Obbligazioni valute high yield INDONESIA e Obbligazioni in rupie indonesiane

ho finito di litigare adesso con la mia banca(non credo che sia la cugina che dici tu:D )
che mi quotava 100 ,contro i tuoi 93(sti buffoni prima han detto che è illiquida,poi che c`è stato MOVIMENTO negli ultimi giorni)
ho citato te e ho detto di non rompere le scatole
fissato max 96
dove lo segui il prezzo???
io lo seguo su Francoforte al seguente link http://deutsche-boerse.com/dbag/dis...verview_Bond&wp=XS0371989608&foldertype=_Bond
non devi guardare il prezzo ufficiale (che e' l'ultimo prezzo scambiato e risale a 7 novembre), ma il bid-offer che credo sia ricavato dal mercato all'ingrosso presso l'ICMA di Londra con l'aggiunta di un grasso spread.
Quando ho scoperto questo titolo ufficialmente c'era un'offer a 88,65 , al che ho rilanciato con un denaro a 89 (equivalente ad un rendimento di quasi il 20%) , ma senza trovare contropartita. Allora ogni due giorni ho rilanciato di 1 punto finche' non ho finalmente comprato a 93.
La Borsa di Francoforte non ha registrato il mio scambio sicche' suppongo che sia stato regolato a Londra o direttamente tra brokers, pero' il giorno dopo la Borsa di Francoforte ha modificato il bid/offer a 90/96 .
Il fatto che oggi il bid/offer sia 89,60/95,65 mi fa supporre che il prezzo di riferimento sia 92,60.
A mio avviso dovresti metterti in denaro a 93 ed eventualmente rilanciare di un punto ogni due giorni come ho fatto io ma senza andare oltre 96 (rendimento circa 13,5%).
Vero e' che se lo compariamo al benchmark indonesiano dovrebbe quotare anche sopra la pari, (paga l'11% ma al lordo delle imposte, in piu' la EBRD e' una tripla A mentre l'Indonesia una doppia B),ma noi cerchiamo l'occasione, giusto ? Quindi se c'e' qualcuno che vuole uscire a prezzi scontati bene, altrimenti non sono certo le svendite a mancare nei mercati attuali :D
certo che c`è poco da scherzare:D:D:D

la sola consolazione è che è peggiorato meno dell`italia:-o

Il sito della Erste da' un rendimento dell'8,88% per il 2014 in USD ,quindi 888-(771-60)=1,77% come rendimento del quinquennale USA...beh in effetti piu' o meno ci siamo.
Considera comunque che tu non hai il rischio emittente Indonesia, anche se c'e' un'innegabile correlazione con il rischio valuta.
P.S: ma chi e' il coyone che compra titoli del tesoro USA all'1,77% per poi spendere lo 0,60% per assicurarli ? e quale ente potrebbe mai pagare l'assicurazione in caso di un evento epocale come un default USA? Misteri del mercato CDS :-?
Paradosso emittente Indonesia

Bisogna dire che c'e' una totale incoerenza tra il mercato sovrano Indonesia domestico in valuta locale e quello internazionale in $.
Stando al sito dell'Asian Development Bank http://asianbondsonline.adb.org/indonesia/indonesia.php il governativo quindicennale rende il 12,1% che al netto della ritenuta locale del 20% residua in un 9,7% .
Nel contempo il 2035 in USD http://deutsche-boerse.com/dbag/dis...verview_Bond&wp=US455780AT33&foldertype=_Bond rende circa il 10,50% esentasse :eek:
Che il bond in valuta forte (USD) renda di piu' di quello in valuta locale e' semplicemente assurdo dato il differenziale di inflazione.
Ci sarebbe da farci un pensierino se non fosse che il minimo a 49 :eek: toccato lo scorso novembre fa un po' paura...monitorare,monitorare ed eventualmente comprare sull'eventuale debolezza....
Bilancia Pagamenti

L'ultimo dato disponibile e' quello del terzo trimestre 2008 e mostra una bilancia in sostanziale equilibrio con un deficit delle partite correnti di $ 600.000.000 ed un avanzo del conto capitale di $ 500.000.000 http://uk.reuters.com/article/oilRpt/idUKJAK35980320081206
La banca centrale dichiara riserve per $ , come e' possibile vedere in questo specchietto riassuntivo della bilancia dei pagamenti dal 2004 ad oggi http://www.bi.go.id/biweb/Html/SekiTxt/T601.pdf
Fino al 30 settembre scorso quindi possiamo tranquillamente asserire che nessuna preoccupazione viene dai conti con l'estero.
Finanza pubblica

