FTSE Mib Futures Operatività Indici & Futures - gio 13 nov 2008 (2 lettori)


Forumer storico
Bhe! sono 3 giorni che parte verdone e finisce roscio.
Ciortyk che diceva? Può fare +5 como - 5, mettece na pezza....


Forumer storico
Notissie :

Nov. 13 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks drifted between gains and losses as a jump in initial jobless claims and growing concern that the financial crisis is hurting demand for computer products offset an advance in energy shares.
Dell Inc., the second-biggest maker of personal computers, lost 4 percent as it was added to Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s ``conviction sell'' list. Intel Corp., whose chips run more than three-quarters of the world's computers, sank as much as 3.6 percent after saying demand was ``significantly weaker'' across its product line. Exxon Mobil Corp. climbed more than 2 percent on oil's rebound from a 21-month low.
Four stocks retreated for every three that rose on the New York Stock Exchange. The Standard & Poor's 500 lost 0.1 percent to 851.67 at 10:09 a.m. in New York. The Dow Jones Industrial Average retreated 24.61 points, 0.3 percent, to 8,258.05. The Nasdaq Composite Index declined 1.2 percent to 1,480.67.
``It's clear that in October a whole lot of business and consumer purchasing decisions were simply deferred,'' Michael Shinnick, a money manager at 1st Source Investment Advisors in South Bend, Indiana, said on Bloomberg Television. Intel's forecast reduction ``is pretty dramatic.''
This week's declines in the S&P 500 left the benchmark for U.S. equities within 0.5 percent of a five-year low. Stocks tumbled yesterday as the U.S. Treasury's plan to use bailout funds to shore up consumer lending and Best Buy Co.'s warning of a ``seismic'' slowdown in spending stoked concern the credit crisis is far from over.
More than $29 trillion has been erased from the value of global equity markets this year and the S&P 500 is down 42 percent as credit losses and writedowns neared $950 billion at global banks and insurers. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development today cut its 2009 global forecast for the second time this year and urged governments to take more measures to fight a recession.

Meglio non tradurre.....:eek:


Forumer storico
Vieni vieni ...:eplus::perfido::sorpresa:

Vieni vieni....Solo a pecorelle si fatte.

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