Pharma e Biotech - Europa NicOx : Quelli che aspettano ,,,, ridendo !!! (1 Viewer)

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doctor NO

NO nel DNA
Cerco di contenere la mia incaxxatura ...

Ragazzi mg ci ha fregato dimenticandosi dei piccoli che o hanno salvato in age+ago.

Veramente una manovra da manuale ... :wall::down::-o

credi davvero????????????????? avresti preferito una partnership con milestones da elemosina:(:( o giocare le nbostre carte con soldi in cassa e spuntare di più????????????? Le biotech faranno sempre degli AK per crescere!!!!!!!!!!!!Tutte queste società sono nate con pochi milioni di titoli per andare ad oltre un miliardo di azioni negli anni successivi per permettere la loro crescita;);) se non riesci a sopportare AK nel corso delgi anni vuol dire che hai sbagliato investimento:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: siamo ad un punto di svolta ed in piena metamorfosi:):) per quanto riguarda la manovra da manuale aspetterei la fine delle operazioni per giudicare il tutto:cool:

doctor NO

NO nel DNA
NEWS : Celebrex Withdrawal

Auj. à 15:10
Monday 23rd November 2009

The possibility of a Celebrex withdrawal has been a subject of nationwide interest ever since the recall of Vioxx, a similar drug, in September 2004. Both Celebrex and Vioxx are prescription drugs belonging to the class of COX-2 selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These drugs have been prescribed to millions of people to treat the pain associated with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, primary dysmenorrhea, and other chronic pain conditions. Numerous clinical studies have shown that the use of COX-2 selective NSAIDs increase cardiovascular risks.

Vioxx was recalled voluntarily by its maker, Merck, when studies indicated that people taking Vioxx for eighteen months are two times more likely to suffer from a heart attack or stroke, compared to the general population. Pfizer, the makers of Celebrex, announced in mid-December 2004 that clinical trials revealed similar risks for Celebrex users. Trial participants who had been taking 400 milligram doses of Celebrex were 2.5 times more likely to suffer cardiovascular effects, and those taking 800 milligrams were 3.4 times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke.

Despite similar findings, Pfizer has made no indication that they plan to issue a Celebrex withdrawal. A Celebrex withdrawal would take this arguably defective drug off the market permanently, mitigating the cardiovascular effects that may be suffered by current Celebrex users. Though a Celebrex withdrawal has not occurred yet, several steps have been taken to potentially reduce the number of people who are taking this prescription painkiller.

FDA officials have suggested that physicians begin prescribing alternatives to Celebrex. By the end of December 2004, new prescription Celebrex sales were down fifty-six percent. In the absence of a voluntary Celebrex withdrawal, the FDA has also ordered Pfizer to halt all mass media marketing of Celebrex. The FDA has stated that Pfizer has overstated the benefits and underestimated the risks associated with Celebrex use through commercial advertisements.

In an effort to further determine the cardiovascular risks associated with Celebrex use, the National Institutes of Health has ordered an official review of forty agency-sponsor Celebrex clinical trials. Clinical researchers nationwide have suspending trials involving Celebrex use in anticipation of a Celebrex withdrawal and because of serious side effect worries. The FDA has also announced that they will hold a three-day hearing in February 2005 to discuss the risks and benefits of all COX-2 selective prescription painkillers.

Without a Celebrex withdrawal, patients are still at risk of suffering serious cardiovascular side effects because of Celebrex use. A class action lawsuit has already been filed against Pfizer on behalf of all Americans who have taken Celebrex. Experts predict that with or without a Celebrex withdrawal, more product liability tort lawsuits will follow. If you are concerned about a Celebrex withdrawal, you may wish to talk to your doctor about your concerns. If you are interested in learning more about your legal rights and options, please contact us to confer with a qualified and experienced attorney.

rammentate quello che vi dico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tra otto mesi ne rimarrà uno solo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BEST


Forumer storico
Per favore vi chiedo un po' piu' di obiettivita' ...

E' nell'interesse di tutti ed in questo momento e fino a prova contraria, fsi a parte, mg non sta facendo i nostri interessi ...

Non vorrei ci fosse qualcosa di poco chiaro ...


Forumer storico
super trugno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

i fondi non escono poco per volta ma liquidano tutto!!!!!!!!!!Le discese attuali sono a scalini tutti i giorni meno 2-3-4% una specie di strizzapalle automatico che fa morire sul nascere ogni tentativo di risalita , um qualcosa che demoralizzi e che faccia vendere quelli come te caro GULY:D:D:D:D

certo ma questi sono fondi furbi,non stupidi come quelli ceh conosci tu,vendono un po'al giorno altrimenti facessero come dici tu il prezzo crolla e sono costretti a vendere a prezzi piu' bassi,invece cosi' lavorano giorno dopo giorno,con calma,fanno prima rientrare un po' di polli e poi giu' a rivendere a man bassa.mica so' cretini,dicono a roma
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