Exhibit B
5 Senior Third-Party Guarantee Allowed Claims Eligible for Distributions at D22 31,938.1 (1)
Allowed Claims Satisfied in Full & Other (1.0) (2)
Allowed Claims Participating in Voluntary Final Distribution (1,144.4) (3)
Allowed Claims Eligible for Distributionsat D23 30,792.7 (4)
(1) "Allowed" claims as reported on Exhibit D of the Twenty-second Distribution Notice filed on March 25, 2021 (Docket No. 61102).
(2) Represents allowed claims that were satisfied in full through the combination of the primary obligor and guarantee distributions from LBHI. Also includes previously allowed claims that have been reclassified, withdrawn or reinstated subsequent to the Twenty-second Distribution.
(3) Pursuant to the Order Authorizing Final Distribution for Certain Creditors of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Granting Related Relief (Docket No. 61161), certain creditors will receive a voluntary final distribution in full and final satisfaction of these Allowed Claims concurrent with the Twenty-third Distribution.
(4) LBHI is the holder of Allowed Claims against itself of approximately $31.1 billion, including: $1.2 billion of Class 3 Claims, $25.3 billion of Class 4A Claims, $0.6 billion of Class 4B Claims, $0.2 billion of Class 5 Claims, $0.6 billion of Class 7 Claims, $1.2 billion of Class 9A Claims, and $1.9 billion of Class 9B Claims.