Obbligazioni societarie GM, Ford, Chrysler: il 3D dell'automotive USA

poche parole , sintetiche e precise inviate dall'Istituto ieri 10/11

è probabilmente utile ricordare, come peraltro detto in altri post, che le obbligazioni in $ hanno l'Indenture Trustee (Wilmington) che ha l'obbligo di effettuare l'insinuazione per i bondholder, e che in quel caso i bond resteranno negoziabili.

Le domande di frankie si riferivano ovviamente ai bond in Euro.
una richiesta al giudice, relativa alle obbligazioni "Nova Scotia":

on behalf of all of the holders (the “Noteholders”) of the £350,000,000 8.375%
Guaranteed Notes due December 7, 2015 (the “2015 Notes”) and the £250,000,000 8.875%
Guaranteed Notes due July 10, 2023 (the “2023 Notes” and, collectively with the 2015 Notes,
the “Notes”) issued by General Motors Nova Scotia Finance Company (“Finance”) and fully
and unconditionally guaranteed by Motors Liquidation Company f/k/a General Motors
Corporation (the “Debtor”)

1. Each series of Notes was issued by Finance and unconditionally
guaranteed by the Debtor. The Noteholders have a valid Guarantee Claim (as defined below)
against the Debtor which was acknowledged by the Debtor in a Lock-Up Agreement (as defined
below) pursuant to which the Debtor agreed that it would support the Guarantee Claim in this
Chapter 11 proceeding.
2. The amount of the Guarantee Claim related to the 2015 Notes (the “2015
Guarantee Claim”) is $615,903,887.20 (comprised of $575,505,000 in principal amount with
the balance representing accrued and unpaid interest)1. The amount of the Guarantee Claim
related to the 2023 Notes (the “2023 Guarantee Claim” and, together with the 2015 Guarantee
Claim, the “Guarantee Claim”) is $456,653,644.52 (comprised of $411,075,000 in principal
amount with the balance representing accrued and unpaid interest)2. In addition, the Guarantee
Claim for each series of Notes may include certain unliquidated amounts for fees, interest
(including post-petition interest), charges and other amounts owing under the Fiscal and Paying
Agency Agreement.
3. Consistent with the Debtor’s representations in the Lock-Up Agreement,
the Guarantee Claim should have been scheduled by the Debtor as a non-contingent, non-
disputed claim against the Debtor. However, the Debtor’s schedules instead show the Guarantee
Claim as “contingent” and “unliquidated.”
4. Because of the structure of the Notes, there is no indenture trustee or
similar fiduciary to file the proofs of claim with respect to the Guarantee Claim. As a result,
without the relief requested in this Motion, the Noteholders will be required to file individual
claims which is inefficient, leaves open the possibility of inconsistent and duplicate claims being
filed by various Noteholders and makes it likely that certain Noteholders will be deprived of
their claims. Moreover, the uncertainty around which holders of Notes have actually filed proofs
of claim and which have not, may negatively impact the trading of the Notes.

The Fiscal and Paying Agency Agreement does not provide for an
indenture trustee or similar fiduciary to act for the Noteholders. Because of the structure of the
Fiscal Paying and Agency Agreement, there is not a single fiduciary that is in a position to file
the proofs of claim necessary to assert the Guarantee Claim.

The individual Noteholders can file proofs of claim with respect to their
respective portions of the Guarantee Claim. However, the Notes are widely traded and, as a
result, it is inevitable that certain holders of the Notes may fail to file a proof of claim.
Moreover, the proofs of claim that are filed are likely to be inconsistent and duplicative which
creates inefficiency and confusion for the proceeding. The filing of individual proofs of claim
may also create trading issues for the Notes because of the difficulties involved in tracking which
Notes are the subject of timely filed claims and which are not.

