The aggregate amount that will be distributed on the Twenty-Third Distribution Date will total approximately $122.5 million, including approximately $8.4 million in Final Distributions.

Dated: September 30, 2021
New York, New York
Exhibit A

Class 3 Senior Unsecured

Prior distributions 46.409090%

XXIII distribuzione 0.063903%

Cumulative distributuions 46.472993%
Exhibit A

Class 5 Senior Third-Party Guarantee

Prior distributions 29.178258%

XXIII distribuzione 0.041412%

Cumulative distribution 29.219670%
Exhibit B

Senior Unsecured Allowed Claims Eligible for Distributions at D22 $83,744.0 (1)

Allowed Claims Satisfied in Full & Other $0.0 (2)

Allowed Claims Participating in Voluntary Final Distribution ($20.3) (3)

Allowed Claims
Eligible for Distributionsat D23 $83,723.7 (4)

(1) "Allowed" claims as reported on Exhibit D of the Twenty-second Distribution Notice filed on March 25, 2021 (Docket No. 61102).
(2) Represents allowed claims that were satisfied in full through the combination of the primary obligor and guarantee distributions from LBHI. Also includes previously allowed claims that have been reclassified, withdrawn or reinstated subsequent to the Twenty-second Distribution.
(3) Pursuant to the Order Authorizing Final Distribution for Certain Creditors of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Granting Related Relief (Docket No. 61161), certain creditors will receive a voluntary final distribution in full and final satisfaction of these Allowed Claims concurrent with the Twenty-third Distribution.
(4) LBHI is the holder of Allowed Claims against itself of approximately $31.1 billion, including: $1.2 billion of Class 3 Claims, $25.3 billion of Class 4A Claims, $0.6 billion of Class 4B Claims, $0.2 billion of Class 5 Claims, $0.6 billion of Class 7 Claims, $1.2 billion of Class 9A Claims, and $1.9 billion of Class 9B Claims.
Exhibit B

5 Senior Third-Party Guarantee Allowed Claims Eligible for Distributions at D22 31,938.1 (1)

Allowed Claims Satisfied in Full & Other (1.0) (2)

Allowed Claims Participating in Voluntary Final Distribution (1,144.4) (3)

Allowed Claims Eligible for Distributionsat D23 30,792.7 (4)

(1) "Allowed" claims as reported on Exhibit D of the Twenty-second Distribution Notice filed on March 25, 2021 (Docket No. 61102).
(2) Represents allowed claims that were satisfied in full through the combination of the primary obligor and guarantee distributions from LBHI. Also includes previously allowed claims that have been reclassified, withdrawn or reinstated subsequent to the Twenty-second Distribution.
(3) Pursuant to the Order Authorizing Final Distribution for Certain Creditors of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Granting Related Relief (Docket No. 61161), certain creditors will receive a voluntary final distribution in full and final satisfaction of these Allowed Claims concurrent with the Twenty-third Distribution.
(4) LBHI is the holder of Allowed Claims against itself of approximately $31.1 billion, including: $1.2 billion of Class 3 Claims, $25.3 billion of Class 4A Claims, $0.6 billion of Class 4B Claims, $0.2 billion of Class 5 Claims, $0.6 billion of Class 7 Claims, $1.2 billion of Class 9A Claims, and $1.9 billion of Class 9B Claims.
Dovreste chiedere alle vostre banche come siete stati inquadrati.

Dubito che ne sappiano qualcosa nell'immediato, ma voi intanto chiedete.

Anche perchè non tutte sono allineate sulle posizioni di Banca Generali ( almeno così parrebbe ).
Bene, attendiamo nella prossima settimana anche vostri commenti o, meglio, ciò che le vostre banche balbetteranno.

Per questa settimana è tutto.

Buon weekend a tutti.
E qui si parla già della XXIV distribuzione:

"In accordance with the chapter 11 plan, which was confirmed on December 6, 2011, and subject to available funds, LBHI’s twenty-fourth distribution to creditors is anticipated to be made within 5 business days of March 30, 2022." ;);)
Twenty-Third Distribution Percentages Announced for Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

September 30, 2021

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (“LBHI”), as Plan Administrator, announced today in a court filing the percentage recovery that will be distributed on October 7, 2021 to holders of allowed claims against LBHI, excluding certain creditors that will receive final distributions as authorized by the Bankruptcy Court on July 1, 2021.

LBHI’s aggregate twenty-third distribution to unsecured creditors pursuant to its confirmed chapter 11 plan will total approximately $122.5 million, including $8.4 million in final distributions to certain creditors. This distribution consists of (1) $113.5 million of payments on account of third-party claims, which includes non-controlled affiliate claims, and (2) $9.0 million of payments between LBHI and its controlled affiliates. Cumulatively through the twenty-third distribution, LBHI and its Debtor affiliates’ total distributions to unsecured creditors will amount to approximately $128.9 billion, including (1) $95.9 billion of payments on account of third-party claims, which includes non-controlled affiliate claims, and (2) $33.0 billion of payments among the Lehman Debtors and their controlled affiliates.

In accordance with the chapter 11 plan, which was confirmed on December 6, 2011, and subject to available funds, LBHI’s twenty-fourth distribution to creditors is anticipated to be made within 5 business days of March 30, 2022.


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