-year weekly chart of the Nasdaq in 1987:

Compare to the multi-year weekly chart of the Nasdaq in 1987:

I am not a professional investment advisor, consult one if you would like. My advice


Forumer storico
ctober 10, 2009
October 2009 Stock Market Crash Ahead
by Dan Basch
Technicals indicate a 1987-style stock market crash is anticipated for the current month. The Rising Wedge pattern on today's DJIA daily chart is technically perfect as was the 1987 Nasdaq weekly chart before the crash of that fateful year. Soon, I anticipate opening a position in QID to take advantage of this event.
Observe how the technicals repeat, this time on a daily chart:

Compare to the multi-year weekly chart of the Nasdaq in 1987:

I am not a professional investment advisor


araldo spaziale
dopo sta battuta mi rimetto a giocare con l xbox :lol::lol::lol:

egregio dott cav comm Ziga

è con grande umilà e rispetto che la disturbo durante le vostre
nobili e filantrope attività per porvi codesta questione:

"se sti infamacci zozzi mò rimbalzano un poketto
poi dovendo scenne a kiude sto c86 intorno al 10 novembre
che fanno:-?.......precipitano per arrivvà ai 21500 che ipotizzi:-?
in caso so troppo poki un meno 8% e kiusura intorno ai 22600
magari il 3(81gg) novembre proprio sulla tl de lungo.........:-?"

la ringrazio vivamente se si disturberà a rispondermi

nel frattempo le porgo i miei cordiali saluti!

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