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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate, vol.3
Vedanta propone di spostare di tre anni le scadenze del 2024 e 2025, aspettiamo di vedere le condizioni, qualche zuccherino dovranno darlo o non ha molto senso.
Vedanta Resources seeks to extend maturity of shorter-term bonds by 3 years.pdf
US00165AAH14 amc entertainement 2025 5,75%. scadenza tra 1 anno e 9 mesi. si prende a meno di 70..... Può essere un altro candidato al default, però se la sfanga è un bel guadagno.
US00165AAH14 amc entertainement 2025 5,75%. scadenza tra 1 anno e 9 mesi. si prende a meno di 70..... Può essere un altro candidato al default, però se la sfanga è un bel guadagno.
Ma io non ritengo affatto inesistente la prostituzione in Thailandia (ci mancherebbe solo questa, e mi toccherebbe cambiare ancora residenza ) io ritengo che la prostituzione sia un problema inesistente
Advisers to a group of Lumen Technologies Inc. creditors and the telecommunications company have started negotiations for a deal that would give the company fresh cash and push out debt maturities, according to people familiar with the situation.
Creditor advisers, which include Houlihan Lokey Inc. and Davis Polk & Wardwell, have signed non-disclosure agreements to discuss a debt plan after earlier making a preliminary proposal to the company, the people said. Since then, the advisers pitched a revised deal that centers around creditors providing the company with fresh cash, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the negotiations are private.
Advisers to a group of Lumen Technologies Inc. creditors and the telecommunications company have started negotiations for a deal that would give the company fresh cash and push out debt maturities, according to people familiar with the situation.
Creditor advisers, which include Houlihan Lokey Inc. and Davis Polk & Wardwell, have signed non-disclosure agreements to discuss a debt plan after earlier making a preliminary proposal to the company, the people said. Since then, the advisers pitched a revised deal that centers around creditors providing the company with fresh cash, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the negotiations are private.