26. The Moving Parties seek an Order modifying the Bar Date Order to
provide that no proof of claim need be filed by any Noteholders pursuant to the Bar Date Order
in order to assert and recover on the Guarantee Claim related to each of the two series of Notes.
27. In the alternative, the Moving Parties seek an Order deeming this Motion
as a proof of claim with regard to the Guarantee Claim of all Noteholders related to each of the
two series of Notes.

sostanzialmente dicono che le poc doppie o errate potrebbero creare problemi nella procedura, idem con le poc individuali che potrebbero creare casini in caso di compravendita di titoli (in pratica sarebbe poi difficile distinguere tra titoli di cui è stata presentata la poc e titoli che ne sono privi).
Fineco OK


Le/Vi comunichiamo che la Corte fallimentare di New York, lo
scorso 16 settembre, ha approvato l'ordinanza che fissa le
tempistiche e le modalità per l'insinuazione al passivo nei
confronti della società General Motors Corporation (ora
Motors Liquidation Company) e di alcune sue società
affiliate emittenti ovvero garanti del titolo
obbligazionario depositato sul Suo/Vostro dossier titoli
aperto presso la scrivente Banca.

In particolare con tale ordinanza:

è stata fissata la data del 30 novembre 2009, quale termine
ultimo perentorio per il deposito delle domande di
insinuazione al passivo. Qualora i creditori tenuti
all'insinuazione non vi provvedano entro il termine sopra
menzionato, non potranno più far valere in nessun modo il
loro credito nei confronti di General Motors Corporation e
delle altre società sottoposte alla procedura di crisi; la
Corte ha predisposto un modulo specifico da utilizzare per
il deposito delle domande di insinuazione (c.d. proof of
claim form).

Quanto alla procedura indicata in oggetto, gli organi della
procedura hanno ammesso l'insinuazione collettiva dei
crediti, il che consente alla Banca di presentare un'unica
domanda di insinuazione nell'interesse dei clienti che
detengono le obbligazioni General Motors presso la Banca
stessa. Rimane, in ogni caso, ferma la possibilità per
ciascun creditore di presentare, in alternativa, un'autonoma
istanza di insinuazione al passivo.

La Banca ha, pertanto, deciso di curare l'insinuazione al
passivo del credito recato dai titoli General Motors
(identificati con ISIN: XS0171942757 - XS0171943649)
detenuti dalla propria clientela con costi ed oneri
integralmente a carico della banca stessa.

Qualora, per qualsiasi motivo (compresa la circostanza che
Lei/Voi abbia/abbiate già validamente presentato o
intenda/intendiate presentare un'autonoma istanza di
insinuazione al passivo), non fosse di Suo/Vostro interesse
essere rappresentato/i dalla Banca nell'attività di deposito
della domanda collettiva di insinuazione al passivo sopra
menzionata, La/Vi preghiamo di restituirci copia del modulo
allegato (vedi link)


debitamente da Lei/Voi sottoscritto:

- consegnando lo stesso al Suo/Vostro Promotore Finanziario
di fiducia

ovvero, in alternativa,

- spedendo il medesimo con raccomandata a.r., al seguente
indirizzo: FinecoBank S.p.A. - Back Office Titoli - Piazza
Durante, 11 - 20131 Milano (MI) e anticipando
necessariamente lo stesso via fax al n. 02.303482785
tassativamente entro e non oltre il 18 novembre 2009.

Si segnala che, qualora la Banca non riceva la
manifestazione espressa del Suo/Vostro dissenso entro il
termine e nei modi sopra indicati, la Banca procederà
all'insinuazione al passivo anche per Suo/Vostro conto.

Le/Vi comunichiamo che gli organi della procedura americana
hanno richiesto, per i titoli in relazione ai quali viene
presentata istanza di insinuazione al passivo, l'apposizione
di un vincolo presso le società di gestione accentrata (ad
esempio, Euroclear e/o Clearstream) ove i titoli sono
depositati in maniera centralizzata.

Pertanto, qualora la Banca non riceva da Lei/Voi la
comunicazione sopra menzionata di dissenso a procedere per
Suo/Vostro conto all'insinuazione al passivo, entro il 18
novembre 2009, le obbligazioni come sopra identificate da
Lei/Voi possedute e contenute nei dossier aperti presso la
Banca, saranno rese indisponibili sul relativo dossier
titoli a partire dal 19 novembre 2009 al fine di consentire
alla Banca di espletare le attività necessarie per
l'insinuazione collettiva al passivo.

Si precisa, altresì, che, dopo il 30 novembre 2009, si
ritiene sarà possibile effettuare operazioni su titoli
oggetto di insinuazione solo in determinati casi e seguendo
specifiche procedure.

