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ciao Rommel....copio e incollo dal sito che consulto quotidianamente (o quasi)....alla fine ci sono dei tg.
(Kitco News) - The unrest in the Mideast is flaring again, sharing the news spotlight with the tragedy in Japan, and that is expected to underpin gold prices going into next week. Sterling J. Smith, commodity trading adviser and market analyst with Country Hedging, said after gold’s break earlier this week on the devastation in Japan, the market is ready to rebound. Gold did not act as a safe-haven during the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear worries. Prices fell during the early part of the week and analysts attributed the break to investors selling gold to raise cash in order to shore up positions in other markets that were falling after the news in Japan. By Friday, gold rebounded with other markets. “There’s a little bit more risk appetite coming back into the macro theater and gold is benefitting from that,” Smith said. April gold futures prices on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange settled at $1,416.10 an ounce, down 0.4% on the week. May silver settled at $35.058 an ounce, down 2.44%. “We’ve come back nicely. We went down to $1,380 and people are willing to buy breaks. It’s still a bull market, although a more mature bull market,” said Frank Lesh, futures analyst at FuturePath Trading. The most supportive factor for gold has been the unrest in the Middle East, Lesh said. Gold prices saw an uptick after the United Nations Security Council authorized Thursday a ”no-fly” zone in Libya that included “all necessary measures” to enforce the decision. By Friday morning U.S. time, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi declared a cease-fire on its attacks on rebels seeking out oust him from more than four decades of power. Following the announcement, gold prices slipped from earlier levels. Even though there is a cease-fire in Libya, violent protests have broken out in Yemen, where the government has declared a state of emergency, and Smith said there are plenty of other events for gold to help “fill the void.” “With the tensions in the Middle East, it’s like playing ‘Whack-a-mole.’ (Tensions) settle in one region, only to pop up in another,” he said. Currency volatility also underpinned gold, Lesh said. Central banks intervened jointly to stop the rise of the Japanese yen, the first time in 10 years, a move that was expected. Meanwhile the dollar has turned back down, supporting gold and other commodities. “People are still using gold as an international currency,” he said. Over the course of the month, Smith expects gold to rise to the $1,470 to $1,480 level. Goldman Sachs said Friday in a research note that the pullback in gold prices following the devastation in Japan offers investors a chance to buy the yellow metal at lower prices. They said gold prices should continue to rally and they are maintaining their three-month target of $1,480. Rich DeFalco, president, West Cooper Asset Management, also is looking for $1,480 in the next three months, calling himself “totally bullish right now.” ho una mia posizione, forse non condivisibile ma....tant'è...non prendo posizione su qualsiasi strumento collegato/collegabile alla situazione in Jap. (tipo etf o altri derivati).
Diverso è il discorso in Libia, Yemen etc... là un discorso sul crude SE sarà il caso si può impostare..insomma le due cose le vedo in ottica diversa. IMO
Più che altro me lo auguro. Ho stoppato 3/4 della posizione, risparmiandomi di prendere una figura e mezza nei denti. Aspetto 1.42-1.4230 per rientrare short. Oppure dei segnali di cedimento.
Più che altro me lo auguro. Ho stoppato 3/4 della posizione, risparmiandomi di prendere una figura e mezza nei denti. Aspetto 1.42-1.4230 per rientrare short. Oppure dei segnali di cedimento.