Non riesco a trovare dati ufficiali, ma a questo articolo del Jakarta Post il rapporto debito PIL viene stimato a meno del 30% ed il deficit attorno all'1% http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2008/12/22/fiscal-stimulus-key-economy.html
Most analysts agree that with a government debt-to-GDP ratio of less than 30 percent -- compared with more than 100 percent at the height of the crisis in 1998 -- and with a fiscal deficit of just around 1 percent of GDP, the government has a lot of leeway to increase its deficit spending next year.
Anche il sito Nationmaster gentilmente segnalato dal mostro nel thread Mexico stima il rapporto debito pubblico/PIL al 29% http://www.nationmaster.com/red/country/id-indonesia/eco-economy&all=1
Inutile dire che rapporti del genere non dico l'Italia ma perfino la Germania se li puo' solo sognare :rolleyes:
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's annual report affirms Indonesia's Ba3 sovereign rating and stable outlook[/FONT]


Singapore, January 07, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service says, in its annual report on Indonesia, that Indonesia's Ba3 government bond rating is supported by the country's moderate economic strength -- which includes the economy's substantial size, diversity and increasing dynamism -- and low, though improving, institutional strength.

"However, the rating also reflects the country's low per-capita income, and shortcomings in the rule of law," says Mr. Aninda Mitra, a Moody's VP/Senior Analyst and the report's author.

"Amidst a deep downturn in commodity prices and in the global economy, Indonesia's overall economic resiliency is underpinned by its relatively low openness to global trade and an investment cycle that is not heavily dependent on external capital inflows," says Mitra.

"While capacity constraints and vulnerability to supply side shocks remain present, trend improvements in economic resiliency are likely to ensure a relatively shallow reduction in GDP growth to 4 -- 5% in 2009 from 6% in 2008," says Mitra.

"Such resiliency is further supported by improvements in the functioning of its federal framework, the government's anti-corruption efforts, and better tax administration," says Mitra.

The report notes that Indonesia has maintained its fiscal deficit at just 1% of GDP in the past four years, and that sound fiscal policy management could help further reduce the general government debt to below 30% of GDP in the year ahead. Prudent debt management has also reduced the country's gross funding needs.

On the other hand, Indonesia's overall financial strength -- another important driver of the sovereign rating -- is constrained by the government's dependence on external financing and the external payment position's vulnerability to the global credit crunch and to portfolio investment deleveraging. Exchange rate risks may also, over time, heighten external financing requirements sizably, and test the government's resource mobilization capacity.

"These factors limit overall fiscal flexibility," says Mitra. "Moreover, subsidies and interest payments, which are expected at 25-30% of total government revenues in 2009, also limit fiscal space."

Indonesian authorities are currently making progress in securing a $5-6 billion standby loan arrangement with and credit enhancement facilities from multilateral sources; and tapping capital markets whenever possible. "Along with recent improvements in tax administration, the success of such efforts could offset the downturn in commodity tax revenues and may provide room for limited counter-cyclical fiscal measures," says Mitra.

The susceptibility of the ratings to event risks is moderate, according to Mitra. Reform policies are expected to continue through the election cycle, which at this time seems likely to return to power the government headed by President Yudhoyono.

However, such policy continuity is by no means assured, cautions Mitra, adding, "Poor corporate governance and the lingering influence of powerful vested business interests from within the political system could either slow structural reforms or hurt policy implementation and credibility in the run-up to, or shortly after, the presidential elections of July 2009." At the same time, however, political risks from other factors, ranging from conservative Islamic political activism to Jemaah Islamiyah terrorism, have been contained.

Furthermore, financial risks from the un-hedged foreign currency debt of the corporate sector or currency mismatches in the banking sector's assets and liabilities were low and the quality of supervision and enforcement of regulations had improved.

"As a result, amidst the ongoing global financial volatility, Indonesia's banking and corporate sectors are much less vulnerable to confidence shocks than during the 1997 crisis," says Mitra.

The report notes that the stable outlook on the Ba3 government bond rating is premised on the authorities' ability to manage the country's vulnerability to the global financial market crisis and recession, while avoiding a deep and sustained deterioration in relative credit metrics.
Fitch la vede come Gaudente...

Bilancio pubblico in sostanziale pareggio, debito pubblico\PIL attorno al 30%, anche lo stimolo all'economia varato dal Governo indonesiano per il 2009, che vale il 2,5% del PIL, non sembra in grado di alterare la situazione dei conti pubblici. L'economia rallenta decisamente il saggio di crescita e secondo Fitch dovrebbe passare dal 6% del 2008 a poco meno del 4%, restando peraltro in territorio ampiamento positivo...

Dalle elezioni politiche previste per quest'anno non dovrebbero venire sorprese in negativo.

Un eventuale sentimento di sfiducia verso le istituzioni indonesiane da parte di investitori residenti potrebbe creare flussi di capitali e in uscita dalla valuta nazionale IDR verso asset denominati in USD, anche se il calo delle riserve nazionali in USD (pari al 15% nel H2 2008) che desta preoccupazioni per Fitch, a me pare piuttosto contenuto, considerato quanto successo in autunno sui mercati finanziari.

