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C'è un sacco di tecnologia occidentale nei sistemi russi, hai voglia a riprogettare tutto con componentistica cinese....

By FogOnLine

"[...]The 9M727 cruise missile – fired from the Iskander-K – is an example of one of Russia’s most
advanced weapons systems, able to manoeuvre at low altitude to a target and strike with considerable precision. In order to achieve this the missile must carry a computer able to ingest data from various inertial and active sensors and command links and translate these into instructions to manipulate the missile’s control surfaces.
The authors physically inspected one of these computers recovered from a crashed 9M727 during fieldwork in April.

This computer is roughly the size of an A4 sheet of paper and sits inside a heat shield able to withstand the pressure as the missile accelerates and the heat that engulfs the system. The computer must be remarkably robust, its components able to continue to function even as the structure around it is warped by temperature changes. This requires highly specialised materials and
components. Of the seven socket attachment points allowing data to be moved through the heat shield, one is of Soviet-era design and manufactured in Russia. The remaining six are all
products of US companies. The rails connecting the circuit boards to the computer housing, which must maintain the alignment of the components under immense forces, are similarly of
US manufacture. The circuit boards themselves are sourced from the US.

The 9M727 is not unique in its dependence upon foreign manufactured components. Technical inspection of Russian weapons and vehicles, conducted by the Central Scientific Research Institute for Armaments of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reveals that there is a consistent pattern across all major Russian weapons systems recovered from the battlefield.

The 9M949 guided 300-mm rocket that forms the backbone of Russian precision artillery as a munition for the Tornado-S multiple launch rocket system uses a US-made fibre-optic gyroscope for its inertial navigation.

The Russian TOR-M2 air-defence system – one of the most potent short-ranged air-defence systems in the world – relies on a British-designed oscillator in the computer controlling the platform’s radar.

This pattern is true in the Iskander-M, the Kalibr cruise missile, the Kh-101 air-launched cruise missile, and many more besides. It is also true of much tactical battlefield equipment. An examination by the technical labs of the Ukrainian intelligence community of the Aqueduct family of Russian military radios (R-168-5UN-2, R-168-5UN-1 and R-168-5UT-2), which form the backbone of the Russian military’s tactical communications, for instance, reveals critical electronic components manufactured in the US, Germany, the Netherlands, South Korea and Japan.

The pattern is universal. Almost all of Russia’s modern military hardware is dependent upon complex electronics imported from the US, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Israel, China and further afield.[...]".


Forumer storico
Ore 09:12 - In Russia arrestato uno degli ultimi politici d’opposizione

Le autorità russe hanno arrestato con l’accusa di «atti pubblici volti a screditare le Forze armate», uno degli ultimi politici di spicco dell’opposizione rimasto libero nel Paese: l’ex sindaco di Ekaterinburg, Evgheni Roizman.

Secondo una fonte dell’agenzia Tass, a suo carico è stato aperto un procedimento penale in relazione a video contro la guerra, postati sul suo canale YouTube. La Fondazione Evgheni Roizman ha poi riferito che sono in corso perquisizioni negli uffici e nell’abitazione del politico, che ora rischia fino a cinque anni di detenzione.

Ore 19:26 - Berlino: «Altri 500 milioni di armi a Kiev»

Il cancelliere tedesco Olaf Scholz, che si trova attualmente in Canada, ha annunciato durante una videoconferenza sull’Ucraina ulteriori forniture di armi a Kiev, per un valore totale superiore a 500 milioni di euro. Lo riporta Ntv, citando fonti vicine all’incontro. Tra le altre cose, Kiev riceverà altri tre sistemi di difesa aerea Iris-T, una dozzina di veicoli corazzati da recupero, 20 lanciamissili, munizioni di precisione e attrezzature anti-drone. Le consegne dovrebbero avvenire nel 2023, ma in parte anche prima.

Ucraina, politico filorusso Zaporizhzhia ucciso da autobomba
Nella regione ucraina di Zaporizhzhia, un'autobomba ha ucciso un funzionario dell'amministrazione locale nominato dalla Russia. Come riferito dal rappresentante dell'amministrazione regionale filorussa, Vladimir Rogov, nell'esplosione è rimasto ucciso Ivan Sushko, capo del villaggio di Mikhailovka. Secondo Rogov, che ha subito addossato la responsabilità dell'attentato alle autorità ucraine, l'ordigno era stato piazzato sotto il sedile dell'auto della vittima. Sushko è rimasto ferito ed è poi deceduto in ospedale.


Aquila della notte
C'è un sacco di tecnologia occidentale nei sistemi russi, hai voglia a riprogettare tutto con componentistica cinese....

By FogOnLine

"[...]The 9M727 cruise missile – fired from the Iskander-K – is an example of one of Russia’s most
advanced weapons systems, able to manoeuvre at low altitude to a target and strike with considerable precision. In order to achieve this the missile must carry a computer able to ingest data from various inertial and active sensors and command links and translate these into instructions to manipulate the missile’s control surfaces.
The authors physically inspected one of these computers recovered from a crashed 9M727 during fieldwork in April.

This computer is roughly the size of an A4 sheet of paper and sits inside a heat shield able to withstand the pressure as the missile accelerates and the heat that engulfs the system. The computer must be remarkably robust, its components able to continue to function even as the structure around it is warped by temperature changes. This requires highly specialised materials and
components. Of the seven socket attachment points allowing data to be moved through the heat shield, one is of Soviet-era design and manufactured in Russia. The remaining six are all
products of US companies. The rails connecting the circuit boards to the computer housing, which must maintain the alignment of the components under immense forces, are similarly of
US manufacture. The circuit boards themselves are sourced from the US.

The 9M727 is not unique in its dependence upon foreign manufactured components. Technical inspection of Russian weapons and vehicles, conducted by the Central Scientific Research Institute for Armaments of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reveals that there is a consistent pattern across all major Russian weapons systems recovered from the battlefield.

The 9M949 guided 300-mm rocket that forms the backbone of Russian precision artillery as a munition for the Tornado-S multiple launch rocket system uses a US-made fibre-optic gyroscope for its inertial navigation.

The Russian TOR-M2 air-defence system – one of the most potent short-ranged air-defence systems in the world – relies on a British-designed oscillator in the computer controlling the platform’s radar.

This pattern is true in the Iskander-M, the Kalibr cruise missile, the Kh-101 air-launched cruise missile, and many more besides. It is also true of much tactical battlefield equipment. An examination by the technical labs of the Ukrainian intelligence community of the Aqueduct family of Russian military radios (R-168-5UN-2, R-168-5UN-1 and R-168-5UT-2), which form the backbone of the Russian military’s tactical communications, for instance, reveals critical electronic components manufactured in the US, Germany, the Netherlands, South Korea and Japan.

The pattern is universal. Almost all of Russia’s modern military hardware is dependent upon complex electronics imported from the US, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Israel, China and further afield.[...]".

questa fog e' proprio la tua musa.
Aspetta che ti becchi Samirotta e vedi :moglie:


Aquila della notte
Beh è anche giusto ripristinare un certa normalità, per quanto possibile.
I sistema di allerta missilistici evidentemente funzionano bene.

una parvenza di normalita' la proverei in famiglia e negli aggregati sociali ristretti.

Il pallone non e' affatto necessario, neanche fossero la nba :d:, con un missile i nemici ti fanno fuori tutto lo stadio di qualche decina di migliaia di persone

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