Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 3 (1 Viewer)


Frangar non Flectar
As it happened ? Yanis Varoufakis? intervention during the 27th June 2015 Eurogroup Meeting | Yanis Varoufakis

At the same time, we do not have a mandate to turn down the institutions’ proposals either, cognizant of the critical moment in history we find ourselves in. Our party received 36% of the vote and the government as a whole commanded a little more than 40%. Fully aware of how weighty our decision is, we feel obliged to put the institutions’ proposal to the people of Greece. We shall endeavour to spell out to them fully what a Yes to the Institutions’ Proposal means, to do the same regarding a No vote, and then let them decide. For our part we shall accept the people’s verdict and will do whatever it takes to implement it – one way or another.

Some worry that a Yes vote would be a vote of no confidence in our government (as we shall be recommending a No vote), in which case we cannot promise to the Eurogroup that we shall be in a position to sign and implement the agreement with the institutions. This is not so. We are committed democrats. If the people gives us a clear instruction to sign up on the institutions’ proposals, we shall do whatever it takes to do so – even if it means a reconfigured government.

Colleagues, the referendum solution is optimal for all, given the constraints we face.

If our government were to accept the institutions’ offer today, promising to push it through Parliament tomorrow, we would be defeated in Parliament with the result of a new election being called within a very long month – then, the delay, the uncertainty and the prospects of a successful resolution would be much, much diminished
But even if we managed to pass the institutions’ proposal through Parliament, we would be facing a major problem of ownership and implementation. Put simply, just as in the past the governments that pushed through policies dictated by the institutions could not carry the people with them, we too would fail to do so.
On the question that will be put to the Greek people, much has been said about what it should be. Many of you tell us, advise us, instruct us even, that we should make it a Yes or No question on the euro. Let me be clear on this. First, the question was formulated by the Cabinet and has just been passed through Parliament – and it is “Do you accept the institutions’ proposal as it was presented to us on 25th June in the Eurogroup?” This is the only pertinent question. If we had accepted that proposal two days ago, we would have had a deal. The Greek government is now asking the electorate to answer the question you put it to me Jeroen – especially when you said, and I quote, “you can consider this, if you wish, a take or leave it proposal”. Well, this is how we took it and we are now honouring the institutions and the Greek people by asking the latter to deliver a clear answer on the institutions’ proposal.

To those who say that, effectively, this is a referendum on the euro, my answer is: You may very well say this but I shall not comment. This is your judgement, your opinion, your interpretation. Not ours! There is a logic to your view but only if there is an implicit threat that a No from the Greek people to the institutions’ proposal will be followed up by moves to eject Greece, illegally, out of the euro. Such a threat would not be consistent with basic principles of European democratic governance and European Law.


Colleagues, refusing to extend the loan agreement for a few weeks, and for the purpose of giving the Greek people an opportunity to deliberate in peace and quiet on the institutions’ proposal, especially given the high probability that they will accept these proposals (contrary to our government’s advice), will damage permanently the credibility of the Eurogroup as a democratic decision making body comprising partner states sharing not only a common currency but also common values.
Ultima modifica:


tommy/altri una domanda, perche' trippas non ha portato la proposta dell' accordo in parlamento e messa ai voti?
non e' espressione di sufficiente democrazia?
la risposta mi pare un' altra..


Triplo Panico: comprare
Ela rimane al livello di venerdì

E 'ufficiale, la Banca centrale europea ha deciso di mantenere il supporto di liquidità d'emergenza in offerta per la Grecia, ma non ha fornito alcun aiuto supplementare.
In una dichiarazione, la BCE dice che ha deciso di mantenere il soffitto ELA al limite di Venerdì (che è € 89bn).
Quindi non ha staccato la spina, ma anche non ha fornito ulteriori finanziamenti per coprire i fondi che sono affluiti dalle banche greche in questo fine settimana.
Per settimane, la BCE è stata d'accordo alle richieste della Grecia per una maggiore liquidità di emergenza, spesso fornendo un miliardo di euro o più a settimana.
Quindi, se non c'è ELA supplementare, ciò renderà più difficile per le banche gestire i ritiri.
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
As it happened ? Yanis Varoufakis? intervention during the 27th June 2015 Eurogroup Meeting | Yanis Varoufakis

At the same time, we do not have a mandate to turn down the institutions’ proposals either, cognizant of the critical moment in history we find ourselves in. Our party received 36% of the vote and the government as a whole commanded a little more than 40%. Fully aware of how weighty our decision is, we feel obliged to put the institutions’ proposal to the people of Greece. We shall endeavour to spell out to them fully what a Yes to the Institutions’ Proposal means, to do the same regarding a No vote, and then let them decide. For our part we shall accept the people’s verdict and will do whatever it takes to implement it – one way or another.

