Utente Rivetto:
BMPS tier 2 10nc5
** Monte dei Paschi di Siena EUR bmk 10NC5 Tier 2: IPTs 5.75% area ***
Issuer: Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. (Ticker: MONTE)
Issuer Rating: B3 by Moody’s / B by Fitch / B (High) by DBRS
Exp. Issue Rating: Caa2 by Moody’s / CCC+ by Fitch
Notes: Fixed Rate Reset Callable Subordinated (Tier 2 capital for regulatory capital purposes)
Status of the Notes

ubordinated Notes (notes intended to qualify as Tier 2 capital, as further defined in the Documentation)
Format: Reg S, bearer form, no communications with or into the US, no sales to Canada
Size: EUR Benchmark
Coupon: From the Settlement Date to but excluding the Issuer Call Date the Coupon shall be [●]% fixed rate p.a. payable annually in arrears on the Interest Payment Dates, and shall reset at the Issuer Call Date at the prevailing mid swap rate plus the First Margin
5.75% area
First Margin: [•]bps
Settlement: 18 January 2018
Maturity: 18 January 2028
Issuer’s Call: One time optional call on [18] January 2023 (the Issuer Call Date) at par, subject to regulatory approval
Regulatory Call: At par at Issuer’s option, upon occurrence of a Capital Event (Notes are or would be excluded in whole or in part from Tier 2 Capital of the Issuer and/or the Group), subject to regulatory approval
Tax call: At par, in case of additional amounts to be paid by the Issuer upon imposition of withholding tax, subject to regulatory approval
Non-Viability: Contractual recognition of statutory loss absorption powers
Listing: Luxembourg Stock Exchange Regulated Market
Denoms: EUR100k x EUR1k
Docs: EUR 50,000,000,000 Debt Issuance Programme with Base Prospectus dated 15 December 2017 and supplemented on 29 December 2017
Governing Law: English law except for subordination conditions which shall be governed by Italian law
Target Market/PRIIPs:Manufacturer target market (MIFID II product governance) is eligible counterparties and professional clients only (all distribution channels). No PRIIPs key information document (KID) has been prepared as not available to retail in EEA
Global Coordinators:GSI / Mediobanca
Joint Bookrunners: BofAML/Barclays/GSI/JPM (B&D)/Mediobanca/MPSCS/UBS
Timing: Books open. Today’s business.
Fees: A fee will be paid to the Bookrunners on this transaction