Analogamente, non mi sembra destare eccessive preoccupazioni la circostanza per cui il fabbisogno finanziario lordo da soddisfare con funding estero possa salire nel 2009 al di sopra del 30% delle riserve in valuta estera.

Enjoy... :pollicione:

Fitch Affirms Indonesia's Sovereign Rating at 'BB'; Outlook Stable

20 Jan 2009 2:12 AM (EST)

Fitch Ratings has today affirmed the Republic of Indonesia's Long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default ratings (IDRs) at 'BB'. At the same time, the agency has affirmed the Country Ceiling at 'BB+' and the Short-term IDR at 'B'. The Outlook on the ratings is Stable. "The affirmation of Indonesia's sovereign ratings balances the credit's fundamental strengths of fiscal prudence against underlying risks to the country's external finances," says Ai Ling Ngiam, Director, in Fitch's Sovereign Ratings team.

Indonesia's conservative public finances, fiscal restructuring efforts and increased surveillance of fiscal variances to minimise negative fiscal shocks are a sovereign rating strength. Revenue enhancement measures undertaken since 2005 helped to boost revenue to 21% of GDP in 2008, which was the highest in over two decades. Together with slower-than-budgeted disbursements, the fiscal out-turn resulted in a near-balanced budget deficit of 0.1% of GDP in 2008, less than the 'BB' median deficit of 1.1% of GDP.

Accordingly, the government's over-financed position worth about 1% of nominal 2009 GDP has provided the authorities room for a larger countercyclical fiscal stimulus in a proposed revised budget bill worth about 2.5% of GDP in 2009, with priority spending to be given to poverty alleviation, education, healthcare and infrastructure.

These measures serve to address likely upward pressures on unemployment as Fitch forecasts the economy to slow to about 3.9% in 2009 from 6% in 2008. Fitch forecasts the general government debt will reach 30.3% of GDP this year - a level last seen in 1996, but in line with the 'BB' median.

While the forthcoming parliamentary elections in April and second direct presidential elections in July could be protracted into H209, Fitch anticipates a peaceful and non-disruptive conclusion to the election season, similar to the 2004 general elections. Latest polls show the incumbent remains in the lead with 43% of popular votes while his Democrat Party has garnered an indicative 23% of polls surveyed. Fitch anticipates the outcome of the elections to be status quo.

Indonesia's external finances remain vulnerable to shifts in investor sentiment which could lead to further portfolio equity or debt outflow, as well as a larger accumulation of external assets by domestic residents and companies, which could also place further downward pressure on the capital account. Already, the defence against IDR volatility amidst large volumes of USD demand attributable to portfolio debt and equity outflows has weakened the sovereign's external balance sheet following a 15% decline in foreign exchange reserves (FXR) during July-December 2008.

Indonesia's net external indebtedness and refinancing needs remain heavy amidst an environment of tight external funding conditions and weakening external receipts. Fitch forecasts the CA balance to slip into a deficit position of about 0.9% of GDP in 2009, as weak external demand and lower prices affect commodity exports which constitute 46% of current external receipts (CXR). Fitch estimates Indonesia's liquidity ratio to reach around 104% (liquid external assets > liquid external liabilities), lower than the comfortable 115% in 2008 and the 'BB' median of 170%.

Indonesia's amortisation burden potentially raises the country's gross external financing requirement (GXFR) to above 30% of FXR in 2009, which will be heavier than in 2006-2008 but lower than the 42% during the 2005 period of currency volatility and is also lower than the 'BB' median of 58% of FXR. Efforts to raise foreign direct investment and export competitiveness will likely remain challenging against the backdrop of weakness in resource-based activities, as well as poor investor appetite for risk. As Indonesia seeks to rebuild its external balance sheet position, the credibility of Bank Indonesia's monetary policy and the Ministry of Finance's debt management strategy will remain key to managing dollar demand pressures, exchange rate stresses and capital flows on this front.
Toh!! Dopo aver letto il 3d Gaudente sulle Rupie IDR, non nascondo con una certa diffidenza, mi capita questo articolo del Newsweek, che fra le varie catastrofi finanziarie pubblica un articoletto sull 'Indonesia.
Allego l' articolo del Newseek di questa settimana, che conferma l' outlook fondamentalmente positivo dell 'Indonesia, che insieme a India e Cina sara' secondo previsioni? una delle economie emergenti che nel 2009 superera' il 4% di crescita, viene inoltre lodato l'operato del ministro delle finanze Mulyani, buona lettura.....

Vuoi vedere che Gaudente ora ci fa comprare le Rupie Indonesiane invece che le Lire Turche?


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