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Moody's migliora l'outlook sul rating sovrano portandolo a positive... Un pick interessante quello dell'Indonesia, anche i bond sovereign in valuta estera sono da acquistare sulla debolezza ...

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's changes outlook for Indonesia's Ba3 rating to positive


[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Singapore, June 11, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service has changed the outlook for Indonesia's Ba3 sovereign rating to positive from stable. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]In conjunction with this improvement in the sovereign's outlook, Moody's has changed to positive from stable the outlook on the country's B1 foreign currency bank deposit ceilings. However, it has left the outlook for its Ba2 foreign currency country ceiling at stable. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]"The improvement in the outlook was prompted by Indonesia's relatively strong growth prospects, and an increasingly effective macro-economic policy framework," says Aninda Mitra, a Moody's Vice President and Sovereign Analyst for Indonesia. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Despite the global recession, Indonesia is expected to grow by 4% in 2009. According to Mr. Mitra, the country's relatively robust growth prospects are supported by strong domestic demand and a balanced economy with an investment momentum that was less susceptible to external trade or financial shocks. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]"A pick-up in economic activity to its recent trend rate of 5.5% is expected in 2010," says Mitra, adding, "Indonesia's overall growth dynamic is steadier and better positioned than many Ba-rated peers, as well as most other regional economies." [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]"Macro-economic management is improving, and an effective and pro-reform policy stance will likely outlast the election cycle," says Mitra, adding, "These developments highlight the growing credibility and predictability of government policies." [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The improvement in credit fundamentals was another crucial factor supporting the outlook change. "Indonesia's general government and external debt are both expected to decline to 31% and 25% of GDP, respectively, by the end of 2009," says Mitra. Both of these metrics are better than the peer median. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]"We do note that the government's revenue base is undergoing modest cyclical volatility on account of lower commodity prices, and the debt-to-revenue ratio is a bit higher than peer-medians. Nonetheless, the government's gross refinancing requirements would be kept within a modest 5% of GDP," says the analyst. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]"Moreover, the shift in the balance of trade into surplus coupled with contingent lines of external assistance, sovereign debt issuances, and foreign capital inflows underpin foreign currency reserve adequacy and a stable Rupiah," he adds. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]"The likelihood of abrupt policy changes either before or after the upcoming presidential election is also low," says Mitra, adding, "Although a victory by the incumbent presidential candidate is widely expected at this time, less probable outcomes were not mutually exclusive of an effective and pro-reform policy stance." [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's also notes that Indonesia's overall political stability had improved and is not currently a rating concern. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Mitra also explains that "Despite facing more stress, Indonesia's banks have adequate liquidity and ample capital cushion, and the quality of regulation and extent of oversight has improved considerably since the Asian crisis." These factors had contained the risks of a banking crisis or a sudden increase in contingent sovereign liabilities. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Similarly, the corporate sector has faced market and refinancing pressures from a position of relative credit strength derived from lower leverage, and fewer FX mismatches. Moreover, relatively strong domestic demand coupled with regulatory oversight, and debt restructuring procedures also assured the fundamental viability of the corporate sector. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The time horizon for rating outlooks is generally 12-18 months, although developments could prompt an earlier rating action. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's last rating action on Indonesia was on 18 October 2007, during which the sovereign ratings were upgraded to Ba3 with a stable outlook from B1 with a review for possible upgrade. [/FONT]
Moody's rialza rating sovrano Indonesia

(Teleborsa) - Roma, 16 set - L'agenzia di rating Moody's ha migliorato il rating sovrano dell'Indonesia, portandolo a Ba2 da Ba3. La decisione è stata presa dall'agenzia in considerazione della sua capacità di recupero dalla recessione mondiale e delle floride prospettive di crescita i medio periodo. Inoltre, e recenti elezioni hanno confermato una sostanziale stabilità politica e continuità del potere nel Paese asiatico.
Moody's rialza rating sovrano Indonesia

(Teleborsa) - Roma, 16 set - L'agenzia di rating Moody's ha migliorato il rating sovrano dell'Indonesia, portandolo a Ba2 da Ba3. La decisione è stata presa dall'agenzia in considerazione della sua capacità di recupero dalla recessione mondiale e delle floride prospettive di crescita i medio periodo. Inoltre, e recenti elezioni hanno confermato una sostanziale stabilità politica e continuità del potere nel Paese asiatico.

Sull'Economist di un paio di settimane fà c'era uno speciale di circa 15-20 pg che parlava dell' Indonesia in termini entusiastici .. che nn è poco per una rivista compassata come l'Economist...Mi sono sempre dimenticato di segnalarlo ... :)
ormai con la rupia a 9.400 contro $ ed il bond EBRD sopra la pari l'occasione e' sparita. Puo' aver senso tenere qualcosa in un'ottica di diversificazione del portafoglio.

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