Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (8 lettori)

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Forumer storico
Questa è bellissima.....

Dalla piattaforma Fineco:

Greek police union wants to arrest EU/IMF officials

ATHENS, Feb 10 (Reuters) - Greece's largest police
union has threatened to issue arrest warrants for officials from
the country's European Union and International Monetary Fund
lenders for demanding deeply unpopular austerity measures.
In aletter obtained by Reuters on Friday, the Federation of
Greek Police accused the officials of "...blackmail, covertly
abolishing or eroding democracy and national sovereignty"
said one target of its warrants would be the IMF's top official
for Greece, Poul Thomsen.
The threat is largely symbolic since legal experts say a
judge must first authorize such warrants, but it shows the depth
of anger against foreign lenders who have demanded drastic wage
and pension cuts in exchange forfunds to keep Greece afloat.
"Since you are continuing this destructive policy, we warn
you that you cannot make us fight against our brothers. We
refuse to stand against our parents, our brothers, our children
or any citizen who protests anddemands a change of policy,"

said the union, which represents more than two-thirds of Greek
"We warn you that as legal representatives of Greek
policemen, we will issue arrest warrants for a series of legal
violations ... such as blackmail, covertly abolishing or eroding
democracy and national sovereignty."
The letter was also addressed to the European Central Bank's
mission chief in Greece, Klaus Masuch, and the former European
Commission chief inspector for Greece,Servaas Deroose.
Policemen have borne the brunt of the anger of massed
protesters who frequently march to parliament and clash with
police in riot gear. Chants of "Cops, pigs, murderers!" are
regularly hurled at policemen or scribbled on walls.
Thousands turned out on Friday for the latest protest in
Athens, this time against new austerity measures that include a
22 percent cut in the minimum wage. [ID:nL5E8DA0U2]
A police union official said the threat to 'refuse to stand
against' fellow Greeks was a symbolic expression of solidarity
and did not mean police would halt their efforts to stop
protests getting out of hand.

(Reporting by Lila Chotzoglou, Writing by Deepa Babington,
editing by Tim Pearce)
(([email protected])(+30 210 33 76
496)(Reuters Messaging:
[email protected]))



In atri tempi sarebbero tornate al mittente tre teste dentro uno scrigno o un sacco, oppure avrebbero scaraventato gli emissari da qualche finestrone :D
Ultima modifica:


il Fankazzista
Bella questa.
E se non ce la fa la mandi a puttan3 con richieste assurde così non te li ripaga comunque.
Dopo che tra l'altro ti sei rimpinzato la pancia costruendo bilanci truccati e chiudendo gli occhi.
Complimenti, ottima strategia.

Tra l'altro visto che parli di furbetti, vatti a rivedere la prima conferenza UE di Monti quando gli ha buttato in faccia il casino che avevano fatto insieme Francia e Germania.
Il più pulito ha la rogna.
E se la prendono comunque col più debole.
a puttane ci è andata la grecia con la sua strategia di spese folli
poi che si voglia trovare un colpevole esterno perche fa comodo va bene tutto fumo


Questa è bellissima.....

Dalla piattaforma Fineco:

Greek police union wants to arrest EU/IMF officials

ATHENS, Feb 10 (Reuters) - Greece's largest police
union has threatened to issue arrest warrants for officials from
the country's European Union and International Monetary Fund
lenders for demanding deeply unpopular austerity measures.
In aletter obtained by Reuters on Friday, the Federation of
Greek Police accused the officials of "...blackmail, covertly
abolishing or eroding democracy and national sovereignty" and
said one target of its warrants would be the IMF's top official
forGreece, Poul Thomsen.
The threat is largely symbolic since legal experts say a
judge must first authorize such warrants, but it shows the depth
of anger against foreign lenders who have demanded drastic wage
and pension cuts in exchange forfunds to keep Greece afloat.
"Since you are continuing this destructive policy, we warn
you that you cannot make us fight against our brothers. We
refuse to stand against our parents, our brothers, our children
or any citizen who protests anddemands a change of policy,"
said the union, which represents more than two-thirds of Greek
"We warn you that as legal representatives of Greek
policemen, we will issue arrest warrants for a series of legal
violations ... such asblackmail, covertly abolishing or eroding
democracy and national sovereignty."
The letter was also addressed to the European Central Bank's
mission chief in Greece, Klaus Masuch, and the former European
Commission chief inspector for Greece,Servaas Deroose.
Policemen have borne the brunt of the anger of massed
protesters who frequently march to parliament and clash with
police in riot gear. Chants of "Cops, pigs, murderers!" are
regularly hurled at policemen or scribbled on walls.
Thousands turned out on Friday for the latest protest in
Athens, this time against new austerity measures that include a
22 percent cut in the minimum wage. [ID:nL5E8DA0U2]
A police union official said the threat to 'refuse to stand
against' fellow Greeks was a symbolic expression of solidarity
and did not mean police would halt their efforts to stop
protests getting out of hand.

(Reporting by Lila Chotzoglou, Writing by Deepa Babington,
editing by Tim Pearce)
(([email protected])(+30 210 33 76
496)(Reuters Messaging:
[email protected]))



In atri tempi sarebbero tornate al mittente tre teste dentro uno scrigno o un sacco, oppure avrebbero scaraventato gli emissari da qualche finestrone :D

L'ho letta stamattina.


a puttane ci è andata la grecia con la sua strategia di spese folli
poi che si voglia trovare un colpevole esterno perche fa comodo va bene tutto fumo

Ma lo vuoi capire che la Grecia ha truccato i suoi conti con la complicità di Francia, Germania e Lehnman brothers?
Possibile che non riesci a capire che a certi livelli tutti sanno tutto di tutti?
Guarda che il concetto è assai semplice.
E non c'entrano nulla i detatgli contabili.


Forumer storico
Pari a un miliardo di euro

Asta del Tesoro a tre mesi il 14 febbraio

Pubblicato: Venerdì 10 Febbraio 2012

Tre mesi buoni del Tesoro per un importo di un miliardo di euro verrà emessa da parte dello Stato il 14 febbraio, come annunciato dall'Agenzia Gestione del Debito Pubblico (PDMA).

Si trasmette Reuters, come la data di regolamento è stato 17 febbraio.

L'asta è aperta solo a market-maker, mentre non pagato commissione.

Durante l'asta può presentare non competitive le offerte fino al 30% del quantitativo offerto in asta, e fino al 16 febbraio può essere sottoposto a ulteriori aggiuntivi, non competitive le offerte fino al 30% del quantitativo offerto in asta.


il Fankazzista
Ma lo vuoi capire che la Grecia ha truccato i suoi conti con la complicità di Francia, Germania e Lehnman brothers?
Possibile che non riesci a capire che a certi livelli tutti sanno tutto di tutti?
Guarda che il concetto è assai semplice.
E non c'entrano nulla i detatgli contabili.
continuiamo a dare la colpa agli altri poi vedremo che fine facciamo italia compresa
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