Some worry that a Yes vote would be a vote of no confidence in our government (as we shall be recommending a No vote), in which case we cannot promise to the Eurogroup that we shall be in a position to sign and implement the agreement with the institutions. This is not so. We are committed democrats. If the people gives us a clear instruction to sign up on the institutions’ proposals, we shall do whatever it takes to do so – even if it means a reconfigured government.

Colleagues, the referendum solution is optimal for all, given the constraints we face.

If our government were to accept the institutions’ offer today, promising to push it through Parliament tomorrow, we would be defeated in Parliament with the result of a new election being called within a very long month – then, the delay, the uncertainty and the prospects of a successful resolution would be much, much diminished
But even if we managed to pass the institutions’ proposal through Parliament, we would be facing a major problem of ownership and implementation. Put simply, just as in the past the governments that pushed through policies dictated by the institutions could not carry the people with them, we too would fail to do so.
On the question that will be put to the Greek people, much has been said about what it should be. Many of you tell us, advise us, instruct us even, that we should make it a Yes or No question on the euro. Let me be clear on this. First, the question was formulated by the Cabinet and has just been passed through Parliament – and it is “Do you accept the institutions’ proposal as it was presented to us on 25th June in the Eurogroup?” This is the only pertinent question. If we had accepted that proposal two days ago, we would have had a deal. The Greek government is now asking the electorate to answer the question you put it to me Jeroen – especially when you said, and I quote, “you can consider this, if you wish, a take or leave it proposal”. Well, this is how we took it and we are now honouring the institutions and the Greek people by asking the latter to deliver a clear answer on the institutions’ proposal.

To those who say that, effectively, this is a referendum on the euro, my answer is: You may very well say this but I shall not comment. This is your judgement, your opinion, your interpretation. Not ours! There is a logic to your view but only if there is an implicit threat that a No from the Greek people to the institutions’ proposal will be followed up by moves to eject Greece, illegally, out of the euro. Such a threat would not be consistent with basic principles of European democratic governance and European Law.


Colleagues, refusing to extend the loan agreement for a few weeks, and for the purpose of giving the Greek people an opportunity to deliberate in peace and quiet on the institutions’ proposal, especially given the high probability that they will accept these proposals (contrary to our government’s advice), will damage permanently the credibility of the Eurogroup as a democratic decision making body comprising partner states sharing not only a common currency but also common values.

sia se vince il SI che se vince il NO rimangono? :rolleyes:


Forumer storico
Rainews: la corrispondente da Berlino da' notizia che la signora Merkel ha convocato domani in parlamento i segretari di tutti i partiti tedeschi.


Forumer storico
E 'ufficiale, la Banca centrale europea ha deciso di mantenere il supporto di liquidità d'emergenza in offerta per la Grecia, ma non ha fornito alcun aiuto supplementare.
In una dichiarazione, la BCE dice che ha deciso di mantenere il soffitto ELA al limite di Venerdì (che è € 89bn).
Quindi non ha staccato la spina, ma anche non ha fornito ulteriori finanziamenti per coprire i fondi che sono affluiti dalle banche greche in questo fine settimana.
Per settimane, la BCE è stata d'accordo alle richieste della Grecia per una maggiore liquidità di emergenza, spesso fornendo un miliardo di euro o più a settimana.
Quindi, se non c'è ELA supplementare, ciò renderà più difficile per le banche gestire i ritiri.

Importante l ultima riga... Tsipras si è data la zappa sui piedi.


Forumer storico
Che vuoi dire?

beh, è come fare una operazione matematica (2+2=4).

la grecia che non paga e fuori dall' euro,
è difficile che rimanga nel consesso dell UE
(a parte che voterebbe sempre contrarian a prescindere)

e la grecia fuori dalla UE, ed in balia degli squali in circolazione (putin in primis, cina anche) non credo non debba essere una preoccupazione per Obama,
tutto qua.

mi aspetto la sua campagna elettorale per il "si" (poi sappiamo che lui
ha tanti modi per convincere)


& I will remove the world
tommy/altri una domanda, perche' trippas non ha portato la proposta dell' accordo in parlamento e messa ai voti?
non e' espressione di sufficiente democrazia?
la risposta mi pare un' altra..

La stessa domanda che era stata posta a Varu su twitter.
Ha risposto che volevano un mandato più ampio, vista l'importanza della questione.
In realtà è evidente che vogliono scaricare la responsabilità sul popolo greco, in modo da tenere compatto il partito indipendentemente dalla scelta adottata.


Forumer storico
Quindi secondo voi i prezzi degli asset greci domani alle 17 saranno superiori a quelli delle ore 9?

Secondo me ci saranno difficoltà serie a fare scambi (continue aste tutto il giorno), al di là della volontà di molti di vendere.
Comunque visti i ridottissimi volumi, nel caso facessero prezzo è facile che si vedano ribassi nell'ordine del 20-25% e senza risalite in giornata

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