Evidenziamo, inoltre, che l'attività svolta dalla Banca sarà
a titolo gratuito e di puro carattere amministrativo e che
non si ha, al momento, alcuna possibilità di prevedere se e
in quale misura le Sue/Vostre ragioni di credito troveranno
soddisfazione all'esito della procedura di liquidazione;
pertanto, la Banca non assume alcuna responsabilità in
merito al buon esito dell'insinuazione soggetta ai tempi e
modi stabiliti dalla Corte fallimentare.

Ulteriori informazioni, nonché il testo dell'ordinanza sopra
menzionata sono reperibili sul sito della procedura
statunitense www.motorsliquidation.com e

Per ogni ulteriore chiarimento potrà/potrete rivolgersi/Vi
al Suo/Vostro Promotore Finanziario di riferimento o
contattare il numero verde 800.52.52.52.

Cordiali saluti.

Customer Care
FinecoBank S.p.A.
Banca del Gruppo UniCredit
i IWB fa orecchie da mercante....


Le/Vi comunichiamo che la Corte fallimentare di New York, lo
scorso 16 settembre, ha approvato l'ordinanza che fissa le
tempistiche e le modalità per l'insinuazione al passivo nei
confronti della società General Motors Corporation (ora
Motors Liquidation Company) e di alcune sue società
affiliate emittenti ovvero garanti del titolo
obbligazionario depositato sul Suo/Vostro dossier titoli
aperto presso la scrivente Banca.

In particolare con tale ordinanza:

è stata fissata la data del 30 novembre 2009, quale termine
ultimo perentorio per il deposito delle domande di
insinuazione al passivo. Qualora i creditori tenuti
all'insinuazione non vi provvedano entro il termine sopra
menzionato, non potranno più far valere in nessun modo il
loro credito nei confronti di General Motors Corporation e
delle altre società sottoposte alla procedura di crisi; la
Corte ha predisposto un modulo specifico da utilizzare per
il deposito delle domande di insinuazione (c.d. proof of
claim form).

Quanto alla procedura indicata in oggetto, gli organi della
procedura hanno ammesso l'insinuazione collettiva dei
crediti, il che consente alla Banca di presentare un'unica
domanda di insinuazione nell'interesse dei clienti che
detengono le obbligazioni General Motors presso la Banca
stessa. Rimane, in ogni caso, ferma la possibilità per
ciascun creditore di presentare, in alternativa, un'autonoma
istanza di insinuazione al passivo.

La Banca ha, pertanto, deciso di curare l'insinuazione al
passivo del credito recato dai titoli General Motors
(identificati con ISIN: XS0171942757 - XS0171943649)
detenuti dalla propria clientela con costi ed oneri
integralmente a carico della banca stessa.

Qualora, per qualsiasi motivo (compresa la circostanza che
Lei/Voi abbia/abbiate già validamente presentato o
intenda/intendiate presentare un'autonoma istanza di
insinuazione al passivo), non fosse di Suo/Vostro interesse
essere rappresentato/i dalla Banca nell'attività di deposito
della domanda collettiva di insinuazione al passivo sopra
menzionata, La/Vi preghiamo di restituirci copia del modulo
allegato (vedi link)


debitamente da Lei/Voi sottoscritto:

- consegnando lo stesso al Suo/Vostro Promotore Finanziario
di fiducia

ovvero, in alternativa,

- spedendo il medesimo con raccomandata a.r., al seguente
indirizzo: FinecoBank S.p.A. - Back Office Titoli - Piazza
Durante, 11 - 20131 Milano (MI) e anticipando
necessariamente lo stesso via fax al n. 02.303482785
tassativamente entro e non oltre il 18 novembre 2009.

Si segnala che, qualora la Banca non riceva la
manifestazione espressa del Suo/Vostro dissenso entro il
termine e nei modi sopra indicati, la Banca procederà
all'insinuazione al passivo anche per Suo/Vostro conto.

Le/Vi comunichiamo che gli organi della procedura americana
hanno richiesto, per i titoli in relazione ai quali viene
presentata istanza di insinuazione al passivo, l'apposizione
di un vincolo presso le società di gestione accentrata (ad
esempio, Euroclear e/o Clearstream) ove i titoli sono
depositati in maniera centralizzata.

