Se fosse vero:eek:......non mi stupirei.:(:rolleyes:

Striscia svela il perchè del no di Lippi a Cassano

Secondo un addetto ai lavori dietro alla decisione del ct ci sarebbe un litigio fra l'attaccante e il figlio

Cassano e Lippi in azzurro: è durato poco

Luigi Sinibaldi

ROMA - L'arcano (presunto) è stato svelato. Durante l'edizione odierna di 'Striscia la Notizia', in onda questa sera su Canale 5, un anonimo addetto ai lavori racconterà il motivo delle continue mancate convocazioni di Antonio Cassano da parte del commissario tecnico della Nazionale italiana, Marcello Lippi. Secondo questa persona, intervistata dal programma satirico, dietro al no ci sarebbe un violento litigio in discoteca, risalente a qualche mese fa, fra l'attaccante della Sampdoria e il figlio del selezionatore, Davide. Davanti a parecchi testimoni i due si sarebbero prima beccati e poi la lite sarebbe sfociata in una rissa davanti a diverse persone.
Se lippi non ha convocato Cassano, perchè gli ha menato il figlio (magari con ragione:D) allora non ha capito che la nazionale è Cosa Nostra:D
e non....Cosa Sua:down::down:

Cassano: "Se l'Italia vince
esulto per tutti tranne Lippi"

Il fantasista della Samp racconta su Sky Sport24 le sue emozioni mondiali: "Sarei contento che la Nazionale vincesse, ma non per lui. Spero che Prandelli sia diverso". Sul rapporto col c.t.: "Non c'è stato nessun litigio diretto, ancora non so perché non mi ha convocato"

  • Antonio Cassano è nato a Bari il 12 luglio 1982. Ansa
ROMA, 15 giugno 2010 - "Sarei contento che l'Italia vincesse, ma non per lui". Antonio Cassano, intervenuto a Sky Sport 24, questo Mondiale l'avrebbe voluto vivere da giocatore, si vede invece costretto a viverlo da tifoso. Ma il suo tifo va solo alla squadra, non a Marcello Lippi che non lo ha convocato per il Sudafrica. "Le porte sono state aperte per tutti ma non per me - ha accusato il fantasista della Sampdoria -. Può darsi che Lippi soffra la mia personalità. Spero che con Prandelli sia diverso. Se ho le stesse opportunità degli altri in Nazionale per me gioco con tutti". "La partita di ieri non l'ho vista ma quando mi dicono che l'Italia manca di qualità penso che potevano esserci Totti, Del Piero, anche se tutti da due anni pensano che dovevo esserci io".
pit prima che picchiasse il figlio disse ti stancherai della maglia della nazionale, quello che non gli perdono e non aver fatto giocare qualgliarella che stava in forma smagliante:wall::wall:
sera a parte l'itaglia che annasse a fangulo , ho lavorato non si poteva guardare, occhio a cenx l'alluminio si sta' fortemente apprenzando parlo di movimento intra, ovvio se i mercati non peggiorano . resto fiduciosissimooo

olly ricchione!

leggere bene..molto bene..pensare ai propri long..

A Bankrupt BP - Worse For The Financial World Than Lehman Brothers?

The BP crisis in the Gulf of Mexico has rightfully been analysed (mostly) from the ecological perspective. People’s lives and livelihoods are in grave danger. But that focus has equally masked something very serious from a financial perspective, in my opinion, that could lead to an acceleration of the crisis brought about by the Lehman implosion.

People are seriously underestimating how much liquidity in the global financial world is dependent on a solvent BP. BP extends credit – through trading and finance. They extend the amounts, quality and duration of credit a bank could only dream of. The Gold community should think about the financial muscle behind a company with 100+ years of proven oil and gas reserves. Think about that in comparison with what a bank, with few tangible assets, (truly, not allegedly) possesses (no wonder they all started trading for a living!). Then think about what happens if BP goes under. This is no bank. With proven reserves and wells in the ground, equity in fields all over the planet, in terms of credit quality and credit provision – nothing can match an oil major. God only knows how many assets around the planet are dependent on credit and finance extended from BP. It is likely to dwarf any banking entity in multiples.

And at the heart of it all are those dreadful OTC derivatives again! Banks try and lean on major oil companies because they have exactly the kind of credit-worthiness that they themselves lack. In fact, major oil companies, conversely, spend large amounts of time both denying Banks credit and trying to get Bank risk off of their books in their trading operations. Oil companies have always mistrusted bank creditworthiness and have largely considered the banking industry a bad financial joke. Banks plead with oil companies to let them trade beyond one year in duration. Banks even used to do losing trades with oil companies simply to get them on their trading register… a foot in the door so that they could subsequently beg for an extension in credit size and duration.

For the banks, all trading was based on what the early derivatives giant, Bankers Trust, named their trading system: RAROC – or, Risk Adjusted Return on Credit. Trading is a function of credit bequeathed, mixed with the risk of the (trading) position. As trading and credit are intertwined, we might do well to remember what might happen to global liquidity and markets if BP suffers what many believe to be its deserved fate of bankruptcy. The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) has already been and will be further undermined by BP’s distress. They are one of the only "hard asset" entities backing up this so-called exchange.

If BP does go bust (regardless of whether it is deserved), and even if it is just badly wounded and the US entity is allowed to fail, the long-term OTC derivatives in the oil, refined products and natural gas markets that get nullified could be catastrophic. These will kick-back into the banking system. BP is the primary player on the long-end of the energy curve. How exposed are Goldman sub J. Aron, Morgan Stanley and JPM? Probably hugely. Now credit has been cut to BP. Counter-parties will not accept their name beyond one year in duration. This is unheard of. A giant is on the ropes. If he falls, the very earth may shake as he hits the ground.

As we are beginning to see, the Western pension structure, financial trading and global credit are all inter-twined. BP is central to this, as a massive supplier of what many believe(d) to be AAA credit. So while we see banks roll over and die, and sovereign entities begin to falter… we now have a major oil company on the verge of going under. Another leg of the global economic "chair" is being viciously kicked out from under us. Ecological damage is not just an eco-event on its isolated own. It has been added to the list of man-made disasters jeopardizing the world economy. The price tag and resultant knock-on effects of a BP failure could easily be equal to that of a Lehman, if not more. It is surely, at the very least, Enron x10.

All the counter-party risk associated with the current BP situation means the term curve of the global oil trade has likely shut down. Here we have yet another credit-based event causing a lock-up in markets that will now impede trade and commerce. It looks like an exact replication of the 2008 credit market seizure could ensue all over again – and it could probably be a lot worse. The world is in a far more delicate state now.

Although never really discussed, the world is highly reliant on BPs provision of long-term credit to many core industries. Who makes good on all the outstanding paper that so many smaller oil, gas and electricity companies, airlines, shipping companies, local bus, railway and transportation networks that rely on BPs creditworthiness and performance for? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how this could all unwind. If BP has to be bailed-out, like a bank, the system will have to print even more unimaginable amounts of money.

The market, intellectually lazy and slow to realization, as it often is, probably has not woken up to it yet – but the BP crisis could unleash damage similar to the banking crisis. A BP failure through bankruptcy could make Lehman look small in comparison, and shake the financial house of cards we live in even more severely. If the implicit danger of the possibilities imbedded in such an event doesn’t make an individual now turn towards gold at full speed, it is likely that nothing will.
sto' seguendo poco ma da due gorni non capisco il movimento dollaro/yen

se la stanno prendendo ora con il giappone forse?

e' quello l' l'elemento destabilizzante in questi giorni

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