Journal to portfolio afterlife

Rendimento e drawdown storico ACWX (MSCI ACWI ex US) vs SPY (S&P500). In dollari.



Il FIRE come lo intendo io: additional work (per incrementare le entrate), safety net (la "paura", reale o psicologica, è un grande incentivo), motivation (never give up!).

Azioni e obbligazioni, prima e dopo il 2000.

The relationship between bond yields and stocks prices has changed over time. So, how can we tell if the current era may be ending? Well, the ten-year U.S. Treasury yield remains well below 5% and historically, that has been the threshold for a change in the relationship.
  • Same direction - When rates were below 5%, both in the 1960s and since 2000, stock prices and bond yields tended to move in sync with each other (a positive correlation).
  • Opposite directions -When rates were above 5% in the 1970-90s, stock prices and bond yields tended to move in opposite directions (a negative correlation).
The only exception to this was the period around the 1987 stock market crash, when stocks and yields moved together. However, these circumstances were unique; the market decline was not precipitated by an economic recession-driven drop in bond yields.

figure 1.jpg

Stocks = MSCI World Index (S&P 500 prior to 1970)
Bonds = 10 year US Treasury bond yield
Source: Charles Schwab, Bloomberg data as of 1/17/2022.

Ho preso un po’ di crypto per ripristinare il peso >2,5% di allocazione nel portafoglio e riducendo un po’ la liquidità.

La capitalizzazione globale attuale delle cryptocurrencies è a circa -45% dai massimi.


Se prendiamo il bitcoin si sono visti cali anche del 80% negli ultimi 10 anni. Road to -80% anche questa volta?

As we can see, the price of Bitcoin has entered nearly 20 distinct bear markets over the past ten years, and has been in a drawdown greater than twenty-percent for nearly 80% of its history.


Non ho i dati di backtest dei due indici crypto su cui investo, ma alla quotazione attuale in euro i due etn che uso (listati su Xetra a fine novembre '21) dovrebbero essere a circa -55% (wmeg) e -60% (altc) dai massimi.
Vediamo un po' com'è la mia allocazione crypto, ora il 2,6% di portafoglio:

Bitcoin 24,8%
Ethereum 24,8%
Solana 20,0%
Cardano 16,0%
Polkadot 6,7%
Litecoin 5,0%
Bitcoin Cash 2,7%

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