Pertanto, qualora la Banca non riceva da Lei/Voi la
comunicazione sopra menzionata di dissenso a procedere per
Suo/Vostro conto all'insinuazione al passivo, entro il 18
novembre 2009, le obbligazioni come sopra identificate da
Lei/Voi possedute e contenute nei dossier aperti presso la
Banca, saranno rese indisponibili sul relativo dossier
titoli a partire dal 19 novembre 2009 al fine di consentire
alla Banca di espletare le attività necessarie per
l'insinuazione collettiva al passivo.

Si precisa, altresì, che, dopo il 30 novembre 2009, si
ritiene sarà possibile effettuare operazioni su titoli
oggetto di insinuazione solo in determinati casi e seguendo
specifiche procedure.

Evidenziamo, inoltre, che l'attività svolta dalla Banca sarà
a titolo gratuito e di puro carattere amministrativo e che
non si ha, al momento, alcuna possibilità di prevedere se e
in quale misura le Sue/Vostre ragioni di credito troveranno
soddisfazione all'esito della procedura di liquidazione;
pertanto, la Banca non assume alcuna responsabilità in
merito al buon esito dell'insinuazione soggetta ai tempi e
modi stabiliti dalla Corte fallimentare.

Ulteriori informazioni, nonché il testo dell'ordinanza sopra
menzionata sono reperibili sul sito della procedura
statunitense www.motorsliquidation.com e

Per ogni ulteriore chiarimento potrà/potrete rivolgersi/Vi
al Suo/Vostro Promotore Finanziario di riferimento o
contattare il numero verde 800.52.52.52.

Cordiali saluti.

Customer Care
FinecoBank S.p.A.
Banca del Gruppo UniCredit

Complimenti a Fineco mentre quelli di IW se ne fregano altamente.
Appena trovo un'alternativa per trattare le obbligazioni OTC non mi vedono più.
Scusate l'OT :D:D:D
et voilà...


