
After a month ago a
leaked phone call between US assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland and the US envoy to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt confirmed that it was the US that was pulling the strings in what was about to be a violent coup overthrowing Ukraine's president Yanukovich, "someone" has just leaked another phone conversation, this time between parliamentarian Nestor Shufrych and former PM and ideological leader of the Ukraine "revolution" Yulia Tymoshenko and most probable future president of West Ukraine, in which Tymoshenko is makes the following threats, "It’s going too far! Bugger! We must grab arms and go whack those damn katsaps [a Ukrainian word used to refer to the Russians in a negative tone] together with their leader", "I’ll use all my connections, I’ll raise the whole world – as soon as I’m able to – in order to make sure.. Bugger!.. not even scorched earth won’t remain where Russia stands" although all her empty threats collapse in the last sentence of the phone conversation in which she says, regarding the Crimea annexation, that "we are going to take it to the Hague International Criminal Court." Good luck with that.
But the smoking gun, and where Putin once again shows just how masterful of a chess player he is, is the following statement by
Tymoshenko, after asked, rhetorically, by her counterparty, "
what should we do now with the 8 million Russians that stayed in Ukraine. They are outcasts"... to which she
replies: "
They must be killed with nuclear weapons."
Ukraine Leader In New Leaked Recording: 8 Million Russians In Ukraine "Must Be Killed With Nuclear Weapons" | Zero Hedge
p.s.trattasi di ladra di gas...messa in galera per aver fatto pagare al doppio del prezzo(appunto

) il gas al suo popolo per far lucrare le proprie imprese