Journal to portfolio afterlife (1 Viewer)


Vivere è pericoloso perchè si può morire
Diventare anziani è un problema, oltre alle malattie croniche si possono sommare i primi problemi cognitivi e si inizia a perdere colpi sul serio.
Ma passare il controllo ad altri è difficile, quando si parla dei propri soldi, e la tendenza comune è quella di rimandare anche se ci si rende conto del problema.
Even when they have established that they have cognitive problems, “very few people want to transfer control right away,” Dr. Lee said. Eighty-four percent of the survey respondents said they preferred to handle their own accounts until there were signs that they had declined further.
“The tricky part, of course, is figuring out when that will be,” Dr. Lee said.
A 2022 study published on the Journal of the American Medical Association’s network found that missing bill payments is often among the first signs of dementia.

Mentre un articolo come questo del NYT fonisce qualche suggerimento pratico utile per la realtà americana, per una paese come l'Italia si trovano ben poche risorse fruibili.


Vivere è pericoloso perchè si può morire

According to imf forecasts, Germany will be the only g7 economy to contract this year.
More than any other major European economy, Germany depends on China (see chart 1), meaning the Asian giant’s slower than expected recovery from zero covid is proving painful. Meanwhile, the gas-price shock of last year still reverberates—and gas futures signal that prices will remain roughly double their pre-pandemic level in the coming years. Energy-intensive industrial production has yet to recover from last year’s lows. And the country’s consumers are struggling: real wages have only just started to grow, having fallen to levels last seen in 2015.

The imf reckons that the country’s economy will grow by only 8% between 2019 and 2028, about as fast as Britain, the other European struggler. Over the same period, France is forecast to grow by 10%, the Netherlands by 15% and America by 17% (see chart 2).

Germany’s famous old brands—bmw, Mercedes, Porsche, Volkswagen—risk being left behind as consumers switch to evs. The combined market capitalisation of the four companies is now less than half that of Tesla.
Germany is both an old country, and one old in a peculiar way (see chart 5). Its working-age population makes up 64% of the total, just as in America. Yet Germany’s median age is 45, compared with 39 across the Atlantic.

Without immigration or more women and elderly folk in the workforce, the labour market will lose 7m of its 45m workers by 2035, calculates Enzo Weber of the Institute of Employment Research, a think-tank. As he notes: “The raw figures are dramatic.”
Overcoming these three challenges—geopolitics, climate change and demography—will require a nimble, digitally savvy and highly capable state. Unfortunately, Germany’s state is none of these things. The country’s success has for a long time masked the inadequacy of its institutions and administration, which is now being exposed. As Ms Schnitzer of the country’s official economic advisory council puts it: “The state is suffocating under its own rules and procedures.”


Vivere è pericoloso perchè si può morire
Io ho il 5% di bitcoin in portafoglio.

a portfolio with a 5% stake in bitcoin had a risk profile closer to a 90/10 portfolio than a 60/40.
Decomposing that risk reveals even more. Effectively, a 1% allocation to bitcoin has a negligible effect on risk, either in terms of absolute volatility or relative contribution. But a 2% allocation to bitcoin explains close to 15% of a portfolio’s overall volatility, a much heftier contribution. Meanwhile, a 5% allocation accounts for nearly 45% of the return volatility the portfolio experienced, and overall volatility was meaningfully higher.


A costless 60/40 portfolio would have turned in a Sharpe ratio (a return metric that accounts for risk) of roughly 0.77 over the past decade. Each portfolio that contains bitcoin improves upon that result, although incremental improvements peak at a 5% slice.



Vivere è pericoloso perchè si può morire
Trovo che la parte più difficile per adottare una tale strategia non sarebbe tanto tagliare presto le perdite ma lasciar correre i profitti senza cedere alla tentazione di incassare. Il lasciar correre i profitti implica il non ribilanciare con l'aumento del profilo di rischio del portafoglio complessivo?


Vivere è pericoloso perchè si può morire
Non c'è da sorprendersi di questi flussi, ora che i titoli di stato americani offrono un tasso di interesse reale positivo.

Però va ricordato che dopo il superamento del debt ceiling l'emissione di nuovi titoli è stata record. Il debito americano vola verso i 33 trilioni di dollari.


A questi ritmi il rapporto debito/pil peggiorerà vistosamente nei prossimi anni.

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Vivere è pericoloso perchè si può morire
Spesso si dice che è meglio spendere i propri soldi in esperienze (che generano ricordi da conservare) piuttosto che nell'acquisto di cose.
Nell'articolo si fa però l'esempio dell'auto che oltre ad essere una cosa, consente di viaggiare (da soli o in compagnia) e fare nuove esperienze. Io aggiungerei anche un'altra cosa, indispensabile per chi vive in provincia, fornisce la indipendenza di potersi muovere a piacimento (almeno per ora :jolly:).


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