Motors Liquidation Company (f/k/a General Motors Corporation) (“MLC”) and
certain of its subsidiaries, as debtors and debtors in possession in the above-captioned chapter 11
cases (collectively, the “Debtors” or “MLC”), and the Italian Banking Association (“ABI ” and
together with the Debtors, the “Parties”), acting in the name and on behalf of the Italian banks
associated with ABI and their affiliates (each such Italian bank and its affiliates, an “Italian
Bank”), by and through their respective undersigned counsel, hereby enter into this Stipulation
and Agreed Order (this “Stipulation”) and stipulate as follows:
A. On June 1, 2009 (the “Commencement Date”), the Debtors commenced with this
Court voluntary cases (the “Chapter 11 Cases”) under chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States
Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”). The Debtors are authorized to continue to operate their
businesses and manage their properties as debtors in possession pursuant to sections 1107(a) and
1108 of the Bankruptcy Code. No trustee or examiner has been appointed. On or about June 3,
2009, an Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the “Committee”) was appointed in the
chapter 11 cases. The Chapter 11 Cases are being jointly administered pursuant to Rule 1015(b)
of the Bankruptcy Rules.
B. On September 16, 2009, the Court entered an order (the “Bar Date Order”)
establishing November 30, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) (the “General Bar Date”) as the
deadline for each person or entity (including without limitation, each individual, partnership,
joint venture, corporation, estate, or trust) to file a proof of claim (a “Proof of Claim”) against
any Debtor to assert any claim (as defined in section 101(5) of the Bankruptcy Code) (a
“Claim”) that arose prior to the Commencement Date.
C. In the Debtors’ notice of the Bar Dates1 (the “Bar Date Notice”), the Debtors
provide that certain persons or entities are not required to file a Proof of Claim on or before the
applicable Bar Date, including persons or entities holding claims (a “Debt Claim”) limited
exclusively to the repayment of principal, interest and other fees and expenses on or under any
agreements governing any debt security issued by any of the Debtors pursuant to an indenture
(together, the “Debt Instruments”), if the indenture trustee or similar fiduciary under the
applicable indenture or fiscal and paying agency agreement files a Proof of Claim against the
applicable Debtor on or before the Bar Date, on account of all Debt Claims against such Debtor
under the applicable Debt Instruments; provided, however, that any holder of a Debt Claim
wishing to assert a claim arising out of or relating to a Debt Instrument, other than a Debt Claim,
is required to file a Proof of Claim with respect to such claim on or before the Bar Date.
D. The Bar Date Notice expressly referenced certain agreements as Debt
Instruments, including inter alia (i) the Fiscal and Paying Agency Agreement, dated as of July 3,
2003 (the “July 3 Agreement”), between MLC, Deutsche Bank AG London (“DB AG”), as
fiscal agent and paying agent, and Banque Générale du Luxembourg S.A. (“Banque Générale”),
as paying agent;2 and (ii) the Fiscal and Paying Agency Agreement, dated as of July 10, 2003
(the “July 10 Agreement” and together with the July 3 Agreement, the “Agreements”), between
General Motors Nova Scotia Finance Company, MLC, as guarantor, Deutsche Bank
Luxembourg S.A. (“DB Luxembourg”), as fiscal agent and paying agent, and Banque Générale,
as paying agent.3
E. On October 13, 2009, DB AG notified all holders of the 2013 Notes and the 2033
Notes that it would not be filing Proofs of Claim on behalf of any such holders.
While DB
Luxembourg and Banque Generale have not given a similar notice, neither has indicated that it
will file a Proof of Claim on behalf of holders of Debt Instruments.
F. Counsel to ABI has advised the Debtors that over 10,000 of the retail customers
of the Italian Banks (the “Customers”) hold Debt Claims related to the Agreements (the
“Customer Debt Claims”). While each of the above-described Debt Instruments related to the
Agreements are ultimately held of record by and are registered in the name of a central securities
depository (such as Euroclear or Clearstream) or its nominee, the Customers, through the
relevant Italian depositary bank, and possibly other intermediaries, ultimately hold the beneficial
and economic interests therein.
G. Many of the Customers are individuals who reside outside the United States, do
not speak English and lack familiarity with U.S. bankruptcy laws and the claims filing process in
a U.S. bankruptcy case. Allowing each Italian Bank to file a global proof of claim in respect of
its Customer Debt Claims would facilitate the orderly, economic and efficient processing of
claims and reduce any unnecessary expenses to the Debtors’ estates that would be incurred by
requiring each Customer to file a separate proof of claim, and the Debtors to review and
reconcile numerous claims.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
set forth in this Stipulation, it is agreed between the Parties as follows:
1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Bar Date Order, the Italian Banks are
each permitted to file a global Proof of Claim (a “Global Proof of Claim”) on behalf of such
Italian Bank's Customers (each, a “Participating Customer”) solely with respect to such
Customer’s Debt Claims.
A Global Proof of Claim in respect of Customer Debt Claims of
Participating Customers will set forth therein: (i) the ISIN or CUSIP number of the issue, series
or class of the Debt Instruments in respect to which such Global Proof of Claim is filed (the
“Covered Debt Instruments), (ii) the aggregate principal amount of the Customer Debt Claims
in respect of each such issue, class or series of such Covered Debt Instruments as to which such
Global Proof of Claim is filed, setting forth separately the aggregate claim for principal and the
aggregate claim for interest accrued until May 31, 2009 included of all such Customer Debt
Claims for each such issue, class or series of Covered Debt Instruments, and (iii) a Euroclear
electronic instruction reference number, a Clearstream blocking reference number, or other
depository blocking reference number, as appropriate, for each Participating Customer’s
Customer Debt Claim covered by such Global Proof of Claim, where the relevant common
depository provides for such blocking reference number. No documentation supporting the
Customer Debt Claims covered by a Global Proof of Claim is required to be attached to or
submitted with such Global Proof of Claim, including any relevant power of attorney or
authorization to be granted by the Customers to the relevant Italian Bank; provided, however,
that the Debtors and other parties in interest reserve the right to seek production of all
documentation in connection with the claims reconciliation process and any objections that may
be filed. For the avoidance of doubt, except as provided above, an Italian Bank shall not be
required to provide identifying information for any holders of any Customer Debt Claims for
which it files a Global Proof of Claim. The filing of a Global Proof of Claim by an Italian Bank
shall be deemed a consent by such Italian Bank to, and authorization by such Italian Bank of,
Clearstream, Euroclear or any other depositary to disclose to the Debtors (for the purpose of
reconciling claims and distributions in respect of Customer Debt Claims relating to Covered
Debt Instruments) the holdings of Covered Debt Instruments by such Italian Bank.

