Riporto da altrui analisi:
Our Credit Neutron Bomb
This transformation of money and credit and the lack of understanding of what constitutes inflation (an increase in the supply of money and credit in relation to the supply of goods and services) have created a
credit Frankenstein.
The credit bubble has become so large that the only policy option now is a depression or hyperinflation. These two options are the only recourse to getting rid of too much debt. Hyperinflation makes the debt worthless, while a depression causes its liquidation. Given the horror in which governments and central bankers view deflation,
hyperinflation is the more probable outcome. Alan Greenspan must lay awake each night ever fearful of his worst nightmare taking place, a derivative mishap, which is daisychain-linked between money center banks, brokerage firms, financial intermediaries, GSEs, and hedge funds. Derivatives, which are closely linked to all credit instruments, are the $150 trillion dollar neutron bomb that hovers over the world’s financial system. What will cause the bomb to detonate is anyone’s guess. It could be widening credit spreads, a large bond default, an unhedged position, a geopolitical event, or something as simple as a bad trade that turns illiquid through a liquidity trap. No one really has the answer to this one. However,
the financial markets have become one large minefield. The more that it is traversed, the more likely a mine will be detonated."
In breve, l'articolo per intero tratta dal punto di vista del redattore il problema del vertiginoso debito americano e della sempre in crescita massa monetaria (M3). Saremmo ad un punto tale che le uniche soluzioni possibili sarebbero o una depressione che cancellerebbe il debito per default oppure un'iperinflazione che lo ridurrebbe a poche briciole: in entrambi i casi le ripercussioni mondiali sarebbero devastanti. Insomma, cammineremmo ormai costantemente su un campo minato, con probabilità di calpestare una mina via via crescenti.
Il governo americano parrebbe orientato verso l'opzione dell'iperinflazione; a questo punto indebitiamoci tutti, e ammesso che ci sia possibile in futuro ripagare i nostri debiti, lo faremo con carta straccia........