2. The form of the Global Proof of Claim will be substantially similar to the Proof of
Claim Form or the Official Bankruptcy Form No. 10 (“Official Form 10”). Other than as
specifically provided herein, all provisions of the Bar Date Order apply to holders of Claims
under any Debt Instrument, and except as expressly provided herein, holders of Claims based on
Debt Instruments are required to comply with all provisions of the Bar Date Order.
3. All Customer Debt Claims in respect of the Covered Debt Instruments will be
stated both in the stated currency thereof and in United States dollars, using the exchange rate in
effect on the Commencement Date, June 1, 2009 (1.4186 Euros/Dollar; 1.645 GBP/Dollar).
4. Customer Debt Claims based on any Covered Debt Instrument in respect of which
a timely Global Proof of Claim has been filed, shall not be disallowed on the ground that such
Customer Debt Claims were not filed by the proper party or an authorized agent, as contemplated
by Bankruptcy Rule 3001(b).
5. The filing by an Italian Bank of a Global Proof of Claim, shall be deemed to be
the filing of such Proof of Claim by each Participating Customer covered by such Global Proof
of Claim with respect to such Participating Customer’s Customer Debt Claim.

6. An Italian Bank, by filing the Global Proof of Claim in respect of the Covered
Debt Instruments, consents to and hereby is deemed to be the claimant for the purpose of
receiving notices and distributions, if any, except as otherwise provided in a confirmation order
related to a plan of organization filed in the Chapter 11 Cases, and may (but shall not be
required to) respond to any objections interposed as to any Claims asserted in the Global Proof of
Claim. Notice to the Italian Bank filing a Global Proof of Claim shall be, and shall be deemed to
be, sufficient notice to all Participating Customers covered by such Global Proof of Claim.
7. Amounts received by an Italian Bank in respect to any Customer Debt Claim
covered by a Global Proof of Claim shall be remitted by it to the relevant Customer in
accordance with the agreement between such Italian Bank and such Customer.
8. Nothing in this Stipulation shall impose a duty or obligation on any Italian Bank
to file a Global Proof of Claim or to include therein a Customer Debt Claim of any Customer or,
except as expressly provided herein, to take any other action on behalf of any Customer or in
respect of any Debt Claim.
9. The Debtors’ agreement herein to permit the filing by the Italian Banks of Global
Proofs of Claim is intended solely for the purpose of administrative convenience and neither this
Stipulation and Order nor the filing of any Global Proof of Claim shall (I) affect the substantive
rights of any Italian Bank or any Customer, including without limitation any right of any Italian
Bank and each Customer (a) to vote independently on any plan of reorganization proposed in the
Debtors’ chapter 11 cases or (b) to file a proof of claim other than one based on the Debt Claim;
or (II) in any way prejudice the right of any Debtor or any other party in interest to object to the
allowance of any Global Proof of Claim.
10. This Court shall retain jurisdiction to resolve any disputes or controversies arising
from or relating to this Stipulation and Order and to the filing of the Global Proofs of Claim
pursuant to this Stipulation.
11. This Stipulation is subject to the approval of this Court and shall become effective
upon the entry of an order by the Court approving this Stipulation.
If this Stipulation is not
approved by the Court, then this Stipulation shall be deemed null and void, and shall not be
referred to or used for any purpose by any party in either the Chapter 11 Cases or in any other
12. This Stipulation sets forth the entire understanding of the Parties hereto with
respect to the matters addressed herein and is intended to be the complete and exclusive
statement of the terms thereof and may not be modified or amended except by a writing signed
by the Parties and/or their counsel, which shall be so-ordered by the Court. Accordingly, the
Parties have independently verified all facts and/or conditions of facts that they have determined
are necessary to their decision to enter into this Stipulation, and they have not relied upon any
representations, written or oral, express or implied, of any other person in verifying and
satisfying themselves as to such facts and/or condition of facts.
13. The Parties represent and warrant to each other that the signatories to this
Stipulation have full power and authority to enter into this Stipulation.
14. This Stipulation may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be
deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
Delivery of signed counterparts of this Stipulation by facsimile transmission or as PDF
attachment to an email message shall have the same effect as the manual delivery of an original
signed counterpart of this Stipulation, and all signatures on such counterpart will be deemed to
be as valid as an original signature whether or not a Party delivers manually an original signed
counterpart of this Stipulation, although it is the Parties’ intention to deliver original signed
counterpart after any facsimile or email delivery.
Date: November 10, 2009
New York, New York
Attorneys for the Debtors and Debtors in
767 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10153
Attn: Harvey R. Miller
Stephen Karotkin
Joseph H. Smolinsky
Tel: (212) 310-8000
Fax: (212) 310-8007
Email: [email protected]
/s/ Stephen Karotkin
Counsel to Associazione Bancaria Italiana
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10020
Attn: Daniel Guyder
Tel: (212) 756-1132
Fax: (212) 610-6399
Email: [email protected]
/s/ Daniel Guyder

riporto una parte dell'articolo apparso sul Sole 24 Ore, soprattutto perchè è la prima volta che leggo un pezzo della Serafini senza riferimenti allo studio Sge... :D

L'Abi trova l'intesa con Gm. Procedure veloci per i bond

di Laura Serafini

ROMA - Le banche italiane potranno registrare in modo collettivo i crediti per conto dei clienti anche per la procedura General Motors, così come già avvenuto per Lehman Brothers.


L'intesa è già stata sottoposta all'attenzione del giudice fallimentare di New York, il quale ha posto come condizione soltanto l'approvazione del comitato dei creditori Gm, che nel frattempo è già stata ottenuta. La ratifica finale del giudice ancora non è ancora arrivata - era attesa per giovedì scorso - ma ormai è questione di pochi giorni.

L'Abi trova l'intesa con Gm. Procedure veloci per i bond - Il Sole 24 ORE

ovvero l'approvazione degli altri obbligazionisti (quelli in $...), visto che i creditori sono soprattutto loro... ;)
AP Source: GM to begin repaying aid by year-end

WASHINGTON (AP) -- General Motors Co. will begin paying back $6.7 billion in U.S. government loans by the end of 2009 and could pay off that full amount by 2011, four years ahead of schedule, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The government debt represents about 13 percent of the $52 billion that U.S. taxpayers have invested in General Motors, the majority of which was exchanged for a 61 percent ownership stake in the company.
GM will announce the repayment plan Monday when it releases its preliminary third-quarter earnings results, the person said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The person was not authorized to speak publicly about the plan ahead of the announcement.
Even if GM pays back these loans early, government investigators have questioned whether taxpayers will recoup their full investment in GM and fellow bailed-out automaker Chrysler Group LLC. GM, which exited bankruptcy as a new privately held company on July 10, has said it hopes to sell stock to the public late next year so taxpayers can recoup at least part of their remaining investment.
However, the Government Accountability Office said in a report issued earlier this month that the automakers' share values would have to soar to levels they didn't even approach when they were healthier for the $80 billion in taxpayer loans to be completely repaid.
The person briefed on the plan said the repayment plan would allow GM to pay down a substantial portion of the government debt by the time the company goes public.
Under the plan to pay back the $6.7 billion, the Detroit automaker will make quarterly payments of $1 billion to the U.S. government and $200 million to the Canadian government beginning in late 2009. GM would be on track to pay off the $6.7 billion U.S. debt and a $1.4 billion debt to Canada by the middle of 2011, well ahead of a mid-2015 deadline to repay the two governments.
The person said GM was in a position to make the payments ahead of schedule because the company performed better than expected during the bankruptcy and the company's sales and overall performance since then have been modestly better than expected.
The automaker will draw on about $13 billion that remains deposited in escrow by the government to help make the payments.
GM Chairman Ed Whitacre said last week that GM was committed to repaying its government loans.
"Can GM pay back its loans? You bet," Whitacre said during an address at Texas Lutheran University in Seguin, Texas. "I can't tell you when, but it won't be very long."
However, Whitacre also said the timing of any GM IPO remains uncertain and depends on when the company returns to profitability.
GM spokesman Greg Martin declined comment Sunday on the debt repayment.
The Treasury Department has spent more than $454 billion through its $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. Forty-seven recipients have paid back nearly $73 billion, with the program set to expire Dec. 31.
Inspector General Neil Barofsky, the man who watches over the government money given to banks and other institutions to avert a financial collapse, said last month he thought it was too early to say how much will be repaid to the taxpayers but believed "it's unrealistic to think we're going to get all of that money back."
The government has already seen some of its TARP investments wiped out. Small business lender CIT Group filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this month, making it unlikely taxpayers will recover any of the $2.3 billion in aid the U.S. sunk into the company last fall.

AP Source: GM to begin repaying aid by year-end - Yahoo! Finance

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